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Subject: Small but annoying things

Posted by: darthdragon
Date: Sep 29 07

What small and stupid thing has recently gotten your goat?

Mine would be spell checks that never give you the right suggestion for what you want even though you only barely misspelled something.

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rockstar51 star

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When you're finally able to exchange that 'Q' (along with another ghastly letter) in the Word Wizard Mini Game, and you receive a 'U' in exchange.

Reply #4101. Jun 25 23, 2:34 AM
MariaVerde star

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My mom texted me to say the pool was ready to swim.

The sky darkened, thunder followed. Par for the course - over the last 40 odd years opening the pool medians thunderstorms, a temperature drop, or both.

Reply #4102. Jun 25 23, 7:12 PM
Cymruambyth star

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Kip1USA. dare I ask if your picky-eater is a member of the family/ If so, I guess it's grin and bear it. If not, start serving what he won't eat and he'll leave in short order.

Reply #4103. Jun 25 23, 9:18 PM
Kip1Usa star
He's not a family member. He's taking care of his own food now, mostly by going out to eat. He likes oatmeal for breakfast every day, but he didn't like what he made for himself, and he didn't like what I made. So he goes out for breakfast and pays $10 for a bowl of oatmeal. He's finally found a local place where he likes their oatmeal (after trying restaurants as far as 40 miles away!), but he doesn't like their sugar(!) so he brings his own brown sugar in a plastic bag. If I were a writer, he would make an interesting character in a book, so I'm trying to look at him that way.

Reply #4104. Jun 25 23, 11:13 PM
rockstar51 star

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I had ghastly letters in the Word Wizard mini game. OKIIIBSAOG. I wanted to get rid of 2 of those I's, so I turned in "sago" expecting to be left with OKIIIB, but instead I was left with KIIIBO. This isn't the first time this has happened to me where the game has used a newer letter rather than the older one. I find it really annoying.

Reply #4105. Jun 30 23, 3:53 AM
brm50diboll star

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When your Medium Challenge for the day is actually more difficult than the Epic Challenge you drew that day.

How could that possibly happen, you ask?

Today my Medium Challenge was to beat a score of 948 points in the Mixed Game. I also happened to draw an Epic Challenges today. My Epic Challenge was a Triple Red Flag Epic Challenge (Improvement). It was to beat a score of 946 in the Mixed Game. Good grief!

No problem, by the way. On my first play of the Mixed Game today after looking at my Daily Challenges, I scored 950.

Still, something is wrong with the way the difficulty levels are set. In my opinion, Medium Challenges are frequently too hard.

Reply #4106. Jul 07 23, 9:46 AM
Gumby1967 star

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When you follow all FunTrivia advice, submit a polite question about Gold Membership, are advised that someboby will respond in a few days, and three weeks later you have received no response or acknowledgement.

Reply #4107. Jul 09 23, 6:17 PM

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I've sent you a message :-)

Reply #4108. Jul 09 23, 6:55 PM
Gumby1967 star

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Thanks postie
I have replied.

Reply #4109. Jul 09 23, 7:04 PM
Gumby1967 star

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I would like to Thank Editor "postie" for escalating my annoyance to the Admin Team.

Reply #4110. Jul 10 23, 6:16 AM

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Hi Gumby. You were sent a reply to your Contact Us note back in early June but your email system may have eaten it. Anyway, I've sent you a Direct Message about it, including a copy of what Terry said, so please check your mailbox.


Reply #4111. Jul 10 23, 8:54 AM
Gumby1967 star

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Thanks flopsy
To hear that the "Great Trivia Man" personally responded is awesome.
I still don't know why I didn't receive it, but am happy you have passed it on to me. Problem Solved!
I am not annoyed anymore.
All the Best!

Reply #4112. Jul 10 23, 9:33 PM

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Two irritating things for the price of one:

1. When you're waiting in for an Amazon order that you have to sign for and the delivery guy barely scratches at the door then disappears as fast as the Cheshire Cat's grin - but still has time to send you an email saying "you weren't home, I'll try later" so now you have to wait in for the rest of the day wailing "I was home!"

2. But why, when you're expecting a not-at-all-urgent delivery that doesn't need a signature, does the next delivery man knock loudly, ring the bell five times, and knock again as though he's surrounded by bandits all anxious to steal the plumbing fitting you ordered - while you're in the middle of playing the GM Madness game with its notoriously fierce time penalties? If that's not irritating I don't know what is!

Reply #4113. Jul 16 23, 9:17 AM
Cymruambyth star

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Oh, I hear you FlopsyMopsy!
I use a mail-order pharmacy to get my prescriptions which are supposed to be delivered to my door by Canada Post. My problem isn't with the pharmacy which is aces! It's Canada Post that's the villain in this piece. They are supposed to deliver to my door for my signature. The past four times, instead of delivering at my door, they've dropped a note in my mailbox (seventeen floors below me!) to let me know that I can pick-up and sign for my meds at the post office in the drug store two blocks away. As one who suffers from COPD and can't walk 500 yards without puffing like a grampus (what the heck is a grampus, anyway?), this is annoying. Not as annoying the summer when the sidewalks are clear, but in a Manitoba winter (usually at least six months long) humping one's walker over ice and snow is not going to be fun!

Reply #4114. Jul 17 23, 3:53 PM

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And with the smoky summer we’ve been having, summer is not so great for taking a walk either!

Speaking of which…..I’ve been having some breathing difficulty the last few days but figured it was smoke related. Until last night when I was taking my asthma meds and noticed the counter was at zero. Wonder how long it’s been empty? (It’s a little contraption that has you breathe in a measured dose of powder, then you work the switch and it loads up the next dose. Or not, if there is none left! )

Reply #4115. Jul 19 23, 7:34 PM
rubytops star

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The way a lot of people especially on TV quiz shows pronounce the letter H when they have to spell out a word with that letter in it. People oftenpronounce it haitch when it should be pronounced aitch.

Reply #4116. Jul 20 23, 10:52 AM
Cymruambyth star

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Rubytops, that's one I share with you - always makes think of 'The Rain in Spain' and it's great line "in 'artford, 'ereford and 'ampshire 'urricanes 'ardly hever 'appen".

I also get annoyed with those who use 'literally' when they should use 'figuratively'.

Reply #4117. Jul 22 23, 8:43 AM
Upstart3 star

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The use of haitch used to bother me terribly, but it's the normal way a lot of communities speak, for instance in Northern Ireland, where it is a shibboleth, and so I learned to accept it.

Reply #4118. Jul 22 23, 10:11 AM

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It's also Lunnon, innit? Like 'ow me ol' dad tokked. He would put an Haitch where there was none or where one was usually dropped. However, he would also drop them off most places where they should have been.

As a result, my tomato plants all speak with a cockney accent, or they would if they could speak. My father was ex-Navy and could tie complicated knots behind his back and twice on Sundays - and he taught me. So, every few days throughout the summer, I mutter "rahnd turn and two 'alf 'itches" as I tie fast-growing plants to stakes taller than I am. I swear I can only tie knots with that accent!

Reply #4119. Jul 22 23, 11:28 AM
MiraJane star

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Regional accents don't bother me. What bothers me more is that they are being lost along with regional words (couch vs. sofa vs. divan vs. Chesterfield vs. you get the drift), sayings, and languages. Nation and worldwide access to the same television shows and movies where speech is delivered in the most accentless speech obtainable. We are losing our cultural identities.

Reply #4120. Jul 22 23, 1:35 PM

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