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Subject: The Official Share a Story Thread

Posted by: Terry
Date: Aug 24 12

If you are directed here by a FunTrivia challenge, please reply ONLY in this thread for the challenge. Only posts made here will count towards your challenge!

[ And no, you will be DIRECTED to come here. Posting here without having an already issued challenge will not result in anything! Still, you can post a story if you feel like it anyway ;) ]

If sent here, the title says it all. Your challenge is to share a story.

Tell us, briefly, about something funny or interesting that has happened to you recently. Or something sad. Or something scary. Or something exciting. Something funny or strange you saw?

If nothing funny or interesting or scary or exciting has happened, then write us a poem. Or a song. Or tell us a joke.

Or just tell us what you did today. Did all you accomplish was to brush your teeth? Did you fail to even do that? Do share...

Feeling grumpy today? Tell us what irritates you. What TV show can't you stand? What TV show are you watching that you like?

So go ahead, we're listening. The only rules are that you be polite and follow our very simple rules up above.

Tell us a story...

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turtle52 star

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My partner and I own a small 4WD motorhome and spend 3 or 4 months each year travelling Australia, picking a new destination each time. Last year we spent 6 months circumnavigating the country and filling in some of the places we'd missed on previous trips. The west coast is fantastic! We usually head north for the winter but this year we've stayed closer to home for our grandkids.

Reply #41. Sep 24 12, 5:43 PM
matthewpokemon star

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I found this in the paper this morning:

Children tell it how it is

The other night,out of nowhere, my just turned 7 year old daughter asks, 'Mum, were you adopted?'
'Yes' I say. 'Do you know what that means?'
'That you were second hand'

Reply #42. Sep 24 12, 6:47 PM
A scrawny little black cat followed me home from school years ago. When I went off to college, it stayed home with mom. When that cat sensed a snake, it would rush ahead of mom and criss-cross her path, meowing, putting itself between the snake and my mom.

Reply #43. Sep 24 12, 8:13 PM
rossian star

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I saw The Beatles live in Cheltenham. I was still at school at the time, and remember being a little unimpressed. They weren't even top of the bill (I think Helen Shapiro may have been) and it was just before they really hit the big time. I thought they were a bit boring - just standing there and singing - no dancing around or talking. Little did I know!

Reply #44. Sep 25 12, 12:20 AM
Collybird star

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When my brother was little we were playing 'I Spy', he had us stumped on 'something beginning with F'.

After several minutes of failed guessing he finally announced the answer was 'Thumper', our chat.

Unfortunately his habit of pronouncing 'TH' as 'F' continues to this day, long after 'Fumper' has gone to pussycat heaven!

Reply #45. Sep 25 12, 4:26 AM
lmoodie101 star

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I got his joke from a friend:
A man sat in a bar, staring at the drink in front of him. After watching him for ages, another man walks up to him, snatches his drink, and finishes it in a few seconds. The first man bursts into tears.
The second man assures him that it was just a joke, and that he would replace the drink, to which he receives the following reply:
"This is the worst day of my life. I woke up late, got to the office, and my furious boss fired me. I walked back to my car, and when I couldn't find it, realised that it had been stolen. The police said that there was nothing that they could do. I caught a cab home, and paid with the change in my pocket. When I got inside, I realised that I had left my wallet with all my cash and cards in the cab. The cab driver had already left. I went upstairs to share my misfortune with my wife, but found a note to say that she had run away with my best friend. And then just as I'm contemplating putting an end to it all, you walk up and drink my glass of poison..."

Reply #46. Sep 25 12, 5:01 AM
CmdrK star

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I was lucky enough to get free tickets to the NASCAR race this past Sunday in Loudon, N.H. It was a great day to be outside: cool, clear - typical New England autumn weather. One of the best parts (because none of my favorite drivers won) was a fly-over (at about 1,000 feet) by a U.S. Air Force B-52 bomber. The races always have fly-overs by military jets but this is the first time I remember a B-52 doing one. And since it would have had to come from Louisiana or Montana, it was doubly impressive.

Reply #47. Sep 25 12, 7:03 AM
For the first time in months, my apartment is not a complete pig sty. Thanks to my mother coming over on Saturday and not only pitching in, but giving me direction - that's what I needed, if it was just me, I would have done one or two small things then wandered off to watch TV. I baked my mom a pumpkin bread on Sunday as a thank you, but I failed to notice that the recipe called for baking soda until after it was in the oven. So, it wasn't great. I have leftover pumpkin in the fridge, I'll have to make another one.

Reply #48. Sep 25 12, 2:48 PM
Qmel star

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My life on Iowa os great, but there are number of misconceptions I must clear up...I have never tipped a cow, not all Iowans live on a farm, in fact, I do not live on a farm.

But if you are bored with the weather wait five minutes...normally.

Reply #49. Sep 25 12, 5:22 PM
Matthew_07 star

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I watched a video on Youtube a while ago. The clip was taken from the show "Family Feud". The host asked, "Name something that you feel before you buy it." One of the contestants pressed the buzzer, and answered, "Excited". :)

Well, not technically wrong either.

Reply #50. Sep 26 12, 12:05 AM
milesprower18 star
When I was younger I saw a gigantic opossum. It was twice as big as any other one I had ever seen. It was on my porch eating some leftover cat food. I ran inside and got a grilled hotdog, and tossed the pieces to the opossum (that me and my dad named Rex). It got closer and closer to me as it ate the food on the ground, until finally it was almost at my feet. I bent down a little, and slowly held out a dog bone I had. The opossum looked up at me with its beady little eyes, and then slowly and very carefully took the dog treat without ever touching my hand. Dangerous? Yes. Stupid? Probably. But it made me very happy then, and is something I will never forget.

Reply #51. Sep 26 12, 12:22 AM
bucknallbabe star

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And that reminds me of the time I nearly dined on opossum. When living in Liberia, meat was hard to come by and the young man who helped me in the house had some money available to buy some if the opportunity arose. I was thinking if they killed a cow or sold a chicken so I was rather taken aback when he proudly told me he had spent six dollars on an opossum. Apart from the fact I didn't actually fancy it as food, it was too big for one so, as it was his birthday, I said he could cook it for a party. The following day, my "garden" was full of people feasting on opossum and rice - there was none left for me at all. The party was in full swing when all of a sudden people leapt from their chairs screaming and ran away - there was a column of driver ants working their way through the grass. The next bit is a bit unpleasant. The ants invaded my latrine and carried off all the cockroaches and babies that had made it their home - it took them six months to reestablish their colony which made my life a little more pleasant.

Reply #52. Sep 26 12, 2:07 AM
Trooper2196 star
When in the army stationed in Germany it was the usual norm to get up to some kind of mischief at the weekend when to much alcohol had been consumed.On this occasion two troopers lifted a drunken guy, still in his bed out of the ground floor window and placed him on the regimental square. He woke up as the sunday morning guard mounting was in progress, he waited untill the guard marched off then ran back to the barrack block.Just as well because the Regimental Orderly Sargeant turned up to arrest whoever was in the bed.

Reply #53. Sep 26 12, 2:32 AM
Dave42007 star

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In New Zealand we call ourselves Kiwis, this is because our national bird is the kiwi. The kiwi is not found anywhere else in the world, although there was a report last year (March 2011) that a kiwi had been found in the city of Sochi, Russia which is on the Black Sea coast. The bird turned out (not surprisingly) to be not a kiwi but a bittern.

We also export a lot of fruit to the rest of the world and one of these fruit was renamed from Chinese gooseberry to kiwifruit in New Zealand in the 1950's. This was done so our trading partners who had an aversion to China and communism would not associate those with the fruit. But in recent years some people have started calling kiwifruit kiwis. In New Zealand if you told someone you were about to eat a kiwi the two likely interpretations are both illegal and immoral, because the kiwi is an endangered and legally protected animal and cannibalism is no longer permitted here either. So if you know of people selling kiwis maybe you might like to share this information with them.

Reply #54. Sep 26 12, 3:01 AM
Emma058 star

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While I was studying abroad for a year in Switzerland, I had exited at the wrong bus stop. I asked someone for directions to "Place du Tunnel". I asked first in French. No response from the person. Then in German, still no response from the person. By this time, I was getting frustrated, so I muttered, under my breath, " what @#$% language do you speak?"
Needless, to say, the person answered, English.

Reply #55. Sep 26 12, 6:12 AM
Dee30 star

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My story could be sad and also enriching at the same time.
This month my hubby suffered two strokes one week apart and has passed on to heaven. The family was shocked at how fast our lives have been changed. But we saw a miracle happen and that is sustaining us. Although he was paralyzed on both sides and Dr. said he could not move or talk,he could hear us so we shared things with him and sang to him and read scriptures. In the last hours he opened his eyes (which he had not been able to do for weeks) wide and looked at us, he squeezed my hand and tried to speak but only could let a groan as he looked at me. I believe that this was something given to us as a family to help us through his leaving us. Our God has blessed beyond any earthy ability of humans. So while we miss him daily we feel blessed that he went peacefully and
we were able to see each other one more time. A tip for you all is that you love one another the best you can each day as we never know when our time on earth is up. Never take things for granted as it can change in an instant.

Reply #56. Sep 26 12, 8:25 AM
daver852 star

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Don't know if this is really a story, but I was called by the Gallup Poll last night. I guess they really do talk to people and don't just make up numbers.

Reply #57. Sep 26 12, 9:21 AM
Tekka star

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My favorite teacher in elementary school wrote this poem in my autograph book many years ago:

There was an owl lived in an oak
The more he saw the less he spoke
The less he spoke the more he heard
He was indeed a wise old bird.

Reply #58. Sep 26 12, 9:40 AM
Smudge111 star

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This is a true story and when I retell it to others it always gets a laugh. Some years ago i was working in a pub called the 'Pickwick',(formerly The Witches Broom) in Charlton, London. One saturday at lunchtime a chap walked in, who we found out later, had just recently moved into the area. He walked up to the bar a bought a half of lager and stood quietly drinking. he then enquired how much the rolls were, there were various rolls Ham, Cheese etc and he was told they were 80p each. He suddenly lay on the floor and proceeded to roll around. after he got up he put 80p on the counter and thanked the barmaid saying he had enjoyed that tremendously. He became a regular at the pub and the story was told many times. I'd never seen anything like that before or since.
It reminded me of the episode in 'Only Fools and Horses' when after selling the watch for several million pounds Rodney bought Delboy a Rolls Royce and in the evening when celebrating their new found wealth at the local Delboy offered to buy the sandwiches because Rodney had bought the rolls.

Reply #59. Sep 26 12, 12:04 PM
George95 star

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Even though I do not live in the United States, I'm already fed up with this election. I visited the Washington area this summer, and I guess Virginia, where we stayed, is a big battleground state, or something, because every second ad on the TV was how so-and-so was bringing change, and help to the economy.

Here in Ontario, I've seen at least 7 or 8 cars, some even Canadian license plates with bumper stickers for one of the two candidates. How do you Americans put up with all of this? In Canada, our federal elections don't come up in the news until three months before, not two years, when there is an election to determine the candidate for the real election.

Reply #60. Sep 26 12, 4:27 PM

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