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Subject: immortal badge

Posted by: susandarn
Date: Jun 13 14

Hi there.... I am just an average player but trying for this badge..any tips?

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flopsymopsy star

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MiraJane: "If you scored 8/10, how can you compare that to 5/10?"

Oh for goodness sake. If the number of advancement points changed in line with the number of correct answers it makes sense that there would be a different number/amount for 8/10 and for 10/10.

However, in the hope of resolving this once and for all (though I have my doubts that will happen) I've just taken today's Braintwist and scored 5/10. And I got exactly the same amount of advancement as I did the other day when I got 10/10. So there is no difference. None. Nada. Nichts!

Reply #61. Jun 17 14, 11:26 AM
I know you can't but I wanted to work my way down to the 5/10 just incase there was a difference. :-p

Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode - 7 out of 10.

Reply #62. Jun 17 14, 11:35 AM
Well, my experiment is ruined now. Thanks! ;-)

Reply #63. Jun 17 14, 11:37 AM
skydude13579 star

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When I play it doesn't make a difference whether I score 5 or 10 on the Brain Twist. It advances by the same amount.

Reply #64. Jun 17 14, 11:43 AM
postcards2go star

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The following is the text after taking the Twist, whether one scores 5/10, or 10/10, or anything in-between:

"Congratulations! You scored over half right -- you get today's bonus points in the global challenge + 200 Fun Trivia points."

It does *not* say, "a 'percentage' of today's bonus points."

Reply #65. Jun 17 14, 11:58 AM
satguru star

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The brain twist either qualifies for advancement or not (50%) so the score only counts on some daily challenges, otherwise you get it or not. But always try and get them all as you never know on some of the tougher logic ones so don't let your focus slip.

Otherwise the try and play every game is the best advice. That means you can get an average of about 1000 and get immortal almost certainly (when I've looked at previous scoreboards on the records) whereas if your average is over 1100 and you miss some it's a lot harder to catch up. More so in hard core of course where the average isn't quite as important as you miss the whole lot when you get under ten so won't register. There you can only do your best but really relies on dropping as few games as possible by not scoring enough, meaning you should aim to play them all whenever able. But for both consistency is the key and that means every brain twist as they advance quite a lot, and all the impossibles.

Reply #66. Jun 17 14, 12:37 PM
Nobody is talking about the bonus points here. Those were tossed out the window a long time ago because they don't count for advancement and the original post was asking about ways for an average player to increase their chances of making "Immortal". A statement was made that you get more percentage advancement from it within a Division if you score 10/10 instead of 5/10. And this statement was said to have come from the esteemed Wesley Crusher. I figured that if he said it, then it was more than likely correct. Even when my limited experience was telling me otherwise. My original post way back there somewhere said that I had always thought that Brain Twist was scored on a pass/fail system and that it didn't matter how many you got correct as long as you got at least 5/10. All this back and forth is probably making things even more confusing for any newcomer looking through this thread for advice.

Reply #67. Jun 17 14, 1:31 PM
"Otherwise the try and play every game is the best advice."

This is always my primary advice for anyone trying for the Immortal and Hardcore Champ Badges because not everybody can or will play every set throughout the Global Challenge. If you at least try to play all of them, everything else will usually take care of itself. The other thing I would tell somebody is to make sure your Brain Twist score is high enough to count each time you play it. That means getting at least 5/10 or better...or at least it does to me.

Reply #68. Jun 17 14, 1:40 PM
kaddarsgirl star

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Postcards2go's comment about percentage of bonus points refers to the "bonus points in the global challenge", not the "200 Fun Trivia points" - meaning that no matter how many you score, as long you get at least a 5/10, you get the same advancement in the GC.

Reply #69. Jun 17 14, 2:26 PM
satguru star

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I only meant the brain twist score regarding advancement, unless something's recently changed I have missed then brain twist is always a pass/fail regardless. I just played to check and the only change I can see is every player gets 200 points now rather than just contributing towards the global. If you thought I meant anything else then I didn't, just global advancement from the brain twist.

Reply #70. Jun 17 14, 2:44 PM
Yes, I can see now that I misread Post's post.

"...meaning that no matter how many you score, as long you get at least a 5/10, you get the same advancement in the GC."

This what I've been saying for this whole thread.

Reply #71. Jun 17 14, 3:41 PM
"If you thought I meant anything else then I didn't"

No, I didn't mean you satguru. We all know that guru's know their stuff. :)

I was just reading faster than my brain could process the words.

Reply #72. Jun 17 14, 3:45 PM
flopsymopsy star

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Don't worry, Mr Wolf, I'm sure we're all very confused. My Lucky Duck is so confused he's gone quackers!

Reply #73. Jun 17 14, 3:52 PM
raffucci star

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This is very confusing. All I do is play and hope I do well.

Reply #74. Jun 17 14, 4:32 PM
"Don't worry, Mr Wolf, I'm sure we're all very confused. My Lucky Duck is so confused he's gone quackers!"

Thanks, I don't think that there's anything else I could add to the conversation anyway. So, I've got somebody coming to wheel me back to my padded room. I always request extra padding because it makes me feel safer. :-p

Reply #75. Jun 17 14, 5:02 PM
lizarddrinking star

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Yeah - agree with the consensus. My experience is definitely that Brain Twist gives the same advancement as long as you score at least 5/10. Seems a bit sad, though. It could be an opportunity to move up a bit if it was graduated. And some of them are pretty tough at times, so seems funny that if you apply yourself and take the time to sort it out it really makes no difference...

Reply #76. Jun 17 14, 5:11 PM
"So it seems funny that if you apply yourself and take the time to sort it out, it really makes no difference..."

This statement could apply to a large part of life, not just the Brain Twist. :)

Reply #77. Jun 17 14, 5:35 PM

player avatar
The Brain Twist does not award any different point numbers towards GC advancement based on score. You pass (and get the points) or fail (and get nothing).

8/10 and 10/10 scores are used only towards certain badges but don't affect the GC.

Reply #78. Jun 17 14, 5:48 PM
Thank you.

Reply #79. Jun 17 14, 6:40 PM
MiraJane star

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Okay. Then I muddled up who told me. I'll go yell at Him.
Wesley, I'm sorry I misquoted and credited you with the wrong info.

Reply #80. Jun 17 14, 9:50 PM

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