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Subject: immortal badge

Posted by: susandarn
Date: Jun 13 14

Hi there.... I am just an average player but trying for this badge..any tips?

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lizarddrinking star

player avatar
True story, Dire.... Guess it is just a reminder that you have to consider the potential return before you choose what you apply yourself to.....Funtrivia and the lessons of life!

Reply #81. Jun 17 14, 9:56 PM
lizarddrinking star

player avatar
While I'm here just wanted to raise an issue that I wonder if others have noted. Some of the categories are a bit misleading. Two in particular I have noticed. First, Religion. Quite often (almost usually) this is purely Christianity and the Bible. That is fine, but religion I think of as considerably wider than that. Why not just label it "Christiantiy" or "the Bible"? If it is labeled "Religion" it should be a bit more, well, catholic (in the all-embracing sense). The second is "Oceania". Quite often this is only Australia, or sometimes Australia and New Zealand. I love Oz and the Kiwis, but think of Oceania as considerably wider than this (perhaps because I live in Papua New Guinea) - Vanuatu, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Kiribati, etc. These aren't major things when playing regular quizzes, but on the Global Challenge it can be a handicap unless you are really fluent with Christianity or Oz/NewZealand. I am an expert on neither, but am pretty good on Oceania in general and "other religions", so I have just given up playing either Religion or Oceania on the Challenge....

Reply #82. Jun 17 14, 10:27 PM
Buddy1 star
The reason "Religion" is mostly Christianity is because approximately 1442 of 2005 quizzes are Christianity / Bible quizzes, so you're bound to get more. Just like you're bound to get more American-related questions because there are more American-related quizzes.
I doubt the "Religion" title would change for Global Challenge, since each of the 18 titles are 18 of the 20 FunTrivia categories.

Reply #83. Jun 17 14, 10:38 PM
lizarddrinking star

player avatar
Thanks, Buddy. Should have realised that. But at least I was right about the "almost usually".... Guess it is just a matter of caveat emptor, huh?


Reply #84. Jun 17 14, 10:43 PM
flopsymopsy star

player avatar
Thank you Wesley, it's good to know I'm not completely insane.

Almost, but not completely. ;)

Lizard, as the GC progresses you'll find that in many categories the balance of the content changes. Religion is a good example of this and from levels 7/8, there seem to be more questions on religions other than Christianity. I suspect this is because the quizzes from which those questions are taken have been classed as difficult/tough so the questions don't appear until the later, more difficult, levels of the GC.

Reply #85. Jun 18 14, 4:22 AM

player avatar
Another question....why do players replay the challenge when they have previously completed the challenge? I see lots of immortals playing again and doing very well. are they competing against each other?

Because it's there, and many of us can't resist a challenge. The game stops when 30 'new' Immortals reach the level, so players (like me) who have done it before don't affect your chances.

Reply #86. Jun 18 14, 4:48 AM
Hi Lizard,

I think on those category questions you had, Buddy is right about the amount of quizzes in each category having an effect. But also you might just be getting a bad random mix of questions in your set that day. I usually get quite a few questions about Vanuatu, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji plus New Zealand and Australia whenever "Oceania" comes up in Team Heroes.

Reply #87. Jun 18 14, 7:20 AM
I don't have much good advice for winning this badge because I was never able to win it. I have come very close several times, though. As other people have already said, play as many of the games as you can. That will help you out tremendously. Best of luck to you in achieving your goal, Susandarn! :)

Reply #88. Jun 18 14, 8:06 AM
lizarddrinking star

player avatar
Thanks, all. I think Flopsy is right, there have seemed to be a few more wide-ranging questions under Religion as the game progresses - that makes sense given the difficulty level. And thanks, Dire - I will not give up on Oceania! And I guess rather than moaning I should just do a few more quizzes about Kiribati and PNG!

Reply #89. Jun 18 14, 4:34 PM
No problem. I'm curious. A lizard drinks what?

Reply #90. Jun 18 14, 5:50 PM
flopsymopsy star

player avatar
It's an Aussie saying "I'm flat out, like a lizard drinking" - meaning they're busy.

Of course they might be "busy doing nothing, working the whole day through" but I'm a Pom so I'm saying no more!

Reply #91. Jun 18 14, 6:15 PM
Thanks, I'll tuck that bit of information away somewhere for later. Might be useful if I run into a rowdy group of Aussies sometime down the road.

Reply #92. Jun 18 14, 7:35 PM
Great, had to look up what "Pom" means too. A slang term for somebody from England, thought to be taken from the phrases "Prisoner of Her Majesty" or "Prisoner of Mother England". I love learning new things but no more homework for today please, I'm kind of tired. :-O

Reply #93. Jun 18 14, 7:46 PM
lizarddrinking star

player avatar
Flopsy is right about lizard drinking - but Dire another explanation for "Pom" is that when the brits got to Australia the sun was so hot they all ended up looking like the locals called them "poms"....

Reply #94. Jun 18 14, 9:41 PM
"Flopsy is right about lizard drinking - but Dire another explanation for "Pom" is that when the brits got to Australia the sun was so hot they all ended up looking like the locals called them "poms"...."

Well, that makes sense and thanks. The source I read also said that it was not just slang but also a derogatory term. Is this still true or has the word lost that negative connotation by now?

Could also be that the Aussies just thought the Brits were "seedy" like a pomegranate and not just the sunburnt skin. :)

Reply #95. Jun 18 14, 10:30 PM
lizarddrinking star

player avatar
Ooooohh.... Dire, could be. But I wouldn't go there. Yes, it has always been a bit derogatory, but in fact it is one of those derogatory terms that has gone through a number of permutations. It is a bit schizophrenic because, you see, the term was originally used for the first European Australians. So the early European Australians saw themselves as Poms - in the sense of Prisoners of her Majesty or Prisoners of the Motherland - and turned it into a term that exemplified their pluck and strength and was worn as a kind of badge of honour. But later it got turned around again to refer to the English themselves - those who had NOT made the difficult journey and adapted to a difficult environment.

Today it is mostly used by Aussies for the English themselves. And is usually preceded, particularly when the English have won a cricket test match, by the term "bleeding" or "bloody"....said with affection, of course!!

Reply #96. Jun 18 14, 11:12 PM
I was just kidding, I wasn't trying to go there. Thanks for the explanation.

Reply #97. Jun 18 14, 11:30 PM
This thread will likely get shut down unless we find our way back to the original subject sometime soon, so we probably should.

Reply #98. Jun 18 14, 11:33 PM
lizarddrinking star

player avatar
Agreed, Dire....And to get back to the main thread, I am fairly new at actually applying myself to get to Immortal, but someone not too long ago said something about just playing the categories in which you are most comfortable, especially at the higher levels. I have taken that to heart and have been doing so, and it appears to be paying off. After all, if you are good at Geography or History, then go with it. If you can get 14 or 15 right in levels 7 8 or 9 then you will surely be ahead of the game. Then I pick my double star categories - i like Philosophy, World Geography, specific histories - selectively. But mainly playing the categories I know I know fairly well, whether they are star or double star or not....

Reply #99. Jun 19 14, 1:24 AM
lizarddrinking star

player avatar
On the line of back to the main thread, I am a relative newbie to taking Immortal seriously, and following on playing the categories you are most comfortable with I have about eight or nine - history, geography, people, humanities, literature, general, animals and a couple of others. I suck on movies, television, entertainment, etc. I have found that if you wait four or five hours into the set you can check each one for scores and see how people are doing. Sometimes History is hard - the scores are averaging around 1000 or 1100, so I tend to take a pass on it that round. But if the scores are averaging around 1250 or 1300 then I will play. I know all you veterans have figured this out long since, but maybe it is helpful to those, like me, who are relatively new to this. Of course, sometimes you have to play early and that is what it is, but if possible hang out for a bit and see what the flow is....

Reply #100. Jun 19 14, 1:48 AM

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