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Subject: Guest - just visiting

Posted by: diade68
Date: Sep 08 19

Maybe I was not paying attention in the past, but nowadays I find a lot of people just visiting the FB site and playing in all sorts of games . It made me curious why a person playing the same game ( mixed game to be precise) at least six hours in a row is not tempted to become a regular member. I am interested in your opinion, just for the sake of argument.

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terraorca star

player avatar
Perhaps they are just killing time today.

Reply #1. Sep 08 19, 1:55 PM
rockstar51 star

player avatar
How can you be sure it's the same guest?

Reply #2. Sep 09 19, 2:21 AM
diade68 star

player avatar
It caught my eye at some point and then, because I played all day mixed trivia ( for the monthly badge) I saw the same guest number over and over . Good scores , so it's not somebody trying his/her hand and not wanting to be embarrassed by low scores and not somebody without the time or willingness to visit FT every hour for at least ten hours.It is a safe site so, why not register and cash in your knowledge ? Made me curious, that's all. And yes , it's a trivial pursuit on my part but hey, we're on Fun Trivia , so ...

Reply #3. Sep 09 19, 2:47 AM
LauraMcC star

player avatar
Wow, I've been a member for over a decade (and I played often as a guest for years before that), but I never knew that guests could play some of the games. I wonder if it's new?

Anyway, I just had to log out and have a go at the mixed game as a guest, just to see, so Guest 1150 is me!

Reply #4. Sep 09 19, 3:16 AM
diade68 star

player avatar
Laura McC, I've done the same yesterday and I was guest number 6000 and some. A lot of people just visiting . Me , once I discovered FT I registered almost from the start.

Reply #5. Sep 09 19, 4:12 AM
rockstar51 star

player avatar
Year's and years ago, I asked a question on Google and the result I chose to click on, took me to a quiz on FT. I played the quiz just for fun and at the end of it, there was a message saying i could have earned all these points if I registered for that's what I did. I know at one stage guests were allowed to Duel.....but after a lot of complaints I'm not sure if that's allowed anymore.

Reply #6. Sep 09 19, 4:45 AM
i dont think guests can duel. They can play the topic mashes/mixed a
quizzes which feed the duel system and thus report on the same results page. But I dont think it counts as a duel even if they play a duel topic. I dont know this for sure but I have never seen a result on the duel page that said PlayerX vs (guest)

Reply #7. Sep 09 19, 4:52 AM
rockstar51 star

player avatar
Me either to be honest. I'm thinking of that results page that appeared after playing Topic of the Day. It used to be filled with Guests. I see it's still there, it just doesn't appear by default anymore

Reply #8. Sep 09 19, 5:25 AM
terraorca star

player avatar
Back to reply #2, the guests are assigned numbers.

Reply #9. Sep 09 19, 10:14 AM
rockstar51 star

player avatar
Thanks terraorca....I hadn't noticed that.

Reply #10. Sep 09 19, 1:58 PM
garrybl star

player avatar
I can see a reason why a regular player would log on as a guest on the same game and it might be level advancement. If any player was playing exactly the same hours and doing well an eyebrow might be raised (especially if he was using the same IP)

Reply #11. Sep 09 19, 3:08 PM

player avatar
There are some safeguards in place to watch out for that sort of thing - if there's a pattern, it will be spotted.

Reply #12. Sep 09 19, 3:42 PM

player avatar
I originally was a guest on FT for a few weeks. One day I decided I just had to make an account. I just had to! Now I spend literally, all of my free time on FT. Every minute of my free time.

Reply #13. Jan 02 23, 10:49 PM
I am presently just a casual player who comes on, plays a few then darts. I signed up a very, very long time ago and have found that joining a group has few advantages and can become at times vexing for a number of reasons. I don't spend a lot of time here because I feel as though the quizzes are not monitored well enough, as many of them have erroneous "facts" in them. Plus, the speed factor is blatantly unfair to older players. Hence, I don't consider this particular trivia site to be a Home Base per se.

Reply #14. Apr 14 23, 6:25 AM
Cymruambyth star

player avatar
I agree that the speed factor is unfair to those of us who have 80 in our rear view mirrors. I know that my Fun Trivia quiz-solving times have slowed over the past 20 years because arthritis in my hands makes typing difficult.

I agree that some quizzes contain errors, but what gets under my skin is mistakes in grammar and spelling! (One can retire from teaching English and communication courses, but one never retires from teaching!)

Reply #15. May 30 23, 10:48 AM
MiraJane star

player avatar
I'm finding more of my grammar and spelling errors come from adaptive text changed by my phone that I don't catch or when I use the voice to text option.

Reply #16. May 31 23, 8:45 AM

player avatar
I often wonder how we are supposed to score competitive games without a measure like 'time taken'. We can all get 10/10 for most things if we're given all the time in the world but how can we tell whose 10/10 is the best and award points accordingly? Whose arthritis is more debilitating, mine or Cymruambyth's? Does her age defeat my beta blocker? And what about my trigger finger - which actually has the opposite effect to what's implied? Can't be done, a clock is simpler.

Errors do creep in, it's unfortunate - but we have a corrections system that lets users report any fault they see, whether it's factual or grammatical (or just me being a pedant). So please submit Correction Notes when you see something wrong, it's the best way to get things changed.

Reply #17. May 31 23, 9:35 AM

player avatar
As someone who deals with many of those correction notes, may I say that I always like to see a nice straightforward grammar or spelling note? Just make the fix, clear the note, and move on. It’s so nice compared to the tricky ones where I have to decide between competing authorities, or the ones where I simply can not find a definitive answer. Fixing an it’s/its error is a positive joy compared to that.

Reply #18. May 31 23, 1:44 PM
illiniman14 star

player avatar
The whole site seemed to go down a little before 12:30 PM CST, right as I was submitting a timed game (New Question game). It looks like a few other people were affected judging by the 200+ second submissions. Is there any way to get those times accurately fixed or is it just an unfortunate result for today?

Reply #19. Sep 18 23, 11:36 AM
andymuenz star

player avatar
Probably just an unfortunate result. It added about 300 seconds to my time on Team Heroes.

Reply #20. Sep 18 23, 11:45 AM

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