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Subject: Soon: New reward system and more

Posted by: WesleyCrusher
Date: Aug 13 23

If you've been reading the right posts, you may have noticed that we've been busy behind the scenes. In fact, we're working on... big stuff.

While we're not quite ready yet to spill the beans, we'll say this much - a key element will be a new reward system to replace the current level system that has, over the last fifteen years, grown out of balance. Back in 2008, we had like 50 badges and point levels and badge levels were comparable. Level 80 was REALLY a lot.

As it stands now, top players have exceeded 250 levels - and almost all of that is from getting tier 1 on major badges. Almost nothing else matters - point levels are FAR apart once you are above 5 million or so.

Come September (we'll announce the exact date closer to release) this will change. The new system will give points some proper value beyond the first few again, it will reward gaining tiers, authoring, team play and just being active throughout the site. There will also be less of a distinction between minis and full badges - a differentiation we mainly made to keep levels from reaching 600 and above anyway!

Most of the back-end calculations are in place already - meaning you are already being tracked and rewarded for plays in ways you don't know... yet. But if you want to get a head start into the new system on top of what you've already done - gaining some tiers, playing a wide variety of games and authoring quizzes, questions and crosswords can do that.

Our end goal is to make FunTrivia feel a lot more like what it deserves to be: Not a random collection of quizzes and games, but rather ONE game pretty much like an MMO (massively multiplayer online) game- but one where you don't win by grinding character stats but rather where YOUR OWN skills determine your progress and success. All the elements for it have been there for a long time. We'll finally combine them.

(Of course if you prefer, you can keep treating things like a collection like you always did - you will still be able to play quizzes, win an hourly or work towards a GC title. But you can also look at the whole - and play FunTrivia.)


Please note: We're announcing this early so you will know that we're working - and you may occasionally see things briefly not working as they should. If a problem should persist, by all means let us know immediately - major changes on a live system won't come without bugs.

Editors are already using the new system, so we hope to have enough testing to have a smoothly working version on release day that won't interfere with your play experience due to bugs. However, if you're absolutely bent on spending one month on THAT monthly you've been missing for ages and you know it's going to be tight, September might not be the best choice if you're worried about bugs. On the other hand, the transition might make players shift priorities and it could be easier than ever. It could go either way!

I would also like to ask you to not immediately knee-jerk react with a "rubbish" but rather wait until you've played with the new system.

Yes, it's always going to take some adjusting and a few players - those who have exclusively targeted high level by taking one tier of each badge and moving on - may find themselves in a less remarkable position. However if you're one of those players, you will also find ample easy opportunities to boost your tier count before the system goes live - so now is the time and you'll find it rather easy to catch up to your old status once you've harvested what should be ample low-hanging fruit for you!

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Triviaballer star

player avatar
Awesome, looking forward to the changes. Good luck to all of those working hard on the updates behind the scenes.

Reply #1. Aug 13 23, 1:38 PM

player avatar
Oh, advance warning on one special case: If you're considering Ascension Quest and are over level 100 but have never started it, I would recommend doing that now.

While most level 100+ players should meet the new requirement to unlock that particular challenge, this may not be true for all. So if you're worried, just jump in and play to the point where you get checked for Centurion status (It should only take a few minutes). Proceed one more stage and you're safe to play all of it at your leisure.

Note: This only affects you if you never started the game at all. The level check is the first thing after the rules page. Once you've played any games or quizzes inside the quest, you're well past that - you will be able to play on.

Reply #2. Aug 13 23, 2:15 PM
MrNobody97 star

player avatar
Asking this may be jumping the gun, but does the change "rebalance" the leveling system or retire it entirely?

If the latter, I'd hate to be the one who has to break the news to our resident Evil Twin, seeing as he's at Level 623.

Reply #3. Aug 13 23, 6:36 PM
VegemiteKid star

player avatar
Sounds exciting!

Reply #4. Aug 13 23, 9:10 PM

player avatar
Knowing him, I think he'll be rather irate at the fact that his precious level will go poof. I'd suspect he might want to destroy the site, steal one of our most precious assets, lure our users into painful traps so he can treat them in his overpriced hospitals or anything similar. So, pretty much same procedure as every year.

Reply #5. Aug 14 23, 1:04 AM
Will writing new single questions lead to them being played somewhere again? I noticed the NQG hasn't been pulling from the unplayed but approved pool of singles questions in over a month, so I was wondering if there were other places those were going to be used. I've stopped writing new questions except when my Daily Challenges ask for it because I never get to see them played and thus don't know whether what I'm writing is actually high quality or not.

Reply #6. Aug 14 23, 11:15 AM
cherm star

player avatar
Thank you Wesley Crusher - this explains why my total points for the day on FunTrivia are not always displaying.

Are you going to be updating the private tournaments, as well when this upgrade is completed? The question pool does not seem to have changed much which makes it difficult to maintain players interests over time.

Thanks for all that you and Terry, and everyone else working on improvements, are doing!

Reply #7. Aug 14 23, 6:26 PM
psnz star

player avatar

It looks like things are moving again on the New Questions front.

Reply #8. Aug 14 23, 7:22 PM

player avatar
cherm... You can see your points over on the left side, under 'Today & News'. They can also be found on your profile page.

Reply #9. Aug 14 23, 7:35 PM
Head Honcho

player avatar
Everyone loves a little prestige.

Reply #10. Aug 15 23, 2:18 PM
blaster2014 star

player avatar
I like a lot.

Reply #11. Aug 15 23, 4:11 PM
PurpleComet star

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Is the New Feature the reason why I was ranked #2 in class 263 and now I'm ranked #12 in class 36 ??

Reply #12. Aug 15 23, 4:22 PM
Head Honcho

player avatar
"Is the New Feature the reason why I was ranked #2 in class 263 and now I'm ranked #12 in class 36 ??"

I am surprised anyone even used that old class stuff!

But yes -- the classes have been re-balanced and some merged together. Some of the ancient classes had only 1 or 2 active players. The new classes will have many more active players, giving you a lot more competition and rivalries to deal with.

Because of the much more condensed classes, nearly every player will find themselves lower in the class ranks.

Reply #13. Aug 15 23, 6:08 PM
Head Honcho

player avatar
I should add that the entire concept of “levels” is sorta being completely redefined to count a more balanced arrangement of things. Soooo that will affect ranks as well.

Reply #14. Aug 15 23, 6:19 PM
Luckycharm60 star

player avatar
Will anything change on the access to quiz playing statistics. I used to use the chart to look at where I needed to play more quizzes but then I got to the stage where I just keep getting the message

"Sorry, we are having problems producing a chart for you since you have taken so many quizzes and the data set is too large".

Reply #15. Aug 16 23, 4:45 AM
Catreona star

player avatar
I noticed a couple days ago that my day's points weren't up top where they always had been, and panicked till finding them in the sidebar.

Reply #16. Aug 16 23, 3:44 PM
rupert774 star

player avatar
Sounds good, but I had a goal to reach Level 200 by the end of the year. I guess that won't be able to happen, if I understand correctly?

Reply #17. Aug 16 23, 6:40 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
For the past couple of days, when I enter the "My Stats" page, I have found that at the bottom where "Class Scores" are listed, that the "Class Scores Today" and "Class Scores Yesterday" sections are accessible, where I learned I have been reassigned to Class 35. But the "Cumulative Class Scores" link only gives a message of "Interesting things are afoot! Classes are being merged to make them a lot more interesting. Stay tuned!"

The Cumulative Class Scores link was the most interesting part of the old Class Scores links. I understand that transitions take time, but why the third link doesn't work when the other two do is a point of note for me.

Reply #18. Aug 16 23, 7:50 PM
Head Honcho

player avatar
“ Sounds good, but I had a goal to reach Level 200 by the end of the year. I guess that won't be able to happen, if I understand correctly?”

It won’t be able to happen because, well… level 200 won’t exist shortly.

But if we do our job right you will have an even more exciting and interesting goal to achieve by the end of the year, and far more interesting and varied ways of achieving it.

Reply #19. Aug 16 23, 10:35 PM

player avatar
Rupert - why not just do it today? You need just under 15,000 points for a point level. That puts you at 199. And if you get those points by finishing "Cool Zooms" - instant 200!

Reply #20. Aug 17 23, 12:35 AM

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