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Subject: Soon: New reward system and more

Posted by: WesleyCrusher
Date: Aug 13 23

If you've been reading the right posts, you may have noticed that we've been busy behind the scenes. In fact, we're working on... big stuff.

While we're not quite ready yet to spill the beans, we'll say this much - a key element will be a new reward system to replace the current level system that has, over the last fifteen years, grown out of balance. Back in 2008, we had like 50 badges and point levels and badge levels were comparable. Level 80 was REALLY a lot.

As it stands now, top players have exceeded 250 levels - and almost all of that is from getting tier 1 on major badges. Almost nothing else matters - point levels are FAR apart once you are above 5 million or so.

Come September (we'll announce the exact date closer to release) this will change. The new system will give points some proper value beyond the first few again, it will reward gaining tiers, authoring, team play and just being active throughout the site. There will also be less of a distinction between minis and full badges - a differentiation we mainly made to keep levels from reaching 600 and above anyway!

Most of the back-end calculations are in place already - meaning you are already being tracked and rewarded for plays in ways you don't know... yet. But if you want to get a head start into the new system on top of what you've already done - gaining some tiers, playing a wide variety of games and authoring quizzes, questions and crosswords can do that.

Our end goal is to make FunTrivia feel a lot more like what it deserves to be: Not a random collection of quizzes and games, but rather ONE game pretty much like an MMO (massively multiplayer online) game- but one where you don't win by grinding character stats but rather where YOUR OWN skills determine your progress and success. All the elements for it have been there for a long time. We'll finally combine them.

(Of course if you prefer, you can keep treating things like a collection like you always did - you will still be able to play quizzes, win an hourly or work towards a GC title. But you can also look at the whole - and play FunTrivia.)


Please note: We're announcing this early so you will know that we're working - and you may occasionally see things briefly not working as they should. If a problem should persist, by all means let us know immediately - major changes on a live system won't come without bugs.

Editors are already using the new system, so we hope to have enough testing to have a smoothly working version on release day that won't interfere with your play experience due to bugs. However, if you're absolutely bent on spending one month on THAT monthly you've been missing for ages and you know it's going to be tight, September might not be the best choice if you're worried about bugs. On the other hand, the transition might make players shift priorities and it could be easier than ever. It could go either way!

I would also like to ask you to not immediately knee-jerk react with a "rubbish" but rather wait until you've played with the new system.

Yes, it's always going to take some adjusting and a few players - those who have exclusively targeted high level by taking one tier of each badge and moving on - may find themselves in a less remarkable position. However if you're one of those players, you will also find ample easy opportunities to boost your tier count before the system goes live - so now is the time and you'll find it rather easy to catch up to your old status once you've harvested what should be ample low-hanging fruit for you!

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The concept is really quite simple:

You do or achieve something on the site: you increase some stat for it. (FT points, team points, a badge/let, win count, an increase in quizzes published, etc.)

Each of these "some stat" things in turn translates to prestige. That's automatic, you won't have to claim it.

Once you gain enough prestige, you'll advance to the next rank or the next class within your rank. This is also automatic.

So as long as you remain active, you'll gain rank. And as stated before - just playing and doing a wide variety of things and letting it come to you when it comes will be a very effective way to do so.

Reply #61. Aug 19 23, 2:14 AM
Gumby1967 star

player avatar
Will we know how many more Prestige Points are required for the next/each Level/Tier/Upgrade?

Reply #62. Aug 19 23, 2:35 AM

player avatar
Yes, you'll see that on the homepage, much like the old "points to next level" display. Also, there's a full rank chart.

Reply #63. Aug 19 23, 2:51 AM

player avatar
@Triviaballer: We changed some rank names around at the highest levels - Augur was probably not ideal. Mystic moved down from 20th to 19th (gaining a proper spelling in the process too) and rank 20 is now called a prophet.

The theme however remains and has been chosen intentionally as reflecting how you gain wisdom, knowledge and experience along the ranks. Which is ultimately what you gain from playing FunTrivia over many years. We might use mountains as titles for something else at some point where geography or endurance is the main theme. The animals used in duels represent ferocity - we chose them because it's more evocative than having 15 kyu and 25 dan grades :)

Reply #64. Aug 19 23, 2:57 AM
Gumby1967 star

player avatar
Thanks again WesleyCrusher. Looking forward to it.

Reply #65. Aug 19 23, 3:00 AM
jasa9092 star

player avatar
Thank you, Wes and Terry. I guess I should just wait patiently and truly see what this is about before opening my big mouth, lol. As you can see, I'm the type of person who hates change, but I usually end up loving them once I get used to it. :)

Reply #66. Aug 19 23, 8:55 AM
strozy star

player avatar
I'm the same way not liking change but once it comes you get use to it.
I think its harder as the person gets older!

Reply #67. Aug 19 23, 1:34 PM
strozy star

player avatar
Hello Gumby! Its always nice to see you.

Reply #68. Aug 19 23, 1:49 PM
With this as one of the various description of Savant that I have come across, is it appropriate to use?
General mental disability with certain abilities far in excess of average.

Reply #69. Aug 19 23, 2:42 PM

player avatar
13 Savant is now scholar. While the definition quoted is a niche use (usually preceded by a word beginning in "i") and the Webster entry for that word is a positive one, it can have that connotation. Thanks for the report!

We've also revised the 10 and 11 rank names. Artisan was a tad too specific. Adept takes its place at 11 and the new name for the first senior rank at 10 is now "prodigy", a title that shows a lot of promise towards future advancement.

Please allow a few hours for the change to be reflected on profiles.

Reply #70. Aug 19 23, 4:39 PM
When I saw savant I immediately thought of The Rainman, which raised an eyebrow:-) but did see other positive connotations when I looked the word up. Others may simply have been offended so I’m glad you have changed it.
Scholar, nice.

Reply #71. Aug 20 23, 12:38 AM

player avatar
[Deleted - I was explaining something you couldn't even see yet!]

Reply #72. Aug 20 23, 9:27 AM
MariaVerde star

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since the system is in flux and we don’t have a guide to what the prestige levels mean, that’s not a big deal.

Reply #73. Aug 20 23, 9:31 AM

player avatar
[Also deleted...]

Reply #74. Aug 20 23, 9:32 AM
rubytops star

player avatar
Sorry but it'll sounds really complicated.

Reply #75. Aug 20 23, 10:49 AM
blaster2014 star

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Same here but i'm sure it will all make sense over time.

Reply #76. Aug 20 23, 1:20 PM

player avatar
I was under the impression players' prestige totals were already visible. They were not - you only see the rank, not the number behind it (yet).

Just ignore it - what happened was we adjusted some values and that could have reduced totals. By a small number.

Reply #77. Aug 20 23, 4:02 PM
Head Honcho

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Poll: Does the term "Junior" in ranks sound belittling or insulting or otherwise negative to you?

I heard some rumbling about a couple of players suggesting they had negative connotations about being called a "Junior Sage" or "Junior Guru".

Does anyone agree with this, or does "Junior" seem completely ok?

Reply #78. Aug 20 23, 9:33 PM
CmdrK star

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I have no problems with it.

Reply #79. Aug 20 23, 10:08 PM
Gumby1967 star

player avatar
"Junior" sounds OK. Does "Novice", "Apprentice" or "Trainee" work better?

Reply #80. Aug 20 23, 10:49 PM

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