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Subject: The mulligan perk in Who's the Expert...

Posted by: Bright_Star
Date: Aug 16 23

A question, how many times do u get to use it per week? Cus two days ago, monday, I used it for the first time, and it had a note saying you only get to use it once a week, but I noticed the mulligan option showed up again today, wednesday, just two days later? I didn't want to click on it and waste another chance to use it just to find out so I thought I'd ask here...

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Head Honcho

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You can click on it but it will tell you it can't be used.

Reply #1. Aug 16 23, 10:36 AM
Thanks, didn't want to waste a mulligan! I love that thing.

Reply #2. Aug 16 23, 11:26 AM
MariaVerde star

player avatar
How long has the option been there? I didn’t notice it before this week.

Reply #3. Aug 16 23, 9:30 PM

player avatar
Erm, about a decade? Ever since there were perks anyway. :)

Reply #4. Aug 16 23, 9:39 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
It's been there for as long as I have been on FunTrivia (over 10 years), most likely much longer. Early on in my FT tenure, my rookie year of 2013, I used that perk a lot to try to get to the Jack of All Trades badge more quickly. It resets (like all the other perks on that page) on Mondays, so if it still available to you on a Sunday, that is the day you will lose little by using it since it resets the next day.

Reply #5. Aug 16 23, 9:42 PM
CmdrK star

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I think I remember it being suggested and implemented, so that would be after I started playing seriously, in November, 2009.

Reply #6. Aug 16 23, 9:49 PM
brm50diboll star

player avatar
Oh, another thing about the Mulligan that is worth mentioning. It can be used in conjunction with the Expert Challenge, but you do need to be careful. The Expert Challenge, to remind people, is a Difficult Daily Challenge where you are paired with an opponent to see who can get the highest score in a Who's the Expert game in a maximum of four tries. If you use the Mulligan in this situation, it will count as one of your tries and, although your previous score will be erased and replaced by your Mulligan score in the *current game* page stats, it will *NOT* erase your first score in the four tries of the Challenge. Instead, *both* scores will be listed. If you carelessly play your fourth attempt and *then* use your Mulligan, the Mulligan score will replace the score in the *current game* page stats, but will not show up at all in the Expert Challenge since your previous score was the fourth and final attempt and the Mulligan won't erase it, so it won't register on the Challenge page since the system reads it as a fifth attempt. Remember, using the Mulligan does not guarantee your Mulligan score will be higher than your original score. I have on several occasions actually lowered my score using the Mulligan. It is best to use the Mulligan in a situation where you played a topic you are usually very good at, but made one careless mistake accidentally. The game does not take the higher of the two scores, it erases the original score and replaces it with the Mulligan score, so if your Mulligan score is actually lower than your original score was, your ranking in the game for that hour will suffer accordingly.

Reply #7. Aug 16 23, 9:56 PM
Maria, I too never saw the mulligan option until this week, and I've been playing Who's the Expert for a couple of years now. Hm

Reply #8. Aug 17 23, 11:21 AM

player avatar
The perks are hidden away to a degree. If you look at the drop down menu next to your user name at the top of the screen you will see a link to level perks, which can vary depending on the level you're at.

Displaying the link to the mulligan in the Expert game is new. The mulligan itself is not. You may find a couple of other useful links there. The crossword of the week is usually good for a quick boost to your points, for example.

I'm guessing part of the big revamp going on behind the scenes is to make things like this more visible.

Reply #9. Aug 17 23, 11:35 AM
Well it's been well over a week and i've never seen the mulligan option again, and there is no 'drop down menu' to find it on my page, I also looked everywhere for it that I could think of, no mulligan option anywhere. When the mulligan option appeared on my page last week, I figured it was a new feature, it said i'd get to use it once a week, but so far this week, it's never showed up again... I'm perplexed.

Reply #10. Aug 25 23, 2:03 PM
Buddy1 star
I hover on my username at the top of the screen, and on the list that appears, there is an option that says Level Perks. If you click on it, then you can find your level perks. Others may be different depending on the layout they selected.

You can also click on this link to find all your perks.

Reply #11. Aug 25 23, 2:09 PM

player avatar
That perk list seems really short. I wonder if there's something we can do about some new ones.

Reply #12. Aug 25 23, 2:15 PM
Thanks Buddy! I found it, now the only question is why the mulligan perk appeared on the actual game page last week, I'm definitely not complaining, I think it's a great place *to* have the perks available be located. :o)

Reply #13. Aug 25 23, 2:26 PM

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