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Subject: Complain about questions in games here

Posted by: Terry
Date: Sep 03 23

I want to hear your whines here. My goal is to have question pools for each game that everyone can enjoy. I think most games we hit the sweet spot, but thought I’d check in to see if we have some room for improvement.

What games do the question pools leave you feeling frustrated or make you not want to return to?

What games have questions that are too difficult?

All gripes are invited, but please be as specific as possible. I need to know the exact game(s) that need question pool tweaks, and the specifics about what types of questions are problematic.

This thread will be locked once sufficient whining has been collected.

Thanks :)

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Barbarini star

player avatar
I understand. Thanks.

Reply #81. Sep 09 23, 3:13 PM
rockstar51 star

player avatar
Oh joy! Not just one question, but an entire Survivor Duel today! :o(

Reply #82. Sep 10 23, 5:45 AM

player avatar
Adversely the Survivor duel was probably the one I was most excited to play today considering the topic list as it was.

Reply #83. Sep 10 23, 9:34 AM
andymuenz star

player avatar
I've had a couple of Hidden Word questions this week when I played Geography in the Global Challenge. I've submitted correction notices asking for them to be removed, but I thought I'd also mention it here.

Reply #84. Sep 10 23, 12:55 PM
Qmel star

player avatar
Todays Team Heroes category, Egyptian Myth, is a little obscure, especially for newcomers on this site.

Reply #85. Sep 10 23, 2:56 PM

player avatar
I don't mind that too much, Mel... we've only had one team member (so far) who knows a fair amount about the topic (wasn't me!) but the rest of us are all in the same league, which is nowhere. Seems fair - unless and until there's a team called "Egyptian Gods Elite".

Now all I need to do is remember which god it was who spat something out to make another god whose name I've already forgotten!

Reply #86. Sep 10 23, 4:06 PM
In word wizard.
Against the phrase "Self-will" it had two options the same.

Reply #87. Sep 11 23, 6:30 AM
Questions that are syntactically or grammatically incorrect. It always takes my limited brain that extra fraction of time to work out exactly what is being asked when I have to also decode the question.,

E.g. from one of today's Fifty-Fifty quizzes...
"What energy drink can you buy at most stores that is made in Austria, and claims..."

should be rendered as either ' drink MADE IN AUSTRIA AND WHICH YOU can buy at most stores...', or '..can you buy at most stores that ARE in Austria'.

Or, possibly better asked as 'What Austrian energy drink that you can buy in most stores and claims...'.

The issue of incorrect grammar/syntax is becoming increasingly prevalent in the New Questions game. I used to submit correction reports (and still occasionally do) but it seems that it should not be incumbent upon me to find these types of errors, After all, isn't that why you have quiz editors?

Reply #88. Sep 11 23, 10:52 AM
MiraJane star

player avatar
The New Question Game is different from questions from quizzes. We are specifically being asked to find errors in the single questions that have been submitted to the New Question Game.

Reply #89. Sep 11 23, 2:25 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
First, please take spelling bee questions out of The Daily Game and anywhere else they shouldn't be...which is anywhere except in the spelling be subcat.

Second, I just submitted a correction for a misworded question in a new quiz by one of my teammates. It's disruptive enough to come across such questions when leisurely taking a quiz. It's murder in a timed game.

Reply #90. Sep 11 23, 5:35 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Speaking of needing to proofread *after* running spellcheck:

"On this day in History: 1926 : An _assignation_ attempt was made on Italian leader Benito Mussolini."

Trying to work out how an assignation attempt would be made. /smile/

Reply #91. Sep 11 23, 5:49 PM
MiraJane star

player avatar
A few minutes ago it was absurd Italian. Usually it's a question asking us to translate absurd French. Conjugating Latin verbs are also questions I'm whining about.

Reply #92. Sep 12 23, 12:08 AM
MiraJane star

player avatar
As to the exact games, Daily Game, Pot of Gold, Mixed, Obscurity, Smartest. I've seen all questions I complained about in the previous post in those games and probably other games.

Reply #93. Sep 12 23, 12:12 AM
Head Honcho

player avatar
Please note that although I'm not replying directly to messages here, I have been making tweaks in the background as seem appropriate based on feedback here.

Reply #94. Sep 12 23, 9:41 AM
Barbarini star

player avatar
Terry, on behalf of some of the frequent Crystal Ball players, would there be any chance of you dialing back on the Ye Olde Worlde archaic / Latin / obscure / obsolete / rare / ancient / provincial words we find ourselves faced with in Crystal Ball since the introduction of the new dictionaries? Some of us haven't used those in at least a hundred years so we might be slightly out of touch. ;-) Unfortunately, quite a few of these "never-before-seen-in-the-last-two-centuries" words go unanswered.

You've done some really great things around the site lately to make some of the activities less onerous and more enjoyable for members. Daily challenges and the tweaking of questions in certain games, etc., come to mind. You've also changed CB to make it easier for newer players to have success which is lovely. Sadly, the other side of that coin is the introduction of the new dictionaries which seems to have sent this game sideways to some degree.

I hope you can consider this request.

Reply #95. Sep 13 23, 6:37 PM
Head Honcho

player avatar
Hmm I can’t help but wonder whether perhaps the reason that the new dictionary isn’t resulting in winners every hour is that a few frequent players don’t have a spreadsheet containing all the words like they do for the old dictionary.

These players seem to have no problem guessing equally obtuse and barely legitimate words that come up in the old dictionary….

Reply #96. Sep 14 23, 12:21 AM
I've never posted on any message boards here, nor do I even read them, but something has happened recently with Crystal Ball that has shaken me enough to reach out and voice my concerns.

I take pride in my ability to play Crystal Ball and that I have won as many times as I have. In fact, it's the only game I still play at this site. It's something that has become part of my life in a small way, especially every 45 to 59 minutes of every hour. I have a full time job that takes me away from home, driving around to different jobsites and working outside every day. As a result, I don't get to play as much as I'd like, but I always do when I get the chance. Playing Crystal Ball has been a lot of fun for the past 12 years... until recently.

All these new words have thrown the game out of balance and it's making it not as much fun to play anymore. This game is challenging and it's hard enough as it is - even for me considering my level of achievement on the leaderboard. All these new obscure words showing up has made the game even MORE difficult. The fact that the new words are rarely won should be an indicator that something's wrong. Things have been changed to help less skilled players, but this latest move has put a stranglehold on all of us, novice and experienced alike.

I've chatted with other top players about this change and can say I'm not the only one who's disappointed and frustrated by it. I'm just hoping it doesn't continue in this direction because I don't think I'll want to keep playing if we're constantly trying to guess such archaic words.

Reply #97. Sep 14 23, 12:25 AM
samak star

player avatar
"I can’t help but wonder whether perhaps the reason that the new dictionary isn’t resulting in winners every hour is that a few frequent players don’t have a spreadsheet containing all the words like they do for the old dictionary.

These players seem to have no problem guessing equally obtuse and barely legitimate words that come up in the old dictionary…. "

Ha ha. Agreed.

Reply #98. Sep 14 23, 3:42 AM
Dagny1 star

player avatar
I agree, Terry and Samak, especially if it is mainly (only?) the long time players/winners.

Reply #99. Sep 14 23, 9:04 AM
imahogg star
Two Manga Duels in one day

Reply #100. Sep 14 23, 9:23 AM
This thread has been closed to new replies.

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