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Subject: Halloween

Posted by: Geoff565
Date: Oct 09 23

Is there a Halloween quiz this year

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Taltarzac - you're slightly misinterpreting task 2. The "piece of cake" is just an additional hint as to which arenas you need to avoid.

TriviaFan - being Hardcore significantly narrows down your options for one of the three. You must choose that option. If you need an extra clue, have a look at the line before Evi says "you just provided your own solution"...

Reply #301. Oct 31 23, 12:11 PM
nasty_liar star

player avatar
Got it through the 7 route.

Thanks for the challenge, was a lot of fun, happy that coincidence gave me time to do it this year :-)

Reply #302. Oct 31 23, 2:33 PM

player avatar
Just got off a convo with Terry - he has done some behind the scenes magic and the "missing tier" error should now theoretically be fixed (as tested with TAKROM).

If you still experience it, please reload the Halloween page once and that should technically fix it.

Reply #303. Oct 31 23, 3:15 PM
TriviaFan22 star
Got it! Thanks Wes!

Reply #304. Oct 31 23, 3:49 PM

player avatar
Just saw this post and thank you, thank you!

Reply #305. Oct 31 23, 4:22 PM
runaway_drive star

player avatar
Thoroughly enjoyed that, thanks for putting it together!

Reply #306. Oct 31 23, 4:50 PM
ankitankurddit star

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I just completed the final tier of the Halloween challenge. It was my first Halloween challenge, so I am feeling a bit emotional that it is over. I will look forward to Halloween next year. If I am not wrong, there will be The Advent Calendar challenge in the coming December? If yes, I would love that challenge too.

Anyway, today I interacted with AI for the first time in my life, and I am surprisingly pleased. I had a conversation with the Bing AI, and Bing told me that she can write poems. So, I knew what my first AI poem had to be. I had to say good bye to Evi. So, I requested Bing to write a poem for Evi, and I got the following poem for Evi. Good bye Evi. Will miss ya! :(

Reply #307. Oct 31 23, 8:45 PM
ankitankurddit star

player avatar
Evi, the cat with a heart of gold,
Conducts a Halloween challenge, so bold.
He's wickedly smart and devilishly sly,
And his trivia questions will make you sigh.

He'll ask you about pumpkins and ghouls,
And test your knowledge of witches' rules.
His questions are tricky, but don't be afraid,
For Evi is gentle, and won't make you dismayed.

He's lovingly evil, and that's just fine,
For he's the king of Halloween trivia online.
So join his challenge, if you dare,
And see if you can win, if you have the flair.

Evi is sensitive, so be kind,
And don't let his wickedness cloud your mind.
For he's a cat with a heart of gold,
And his Halloween challenge is worth its weight in gold.

Reply #308. Oct 31 23, 8:45 PM
Evi_L_Twin star

player avatar
That was such a lovely rhyme
The AI gets me every time;
This old cat's heart it does pluck
Just like those feathers from that Duck!

Each year I push those chains aside
And roller coasters do I ride -
They sure rattle my old bones
And give the brain cell new cajones.

I find a new way, twists and turns,
To make you suffer pains and burns;
The outrage of your manic screams
Is food for all my wildest dreams.

And now, with Junior by my side,
The future looms, a brand new ride
But will this site be big enough
For two grown cats, their fun, and stuff?

Next year will come, we'll know for sure
There will be mayhem, evil, blood and gore.
As I look fondly at my son
Your choice is clear, you must pick one!

Dad! Did you write that?

Of course not, son, I stole it from that manky rabbit.

Reply #309. Oct 31 23, 11:52 PM

player avatar
Old cat trying to curry favor with the one who holds the keys?

Reply #310. Nov 01 23, 9:36 AM
Could someone DM me and tell me how I completed Chapter 7 of the Halloween Challenge? I wasn't trying to. I just noticed earlier that I had completed it and I'm not sure what I did to complete it.

Reply #311. Nov 01 23, 10:44 AM
saratogarox star

player avatar
I wasn’t planning on playing this year, but by just playing my usual games, I have achieved Tier 5.

Reply #312. Nov 01 23, 11:04 AM

player avatar
"Old cat trying to curry favor with the one who holds the keys?"

That's not exactly favour he's currying, that's a downright crime! And yes, I mean the verse.

Reply #313. Nov 01 23, 12:23 PM
Autrement star

player avatar
Thanks so much Wesley (and Terry) for fixing the Step 7 error on the badge - looks like I’m all good now!

Reply #314. Nov 01 23, 3:38 PM
misstified star

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I'll pm you pennie

Reply #315. Nov 01 23, 4:18 PM
Qmel star

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This is the first year I tried for the Halloween badge….and I enjoyed myself!

I even teased Evi!

Reply #316. Nov 01 23, 4:21 PM
AcrylicInk star

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How long will this challenge stay open for? I started late, but I'd like to complete it if I can.

Reply #317. Nov 02 23, 12:54 AM
AcrylicInk star

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Also, I've completed two of the tasks but don't have the badge yet. Do you have to complete all seven to get the badge?

Reply #318. Nov 02 23, 1:43 AM

player avatar
You get the badge by completing the seventh task. The earlier challenges add the tiers.

Terry has said the game will stay open a little longer than usual, but my recommendation is that you focus on completing number seven before any others.

Reply #319. Nov 02 23, 2:58 AM
matthewpokemon star

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Still can't figure out Chapters 2 and 4? Any hints please!

Reply #320. Nov 02 23, 3:23 AM

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