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Subject: Anybody still like Mel Gibson?

Posted by: terbear528
Date: Jul 23 10

Just curious. I have always loved Mel and his movies (Braveheart is one of my favorites). Now it turns out he is not so nice of a guy. Rather shocking actually. So what does everybody think? Do you think his career is over for sure now and will people still go see his movies if he even does any more?

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alaspooryoric star

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I'm not sure that I understand why we can't separate the art from the artist. I don't wish to suggest that much of what Gibson does is Art, in the high sense of the word, but still . . . . Most of those who create works that we enjoy and admire have been immoral at some point in their lives; some have been insane; some have been criminals. It seems illogical to judge the quality of the work by our judgments of those who create those works.

Reply #21. Dec 24 10, 6:47 PM
tigasrule star
I never liked him to begin with.

Reply #22. Apr 19 11, 10:49 AM
steelman86 star

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Gibson's career will be just fine, I would still like to sit down and have a beer with him. He's not a saint or the devil, I think he is somewhere in the middle like most of us.

Reply #23. May 31 11, 5:28 AM
Alaspooryoric's absolutely right. We just draw our immorality lines in different places.

For instance, I wouldn't run screaming from Leonardo da Vinci because he was left-handed, and I would still enjoy watching and listening to the "mincing" Liberace, but I wouldn't have any interest, except just possibly the tiniest bit of macabre fascination, in the artistic fashionings of Herr Hitler.

So I guess that's where my line is - between sex and hate. Or between what is not under one's control, and what very much is.

Reply #24. May 31 11, 5:50 AM
Mel Gibson should be happy that he is yesterday's news because lucky for him, he can change the headline.
He needs to clean up his act and act; say the words on the script before him. Gibson does have that new movie, "The Beaver"; looks weird (Mel starring in a Jodie Foster directed film, with his hand in a beaver puppet); hope that works out for him.
I wouldn't say I like Mel Gibson, but thinking back on fonder days... man, was he cute.

Reply #25. May 31 11, 7:17 AM
I hadn't heard of it so I looked and found a trailer.
Very odd indeed. And why does the beaver have to have a (bad) English accent?

Reply #26. May 31 11, 7:48 AM
rieker01 star
Never really cared for him

Reply #27. Jun 22 11, 7:19 PM
houston1127 star
Mel Gibson is great. Always has been, always will be. I hope he keeps making films.

Reply #28. Jun 22 11, 7:45 PM
turbotude star

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Like Mel Gibson? I don't know him personally, so I couldn't say. I think he's a good actor and I enjoy his movies. As for his drunken behavior, I see enough of that out-of-control ranting amongst my neighbors, and Mel's performances make him no better or different than common gutter trash. I Hope his anger management therapy is working for him!

Reply #29. Jun 23 11, 12:16 PM
tag2371 star

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When it comes to his body of work as an actor yes I like Mel Gibson. On a personal level I do not know him and although he has gotten bad press there are two sides to every story.

Reply #30. Aug 12 11, 1:35 PM
daymare star
I enjoyed his Mad Max movies. I have 'What Women Want' but keep forgetting to watch it.

As far as liking him, I don't know him...only of him. The downhill sprial started when Robyn and he split. They, apparently, are still married.

Does anyone know how to pronounce one of his middle names.....Colm-Cille?

Reply #31. Aug 12 11, 3:28 PM
I didn't have a clue, and Wiki (unusually) haven't offered a pronunciation guide, so I googled
| how do you pronounce Colm-Cille |
and got this:
I was expecting Comb Seal. Way off. Seems it's pronounced Column Killer.

Reply #32. Aug 12 11, 4:41 PM
When he lived near Albury in Australia on a farm for a while, my cousin delivered some goods to him. He got abused by Mel even though it was not his fault. Mel finally said "Don't you know who I am?" My cousin said "Yeah a bloody d...head." When Mel makes a great movie he is Australian. When he plays up he is American. He He.

Reply #33. Oct 09 11, 6:09 AM
turbotude star

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That's ok, can keep Mel. We have enough psycho Americans already.

Reply #34. Oct 09 11, 7:49 PM
paulmallon star

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yes somebody still likes Mel Gibson: Mel Gibson!

Reply #35. Oct 16 11, 10:32 AM
izzy50 star
i like most of his movies ,but the ones he has been directing lately have been a bit off the wall ,,

Reply #36. Dec 29 11, 12:40 PM
shipyardbernie star

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I believe he is making a record now, it's a re-make of the 1966 hit by Napoleon XIV.

Reply #37. Dec 31 11, 8:12 AM
Oh Bernie - genius!

Reply #38. Dec 31 11, 10:42 AM
shipyardbernie star

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Thanks lesley but when they find Mel doing that they arrest him.

Reply #39. Dec 31 11, 11:59 AM
redshould star
Some good films - I enjoyed Payback, Gallipoli and even What Women Want (ironic!).
As a man, the more I hear and read the less enamoured I am with him, but I do agree with the 'judge not lest you be judged' lobby. If he needs help, I hope he gets it (and indeed that he wants to receive it).

Reply #40. Mar 03 12, 9:52 AM

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