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Subject: RIP Jack Kevorkian

Posted by: Spaudrey
Date: Jun 03 11

I feel compelled to start this one, because after doing the research on this quiz about a year ago, he was very fascinating to write a quiz on. Sorry for the advertising, but I feel it appropriate as he has just passed away today. Here is a quiz on the life of Kevorkian:


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rayven80 star

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I think he tried to do good and unfortunately too many people don't see it that way. RIP Doctor, and may the gods smile on you.

Reply #1. Jun 03 11, 10:32 AM
Anton star
He tried to do good? lol

This fool tried to play God and it backfired. Trust me. God is not smiling on him right now.

Reply #2. Jun 03 11, 11:20 AM
Sizzileen star
I don t Know what God is doing with him but I had no use for his premature destruction of human life.

Reply #3. Jun 04 11, 5:20 PM
steelman86 star

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I agree with what Kevorkian was attempting to do. A person should have the right to end their life when they are in constant pain and in reality they are no longer living but merely existing and suffering.

Reply #4. Jun 05 11, 9:24 AM
So do I.

This seems to be a tug-of-war between religious and non-religious, so I shall introduce some religious text. Here goes:

16 Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people; neither shalt thou stand idly by the blood of thy neighbour: I am the Lord. (Leviticus 19:16)

Two for the price of one - don't gossip, and make every effort to preserve life.

There's more later, though, and I can't remember where it comes from (I may be able to find out), but it says, roughly:
Prolong life, but do not prolong death.

So, if Dr Kevorkian was assisting in the suicide of someone who was going to die no matter what, wasn't he actually doing what Judaism and Christianity tell him to do? And what does humanity gain by forcing another human to carry on regardless when every second is torture?

Reply #5. Jun 05 11, 2:57 PM
Did he use his own machine ? And on a serious note, I agreed with his views.

Reply #6. Mar 21 12, 5:45 PM

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There was an excellent film about him: "You Don't Know Jack" - with Al Pacino as Jack.

Reply #7. Nov 24 12, 5:08 PM
Mommakat star

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Lesley, agreed there are different interpretations of what is written in the Bible, but we all need to admit that these are, after all, the writings of men and who is to say it is strictly true. Personally if I was suffering in agony with no hope of recovery I would willingly accept help to end it. For one thing it would relieve the strain on my loved ones seeing me suffer. And I hope that those who are so against it, do not find themselves in that situation, as I doubt they would then feel so dogmatic about it.

Reply #8. Nov 24 12, 6:58 PM
Meg, I agree with your every word - except the "but"!

Reply #9. Nov 24 12, 8:14 PM
He may have had the best of intentions but I think his actions could have lead to a very slippery slope with others following him who don't have people's best interest at heart (though that doesnt seem to have happened) and "death" stores popping up...come on in and let us kill you.

Reply #10. Nov 26 12, 1:55 PM
wyambezi star
When my father had a massive stroke we were faced with the decision to keep him alive or let him die. We let him die because there was no hope for a good quality of life and we knew he'd hate us keeping him alive, bedridden, in pain, and uncommunicative. Dr. Kevorkian helped those who asked for his help just as we helped my father when he needed us to speak for him. It was an agonizing family decision, but there are no regrets. We know we treated my father humanely and with the love and respect he always deserved. Doctors let families make these decisions every single day. Dr. Kevorkian was brave enough to speak up for the rights and dignity of the terminally ill. I'll always respect and admire him. We treat our pets humanely at the end of their lives and we should be allowed to do the same for our loved ones.

Reply #11. Dec 08 12, 9:47 PM

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