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Subject: Most memorable celebs of 20th century

Posted by: paulmallon
Date: Mar 22 12

If someone were to ask you who you thought were the most memorable personalities of the 1900s who would you pick? To be fair, please feel free to pick up to 3 males and 3 females.

32 replies. On page 2 of 2 pages. 1 2
Adolf Hitler was very much celebrated in his time and, in some quarters, still is. J Edgar Hoover had his moments too, albeit not in the same league as Hitler's.

Off the top of my head, three of each, and I shall probably change my mind in an hour:

Rosalind Franklin
Golda Meir
Lena Horne
Albert Einstein
Christiaan Barnard
Johan/Janne/Jean Sibelius

Reply #21. Sep 02 12, 3:38 PM
Speaking of mind changing, I should replace Meryl Streep with Lucille Ball, who was the bigger star. I was never a fan of I Love Lucy, though. I watched it many times as a kid and never understood what people thought was so funny. I understand it was a different era and comedy almost never stands the test of time, but I just didn't like it. I think she's overrated but nevertheless she was a huge star.

Reply #22. Sep 03 12, 6:23 AM
alexis722 star
Marie Curie, Eleanor Roosevelt, Margaret Thatcher
Louis Pasteur, Jonas Salk, Von Leuwenhoek {?}, Mahatma Gandhi
Helen Keller

Reply #23. Sep 03 12, 10:06 AM
alexis722 star
Can't count, sry.

Reply #24. Sep 03 12, 10:07 AM
abechstein star

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Hmm. Interesting question: I'm going to take it as looking for the most memorable entertainers of the 20th Century, as opposed to the most influential or "best" (whatever that might mean).

Jackie Gleason, Henry Fonda, and Groucho Marx

Lucille Ball (I didn't like "I Love Lucy" when I was younger, either, but I've watched it a lot more recently, and I've discovered it's better than I thought), Katharine Hepburn, and Elizabeth Taylor

Reply #25. Sep 03 12, 12:14 PM
flojjj star
My favorite female celebs of the 20th century are:
Bette Davis, Katherine Hepburn and Theresa Wright

my favorite male actors were Henry Fonda,Tyrone Power and
Frank Sinatra


Reply #26. Sep 25 12, 6:56 PM
Not exactly a celebrity but Anne Frank should be considered one of the bravest and most inspirational people ever.

Reply #27. Sep 25 12, 7:48 PM
flojjj star
Charlton Heston,Katherine Hepburn, Spencer Tracey,
Audrey Hepburn, Frank Sinatra, Lucille Ball,
James Dean, Montgomery Clift, these are all i can think of "right off the top" ...but i have been a movie fan for over 50 yrs..and even was Pres. of a fan club for an actress who was was a good experience.

Reply #28. Oct 14 12, 12:24 PM
flojjj star
Six most admired actors of past century to me

Ingrid Bergman
Greta Garbo
Bette Davis
Kathryn Hepburn
Gregory Peck
Charles Chaplin

Reply #29. Jan 07 13, 11:36 PM
flojjj star
6 most popular actors/actresses

Vanessa Redgrave
Kathryn Hepburn
Bette Davis

Gregory Peck
Spencer Tracy
Charleton Heston sent by flojjj

Reply #30. Jan 07 13, 11:40 PM
flojjj star

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Katherine Hepburn
Bette Davis
Ingrid Bergman

Montgomery Clift
Tyrone Power
Clark Gable
Paul Henreid

Reply #31. Aug 29 13, 11:07 PM
bionic4ever star
Princess Diana
Marilyn Monroe
Lindsay Wagner

John F Kennedy
Harry Chapin
Lee Majors

Reply #32. Aug 30 13, 12:24 AM

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