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Subject: Jimmy Saville

Posted by: TheRambler
Date: Oct 04 12

He always gave me the creeps but I was deeply shocked with the latest news. His colleagues knew but his endless charity work covered up his love of little girls. I hope that when the truth is out, his knighthood is posthumously stripped of him.

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"feeling they were in some way responsible for the abuse"
Abusers of all shapes and sizes use that one. :(

I know a woman of about seventy, who grew up in a large family, with an uncle living with them. She tried to tell the family about what the uncle was up to but was told off for lying. Another woman was, according to her son, regularly raped by her uncle. As a result, she became so ashamed of her genito-urinary system that she didn't seek help for what turned out to be bladder cancer.

Reply #41. Oct 14 12, 5:43 PM
TheRambler star

player avatar
Well Lesley I started my working life in the seventies and no one ever pinched my bum. Men are men and they always like to have a good look and eye up a cleavage or a nice pair of legs, make ribald comments to their mates but if someone had touched me I would have punched them out.

Reply #42. Oct 15 12, 1:23 PM
I don't know if it's because I've always been too shy or if it's out of respect, but I've never been one to say or do those kind of things. I had a friend who I used to go to downtown D.C. with on Friday and Saturday nights. His favorite thing was to drive around and say nasty things to hookers. I'd be real quiet and he'd get on me about it..."Whats the matter...don't like the ladies" haha. I couldn't even bring myself to say those things to girls who expected it.

Reply #43. Oct 15 12, 2:12 PM
"... if someone had touched me I would have punched them out"
I might not have hit anyone, but I wouldn't have accepted a pinched bum with silence, or a giggle - which is probably why nobody tried it on me.

Rick, what an odd way for your friend to spend his time! I don't know if it was anything to do with shyness or respect - more perhaps to do with being normal? I would be very concerned about a man who thought what he was doing was appropriate behaviour.

Here's an article I thought was interesting: prompted by the Jimmy Savile investigation, but not particularly or exclusively about him.
"How do sexual abusers cover their tracks?"

Reply #44. Oct 17 12, 3:34 PM
TheRambler star

player avatar
Well it's hit the fan big time as per the link.

I wonder who the other individuals are that the police are investigating. I bet they always thought they would get away with it. What a dangerous and two faced man Jimmy Savile was. He seemingly had an awesome temper which not a lot of people ever saw and he must be the most cunning and predatory paedophiles in history.

Reply #45. Oct 19 12, 1:27 PM
The newest name to add to his list of accusers is his sister's granddaughter.

Reply #46. Oct 20 12, 4:22 PM
Interesting article about one man who did have his doubts.

" A former BBC governor for Wales and Children in Need chairman says he had suspicions about Jimmy Savile more than a decade ago and would not allow him any involvement with the charity. "

Reply #47. Oct 29 12, 8:34 PM
TheRambler star

player avatar
Yeah there's a lot of people who could have stopped the abuse if they'd had the cojones to speak up. Everyone of them deserve to be taken to task, including the various hospitals' management, who let him have an apartment or a room, even though their staff knew what was going on, the BBC for sweeping it all under the carpet and his famous colleagues who knew what he was doing but didn't want to lose their jobs, or were also enjoying their extras. It will all come out in the wash and I hope that in the future, all those institutions who are eager for charity funds will look behind their donations to the benefactor with a bit more care.

Reply #48. Nov 01 12, 2:20 PM
I thought these interviews were interesting:

Bill Oddie about the BBC:
"Everyone Knew About Jimmy Savile At BBC"

and David Icke about pretty well everything:

Reply #49. Dec 02 12, 6:20 PM
mountaingoat star

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A women spoke about a paedophile priest in Australia who abused her son "He spent as much time grooming the parents to convince them he was not a sex fiend as he did grooming his victims." By building up a veneer of respectability in the community makes it difficult to challenge them. I have still, after all the evidence, seen people defend Saville because of his charity work.

Reply #50. Dec 08 12, 7:14 AM
TheRambler star

player avatar
Yes, these people are very smart and that's what makes them so frightening. I've even heard of men who try to meet women on the internet who have kids and after they have got the trust of the women, start to abuse their kids. It's sickening. I always find it strange that some people can't see beyond what the person has done because they have been involved with charities. It's like their minds block out the bad stuff even though Savile did all the charity work to get close to the kids, so he could abuse them. I feel so sorry for those kids, especially the ones in the homes because they had no one to turn to who would believe them but then that's why he picked on them.

Reply #51. Dec 10 12, 8:29 AM
froggyx star
Not sure if anybody has posted this one before, this is really ironic

(hope link works, it's my first time)

Reply #52. Dec 11 12, 10:58 AM
froggyx star
also, pedophiles often groom the parents of the victim as much as they groom their victim

Reply #53. Dec 11 12, 11:20 AM
13.1.13: The Report.
" Jimmy Savile scandal: Report reveals decades of abuse "

Froggyx, I reckon paedophiles have to groom the parents, if the parents are around. Humbert Humbert's grooming went as far as marrying Dolores's mother.

Of course there aren't always parents in hospitals, or in approved schools for troubled teens.

Reply #54. Jan 11 13, 1:33 PM

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