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Subject: Prince William and Kate Expecting!

Posted by: Shiningstar7
Date: Dec 06 12

William and Kate are expecting a baby sometime next year! Is anyone else as happy as I am?

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Chavs star

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A lot of opinions I have read on t'internet seem to be saying that no one cares, and even that they resent it being reported as a leading item on the news.

I suppose I am somewhere inbetween.

Babies are always good news really, but the news is more of a "and finally" titbit of information than a lead item. I'm happy for them, of course.

I hate all the media interest in her illness. It's sick.

Reply #1. Dec 06 12, 6:03 AM
Heleena star

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There is always so much bad news that I find it a welcome relief to have something happy reported. I am very happy for Prince William and Kate.

Reply #2. Dec 06 12, 7:18 AM
daver852 star

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With the possible exception of the Kennedys, I can think of no group of people whose general worthlessness is exceeded by Britain's royal family. If not for the Sucession to the Crown Act of 1707, these people would be no more "royal" than you and I, and, furthermore, would not be the sort of people who would be admitted into polite society.

Reply #3. Dec 06 12, 10:48 AM
rayven80 star

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Daver, why always the downer?

Reply #4. Dec 06 12, 11:06 AM
I am thrilled that Kate and William are going to be parents. I wish she weren't so sick because we women know how terrible that is. I also wish that they could enjoy the pregnany without all the intrusion of the press.

Reply #5. Dec 06 12, 11:08 AM
Chavs star

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Daver, that's waaaay too harsh. Fair enough to criticize the institution of monarchy, and the idea of birthright, but on a personal level they don't deserve that - they work blooming hard and can have amazing positive effects on the people they work with/for.

Reply #6. Dec 06 12, 4:08 PM
wyambezi star
"and, furthermore, would not be the sort of people who would be admitted into polite society."

Really? Please tell us about your personal experiences with the royal family, perhaps in a thread designed for those comments.

No matter what one's opinion is of royalty, a new baby is always wonderful news and affirmation that life is a gift for us all. That baby matters and is not 'worthless', royalty or not. I hope he/she will have a long, loving life.

Reply #7. Dec 07 12, 12:00 AM
flopsymopsy star

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It's just as well then, Daver, that Britain's Royal Family has absolutely nothing to do with you and your opinion of them is not worth the grief caused to the electrons you disturbed to post that message.

Reply #8. Dec 07 12, 5:15 PM
jabb5076 star

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Have you ever noticed that those individuals who are pointlessly negative tend to be generally unhappy people?

Reply #9. Dec 07 12, 7:15 PM
SisterSeagull star

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Daver... Our Royal Family are far, very far, from being worthless. I've often found that the ones who denigrate our institutions like that are usually those who have little, if any, history of their own or, like the French, had it and foolishly destroyed it.

Reply #10. Dec 07 12, 9:11 PM
demurechicky star
I too love Our Royal Family! I am thrilled that Kate and William are expecting their first baby.

I am proud to be British and find Daver's comment to be in bad taste, particularly for a non Brit!

Reply #11. Dec 08 12, 3:00 AM
Chavs star

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Well.. anyone may have an opinion, Brit or not, I hope. :D

Maybe we're getting too harsh on Dave now, lol!

Anyway, he also slammed the Kennedys...and they are a different kettle of fish...but Dave, what about Robert Kennedy, he was a good 'un, no?

I would save "worthless" etc for vaccuous celebrity tattle monger types such as the Kardashian? Kardashiam? Karda... you know the people I mean. Who are they and from whence did they spring? Why are they?

Reply #12. Dec 08 12, 4:19 AM
tearose90 star
honestly how can anyone not care about a new baby in the royal family? and so what if some people are'nt born into royalty I love princess kate and every member of the royal family, except for camille she had the nerve to call princess kate a mere commoner when she has'nt got any heart to talk at all, she was was prince charles's mistress and she does'nt deserve to have anything to do with the royal family. princess kate deserves the honor because she's loving,kind,caring,charismatic,and fashionable. I'm so glad there's finally some good news after all the craziness. it was ridiculous how some austrailian radio d.j.s impersonated queen elizabeth and prince albert I wish that they'd leave princess kate and the rest of them alone enough's enough! I'm so excited that the oldest child it it's a female gets to be queen.

Reply #13. Dec 08 12, 5:19 AM
demurechicky star
Ah Chavs you are right re the opinion bit, everyone is entitled to theirs. Re the Kennedys, I don't feel I can criticize them, I didn't know them personally and know insufficient about the family history, but I wouldn't call them 'worthless'. I think they were a family thwarted with tragedy and unnecessary loss of life. They most certainly aren't royalty, as the USA don't have any royalty, well I guess there's Elvis as the King of Rock 'n' Roll :)

Anyway to get back on is lovely news, as is any forthcoming birth!

Reply #14. Dec 08 12, 5:42 AM
Chavs star

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Tearose, hi. :)

Camilla and Charles was a true love story. In hindsight, The Royal Family / Society / Parliament etc should have let that happen in the first place really instead of forcing Charles into a bad marriage, and much worse tricking a 19 year old girl into it!

Reply #15. Dec 08 12, 6:03 AM
Chavs star

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((well I guess there's Elvis as the King of Rock 'n' Roll ))

:D lol, Definitely! No one can object to that!

Reply #16. Dec 08 12, 6:07 AM
Mommakat star

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One point that seems to have been overlooked is what the Royals engender in the way of Tourist Pounds. How many tourists fail to view Buck Palace, or some aspect of the Royals. They are a big part of the Tourist Pound in the British Isles. I doubt there is a bigger attraction and frankly whilst we are criticising the Royal family of England let us not forget the doings of the Royals and the pseudo Royals of other countries.

Reply #17. Dec 08 12, 7:44 AM
It was said that a picture of Diana on the front of a paper or magazine would double sales, and her presence at a fund-raising dinner would quadruple sales.

I do agree with Chavs about the Charles/Camilla story. Camilla and Diana were both treated shabbily, but Diana should never have been involved. Bit naughty to call Kate a commoner, though - or was she being ironic, after it was decreed that Kate must curtsey to Andrew's daughters, because they have royal blood?

Reply #18. Dec 08 12, 9:38 AM
jabb5076 star

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She doesn't curtsey now, does she? Even though she's a Duchess rather than a Princess, does she now outrank Andrew's daughters?

Reply #19. Dec 08 12, 10:05 AM
13LuckyLady star

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I wish them the best for a happy healthy baby (and an end to the morning sickness).

Reply #20. Dec 08 12, 10:15 AM

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