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Subject: Did you ever cheat on school exams ?

Posted by: diade68
Date: Aug 23 13

Guilty as Charged, Your Honor...

27 replies. On page 1 of 2 pages. 1 2
I never cheated on school exams or tests because if I did, my dad would have pin my hid to the wall! So I made sure to study hard to get the grades that I deserved on those exams & tests.

Reply #1. Aug 25 13, 5:44 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Never as I would only have cheated myself.

Reply #2. Aug 25 13, 8:06 AM
No, no point.

Can't remember but probably no opportunity either. If you do get the chance to cheat, the school's not doing it right.

Reply #3. Aug 25 13, 10:08 AM
jolana star

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I did, of course, as I come from the East, where cheating is an accepted part of the teacher-student relationship/fight. But asking this question on an American, English of Canadian site is pointless, because in these countries, cheating is considered a serious offence with severe consequences.

Reply #4. Aug 25 13, 11:14 AM
alexis722 star

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Never. Fortunately, I had few or no opportunities. And I wouldn't have dared. I also didn't allow anyone to cheat from my tests, that was considered taboo, too.
I remember pulling all nighters in senior year to make sure I passed History (my worst subject then and one of my favorites now - now meaning I can read my own choices of 'history' vs. 'herstory'.). In NYC we also had to pass the Regents exams in 4 or 5 subjects, no pass no graduate. I earned my diploma, and it's a habit of good standing because I've earned everything I've ever gotten. Also the bad stuff.

Reply #5. Aug 25 13, 11:40 AM
jabb5076 star

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The only time I recall cheating was while at University to help my husband (then boyfriend) on a makeup test the professor had him take in the library.
This was long before cell phones, and the class was in my major, so he went to the pay phone right outside the library and called me for help on the questions where he was unsure.

Reply #6. Aug 25 13, 2:30 PM

player avatar
I was always good at and enjoyed exams... so really no need to contemplate trying to cheat. Also, not worth the risk of getting caught out.

Later on at university my attitude was always that I'd simply succeed or fail based on the amount of work that I had (or had not bothered to) put in.

Reply #7. Aug 31 13, 7:38 AM
brm50diboll star

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No. It was unnecessary. I was aware of other students that cheated sometimes, though.

Reply #8. Oct 30 13, 10:15 AM
TemptressToo star

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I cheated on a spelling test in fourth grade. I felt so horrible, I confessed my deed to my teacher.

Lesson learned.

Reply #9. Nov 19 13, 4:19 PM
queenofquizzes star

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No. If I did......... well let's just say that I would be in BIG trouble!

Reply #10. Nov 24 13, 6:42 AM
paulmallon star

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anyone who says they NEVER did, might be telling a little white lie

Reply #11. Mar 28 14, 6:56 PM
MiraJane star

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The professor was a horrible teacher. In every exam, we were always confused, Teh questions never related to anything that was in the text or had green taught in class. On the final, everyone was lost.

The entire class attempted to help each other out and openly shared answers. No one passed. I think the highest grade was 15.

Needless to say, we all had to repeat the class because it was a required class. Unfortunately, we also had to pay for the experience. Luckily, the failing grade was not included on our transcripts.

Reply #12. Mar 28 14, 7:44 PM
MiraJane star

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The entire class...
Had been taught ...

Reply #13. Mar 28 14, 7:45 PM
daver852 star

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Not that I can recall. That was mainly because I was a good student and never had a need to cheat.

Reply #14. Mar 28 14, 9:17 PM
A couple times. Once on, of all things, a gym class quiz. Someone got the answers and pretty much EVERYONE got them from that person. Another time I looked over my friend's shoulder for answers on a history test. He was a little bit better on the subject and didn't mind sharing his answers.

Reply #15. Mar 28 14, 10:49 PM
Creedy star

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No white lies here, Paul. I've never cheated on an exam, and never will. If a person has put in the hard yards and followed a study program faithfully, then any exam is a breeze.

Reply #16. Jun 04 14, 9:00 PM
I don't really remember cheating on anything except when I was younger. That's when I tried to cheat. Of course, I don't now because I know better (I think).

Reply #17. Jun 25 14, 12:35 PM
Mixamatosis star

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I've never cheated because I would have felt no sense of achievement doing that and would have hated myself. I did do something once that I'm rather ashamed of but I did not know the consequences at the time. My best friend and I went to different universities in different cities and I'd not seen her for ages. She came to visit me unexpectedly one day - just for one evening. I'm sure she thought it would be a nice surprise and it was but I had a history exam the next day and was meant to be revising. She was clearly in a mood for a convivial evening. I didn't have the heart to say sorry I've got to study after she'd come such a long way. We got rather drunk and the next day I was just too hungover to do the exam so I phoned in and said I was sick. There were 2 history papers and as I'd done well in the first one, they decided to award me a good pass overall. I did not imagine they'd do that. It made me feel guilty because I'd told a lie and they'd trusted my word. Well I was feeling ill but it was self-inflicted and avoidable. What would you have done?

Reply #18. Jul 24 15, 7:26 PM
Mixamatosis star

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A school friend of my husband had a geography teacher who was horrible to the pupils and would beat them up on a whim (in the days when teachers could get away with that). My husband's friend ( I'll call him G) was doing a geography exam and was stuck on a question and running out of time. He started the answer on one page and put a last sentence on another then numbered the pages as if there was a page missing. It made the geography teacher very embarrassed and for sometime afterwards he was repeatedly apologising to G for having lost the page and being unable to find it.

Reply #19. Jul 24 15, 7:35 PM
A gem test in science class. I had a cheat sheet in my right hand and looked down at it. The teacher caught me and I failed the test.

Reply #20. Jan 05 17, 8:36 PM

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