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Subject: Ever had a premonition?

Posted by: ElusiveDream
Date: Apr 17 15

Here are a few scary premonitions I recently heard about:

1. Cathy Lawton and her husband were planning a holiday to China. Cathy was nervous about the trip, so much so that a friend bought her a set of Worry Dolls. She and her husband eventually boarded the now missing MH Flight 370.

2. 11-year-old Miguel Panduwinata and his older brother were going on a holiday to Bali to visit their grandmother. In the days leading up to the trip, Miguel began asking lots of questions about death, wanting to know what happened to peoples' souls when they died. His mother thought this was unusual but told him there was nothing to worry about. So Miguel and his brother boarded MH Flight 17. The plane was later shot down over the Ukraine. No-one on board survived.

3. In late October 1966, 10-year-old Eryl Mai Jones told her mother she'd had a dream about her school being destroyed by a landslide. Two days later, Eryl and 115 of her classmates died when a coal slag heap demolished their Primary School in Aberfan, Wales.

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I've had 2 prophetic dreams. The first one happened when I was a kid. I had a dream that I had a certain conversation at school with a fellow student. He started the conversation in the dream. It happened the very next day! I was freaked out. Then about 10 years ago, I dreamed of a volcanic eruption & I was trapped by lava. There are no volcanoes around where I live so I found this strange that I dreamed about an eruption. Two days later I read about a volcanic eruption in another country! Could this be the one I dreamed about? I have no way of knowing that for sure but my feeling is that it was the same! People aren't supposed to know what the future holds so it's very scary having dreams like this & I hope I never have another one!

Reply #1. Apr 18 15, 7:27 AM
Sometimes having a premonition can be a good thing. Here's an example of how a premonition actually saved two lives.

Eva Hart was seven in 1912, the year her parents decided to emigrate from England to Canada. Her father booked tickets on the Philadelphia, but when the ship was delayed by a coal strike, he was offered Second Class tickets for the Titanic's maiden voyage. His wife, however, was horrified. She thought that calling a ship "unsinkable" was flying in the face of God and repeatedly tried to persuade her husband to choose a different route. He ignored her, and they boarded Titanic in Southampton. Four days later, Titanic struck an iceberg and sank in the Atlantic. Because Mrs Hart had been expecting disaster, she was able to get herself and her daughter to a lifeboat, but sadly lost her husband.

Reply #2. Apr 21 15, 1:18 AM
Very interesting. I believe that things like this really do happen because I have experienced it myself. I guess it's kind of like believing in ghosts. People normally don't believe in ghosts unless they have seen one themselves!

Reply #3. Apr 21 15, 9:42 AM
Concerning the Titanic, Mrs Hart wasn't the only one to have a premonition of disaster. John Hume, the Scottish violinist who was part of Titanic's 8-man band, had been aboard the Olympic (Titanic's twin sister) when she had a collision with HMS Hawke. This frightened his mother and she begged him not to sail on Titanic after a dream told her of terrible consequences. The problem: John was employed by the White Star Line (Titanic's owners) and the decision not to sail would have made gaining future employment difficult. So John boarded with the other musicians in Southampton....and all of them lost their lives.

Reply #4. Apr 21 15, 8:13 PM
MiraJane star

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A religious conviction that supposes calling a ship unsinkable is "flying in the face of God" isn't a premonition. It's a belief system.

As for the mother's dream ...
Her son was on a ship that was involved in a crash. She dreamed worriedly he might be on another ship that would crash. That's her worries manifesting in her dreams. Hardly a premonition either.

Reply #5. Apr 21 15, 8:56 PM

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I wouldn't call them premonitions because I never remember them until the moment they happen, but I dream the future on a regular basis. The dreamed future only occupies a second or two of time, nothing dramatic is happening (no car accidents, volcanoes, etc.), and it only occurs in a place I've never been before (when I have the dream). You might call it deja vu, but I remember the dream when the event actually occurs. First time it happened, I was so frightened I almost passed out. Now I've gotten used to it. As for time scale, it's difficult to judge because I don't remember the dream when I have the dream, only later when the actual event occurs, but it seemed like they were about six months in advance when they first started happening; now they seem to have stretched out to about two years.

Examples: I had a dream that I was walking down a strange hallway with weird pictures on the walls... six months later and a change of colleges and I was walking down a hallway in the art department when I remembered the dream.

I had a dream that I was walking in a strange grocery store with two guys I'd never met at the time... six months later, I was in New Jersey learning how to run photo processing machines, and two of the guys from the class asked if I'd give them a ride to the grocery store. I didn't actually remember the dream until the exact moment we walked a few steps into the store and everything was the same as the dream.

I had a dream that I was sitting at my computer in a room with ugly knotty pine walls, hideous green and filthy curtains, and badly yellowed shades, sweating. Two YEARS later, I was summoned to Miami to take care of my elderly grandfather, and I set up shop in a back room that hadn't been lived in for 20 years. It wasn't until I sat down at the computer that I remembered the dream.

Reply #6. May 27 15, 11:55 PM
ceetee star

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I was no great shakes as a cricketer, mostly playing in my club's third team but on December 10th, 1976 (note I still remember the exact date) I arrived in my car to start a match and, on picking up my bat and bag of gear from the back seat, I looked at my bat and said "Ooh, I am going to make 100 today" Given that my previous best score was 52, this was some statement. I opened the batting utterly convinced of my destiny, and even when we were a shaky 3/14, I was unconcerned. I finished the day 127 not out. A team mate shook my hand warmly and said "You might as well retire now. You will never bat that well again." Guess what. He was right too. Two accurate predictions in the one day.

Reply #7. May 28 15, 4:46 AM
These arent premonitions. Its deja vu.

Reply #8. May 29 15, 6:52 PM
daver852 star

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I believe there are such things as premonitions. They are too well documented to dismiss.

Reply #9. May 29 15, 11:24 PM
And you are an expert on what is a premonition & what is deja vu?

Reply #10. May 30 15, 8:47 AM
Deja vu is a feeling like something has happened before or will happen again.

Reply #11. Jun 08 15, 10:52 AM
supersal1 star
A link to deja vu here - something I experience quite a lot. Definitely not premonition, it can be something like writing a shopping list, changing my mind and crossing out an item, then getting the feeling that I've done exactly the same thing before - same list, same item, writing it in the same place.

My husband is the most down to earth person I know. He never remembers his dreams, except for on one occasion. He'd nodded off on a train trip and come home very upset. He'd dreamt that he was stuck head first in a pipe or tunnel of some sort, with water flowing over him. He said it was very realistic and absolutely horrifying. The next day our bath wouldn't drain properly. When he checked, one of the pipes had a dead bird in it, wedged head down and soaking wet. Possibly a coincidence but a very weird one.

Reply #12. Jun 08 15, 12:34 PM
Mixamatosis star

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I used to play the lottery in the u.k and I'd have some sort of insinct about the numbers. I never got them all right but most weeks I'd get 3. For some reason I failed to realise that 3 numbers wins a prize of £10 and I never claimed the prizes. Soon after I was diagnosed with asthma and had to take steroid inhalers. The instinct then went from me. Unfortunately it was about the same time I realised you could claim £10 for 3 numbers.

Reply #13. Jul 24 15, 6:16 PM

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