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Subject: Relatives

Posted by: summer-hayze
Date: Jun 17 18

I married this girls brother. We have been married 40 years. You guessed it I'm an old babe. As we get older Things happen to our bodies, mine is my spine from the neck down are collapsing. Use a cane and a walker . T get to the nitty gritty, I over heard her say to my husband, "there's not a fuddle duddle, thing wrong with her. You shouldn't be driving her all over. (for treatments). was so mad that if i could have confronted her I would have tried to wrap my walker around her neck. She was gone by the time i got outside. So I composed a note to her. It goes as follows, before you judge my life, or past character. Walk in my shoes, walk the path I have travelled, live my sorrow,, my doubts my pain,my fear and my laughter. REMEMBER , every one has a story, when you've lived my life then and only then can you judge me. I add ed isn't frekin' frustrating when you're the only person who can see how manuiplative someone is and how every one else is blind to it.
Dealing with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall. The problem with some people is that they EXIST. I know this is probably not what you w ant in this board but I had to vent somewhere. My husband says I' too harsh.
I must add that fun trivia is one of the things I can do without discomfort and it keeps this old mind active.
So thanks to all of you for listening.

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Funtrivia is a great way to destress and just wash one's worries away... if only it were that simple sometimes. I myself use a wheeled walker after having broken my leg in 2007. Best thing to do with judgmental peopl is try not to lett get to you, keep living your life best you can. No matter what you say to them they judge anyway, so let them think what they want.


Reply #1. Jun 17 18, 7:20 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Jaz is right about trying to not let people get to you and turning the other cheek. Of course, things like that are a lot easier said than done with the likes of me. I guess it must be the Irish and the way lethal dose of rock n roll I've got in my veins. In other words, yeah, I'll stand alone and spit white fire right straight up 8 billion red-hot backsides when certain lines are crossed. Like when people try to go after me lucky charms for example.

As for me, I haven't walked at all in almost 27 years. Had myself a little auto accident in '91 that severed my spine. I was 29, so it won't be much longer and it will be half of my lifetime. When things like that happen to people, they can let it consume them and live in a dark, bitter world, or they can choose to pick up the pieces and make the best of what they have left and move on. I have always chosen the latter because that's the only thing that makes sense to me. I was very fortunate that my spinal fracture was quite low, and I have been able to live alone and take care of myself all these years. I've played basketball and tennis and just had myself a lot of fun and good times over the last 27 years and throughout my whole life. The top selling book on this planet tells us that we will not be given more burdens than we can handle, and I believe that with all my heart.

Anyway, I am a wild and crazy rock and roll outlaw but I also have a sensitive side and I care about people and can listen as well as anyone. Please feel free to approach me with just whatever you like. You can call me Kevin or Kev and I'm always around. You can pay a visit to my Buddy Holly blog any time you like as well. Love to have you.

Reply #2. Jun 17 18, 8:47 AM
summer-hayze star

player avatar
Dear Kevin:
I'm fairly new to computers. Can you tell me how to get to your blog? Want to hear something weird, I used to be an OLD rehabilitation nurse. Bet you had enough of us. Thanks for your reply to my rant. You can call me Polly.

Reply #3. Jun 18 18, 6:12 AM

veronicavee star

player avatar
summer-hayze, I too am now more or less confined to a wheelchair, last year or so. If and when I can walk it is with a stich and not far. Believe you me it's not for the want of trying. I used to be such an active person. I hate the looks you receive from people, I am still a human being with a good mind and a sense of humour.
My friends and little family I have, have been very supportive.
It's a pity your husband is not supporting you more in this situation with his sister. I won't say more.
Anytime you wish to drop a note please do so,
Yes f/t is great for keeping the brain active. I was a member before this happened and it's the one place it hasn't made any difference in the way people think of me, infact many of them don't know...well they didn't! Vee

Reply #4. Jun 18 18, 7:35 AM
I have to ride in a wheelchair for lont distances. My legs just get too tired. I'm trying to get my insurance to pay for a personal one. I'd still use the walker as much as I could, but I have a lot of doctor appointments lately and the offices are huge. I don't have much in the way of support... just mother, and we don't always agree on what "support" is. That's all I'll say on that.

P.S. Kev's blog, and mine, are on the virtual blogs part of FT, same as yours is.

Reply #5. Jun 20 18, 5:39 PM
mpkitty star

player avatar
I will tell you how to get to Sesame Street, er, scratch that. I mean all blogs:
1, go to Fun Trivia home page
2, on left. click Chat Boards
3, Scroll down to Virtual blogs and click
4. There they all are, including yours
5. You asked about Kev's, his is the Buddy Holly board
6. No Drama is also popular, and I have one, too...

We all support you and don't sweat the little people, you are BIG!

Reply #6. Jun 20 18, 10:39 PM
mpkitty star

player avatar
p.s. Jazmee is a great person and has her own blog, please give it a look-see. If you have any more questions, I will be happy to answer as far as I can, just ask. I wish you well.

Reply #7. Jun 20 18, 10:48 PM
summer-hayze star

player avatar
I must correct myself, I did not over hear my sister-in-law. My husband came in and told me what she said, we have no secrets from each other.

I'm wondering if anyone out there has had an MGD FACET BLOCK FLUORO done if so did it help? Were there any lasting side effects? I'm to have one done in October. If anyone in f/t land has any answers I would appreciate your input. Thanks in advance. summer-hayze.

Reply #8. Jun 22 18, 12:54 AM

MiraJane star

player avatar
Summer-hayze, I've had them and yes, they have helped.

However, I do have to tell you FunTrivia has a rule against giving out what could be termed medical advice. I can't really say much more than that on a public thread. I'd write to you privately about them right now but I haven't slept in over 30 hours and I have a migraine headache. Real thinking is beyond me right now.

To all others that might want to discuss the matter with summer-hayze privately, she is asking about spinal nerve block shots using fluoroscopy (sometimes called live x-rays) while the doctor gives the shots.

Reply #9. Jun 22 18, 11:08 AM
summer-hayze star

player avatar
MiraJane Thanks for the encouragement. Sorry you're feeling so rotten. I know how you feel I have had a headache for 4 years next month Its not as bad as when it started but it is always there just waging a war in my head. That's another reason I do fun trivia and take courses, Trying to keep my mind off m head. I wonder what fun trivia calls medical advice? Well try to rest and sleep as much as you are able. But you know the drill. Hope you feel better soon.

Reply #10. Jun 22 18, 11:38 AM

This blog appears t be doing well so far, and I hope it continues.

My uncle had stuff done with his back, but at this point doctors aren't quite sure how to help him.

As for me, I fill ou paperwork Tuesday pre-surgery (THE PROCEDURE ITSELF IS in July

Reply #11. Jun 22 18, 12:10 PM
summer-hayze star

player avatar
Dear Jazz; My first procedure is in October. I'm really nervous about it. You probably know the feeling all too well, You want the procedure done if it helps but what if it does not or something goes wrong. My problem is not the same as MiraJane (I don't think). Good luck on you procedure helping you. You must deal with neurologists what a bunch they are not too bright. Thank you for your support.

Reply #12. Jun 22 18, 12:34 PM


I try to be supportive of everyone. There are days I'm not so good at it... but nobody's perfect. I really try not to let "what ifs" FESTER; they don't help me at all, but make everything worse. I repeat stuff like "you're not to worry about that yet;" there I'm giving myself permission to worry closer to the time. Like... Tuesday I just learn which surgery is being done. It's then two weeks or around there until then; so, I still won't worry. I might be upset (if the procedure I want isn't approved by the health insurance). As for neurologists, I try to stay as far away from them as possible; the only one where I live either pushed neds all the time or insisted I get a spinal tap. I finally stopped him with, "Willl it make a difference?" (in terms of treatment.
"No. Just looking." Well, bye, then. I don't need that.
These days, I either see my family doctor or gyn doctor (the one doing the surgery).
My blog is called:

We are people not horror attractions

Thank god for Buddy Holly is Kev's blog

I hope you can find your way to them; these virtual blogs are quite funn (for the most part).

All the best,


Reply #13. Jun 24 18, 9:10 PM
summer-hayze star

player avatar
Jaz: First of all good luck on your surgery I hope its covered by your medicare.
Here in Canada most surgical procedures are covered. The only ones I think aren't are for sex changes.
I Did find find your blog its very interesting. I have a bird too, an Indian Ring necked Parakeet, she is so mean, I've had her for over 20 years and still can't handle her.

Well gotta do some housework. Good luck again on your surgery.
Contact me any time, love talking to you.

Reply #14. Jun 25 18, 9:52 AM

Live in the US.

Got pretty good health insurance, but they do deny stuff. Example is when I was in hospital after breaking my leg: they wanted to send me home with crutches, no one willing/able to explain that it was my insurance refusing to pay prior to surgery.
The bone surgeon had a backbone and explained (also told us how to get me up or down stairs in interim).
They did a rod and pinning, and I should have been weight-bearing immediately... howevver, it hurt so much I couldnt. Wound up in hospital/nursing homes for two months.

Reply #15. Jun 25 18, 2:25 PM
summer-hayze star

player avatar
Jaz: Sorry I didn't respond sooner but had appointments most of yesterday. Yuck spending time in a nursing home. Don't think I'd like that. Was it different than an old age nursing home? A lot of ours are pretty crappy. Or was it more like a rehab hospital?
Most of our surgeries an treatments are covered by OHIP (except for cosmetic stuff) A lot of drugs are covered we just pay a dispensing fee of course the expensive drugs aren't covered. I really hope everything goes O.K. with your surgery. I've had a lot of G.Y.N surgeries, The laparoscopic procedures don't take as much time as the regular slice and dice.
Time to wake the hubby he has some travelling to do today.
Try to keep your spirits up. That helps a lot. Hope to hear from you soon. summer-hayze

Reply #16. Jun 28 18, 6:39 AM

Rehab facilities. The hospital's gonna keep me overnight regardless how the surgery's being done. It's also fasting.

Reply #17. Jun 28 18, 9:02 AM
sadwings star

player avatar
Hey, Polly. Didn't mean to seem like I was ignoring you, I just had to stand in the corner and not be allowed to talk to anyone for a couple of weeks. Looks like the posts that got me into trouble and the ones that I was responding to in the first place have all been deleted.

Anyway, I am able to talk to people again. Just wanted to let you know. Talk to you later.

Reply #18. Jul 01 18, 11:06 AM
summer-hayze star

player avatar
Kev: Welcome back. I found and enjoyed your blog You sound like you have had an interesting life. I guess to each other we all have interesting live but in different ways. They call me weird but I think (or hope) they mean it in a good way. Is that you on the motorcycle as your avitar. I have always wanted to ride one never had the chance, Closest I came was a scooter. Another thing I've always wanted is a tattoo, didn't have the guts.
May I ask why you call and name in your Blog Buddy Holly is it that you really liked him or is it something else? If you mean it literally I liked him too.
While you were away I've been talking to Jaz a very interesting person. I really like her. Sorry to cut this off so abruptly but the Husband wants the computer. I hope we can talk again and get better acquainted. See you later. Polly

Reply #19. Jul 01 18, 6:13 PM


I like you too. I think we're all weird in some way or other: we all have our "quirks." Some just acknpowledge their "craziness" more than others. AI think life forces one to be a bit crazy in order to deal with it; the "madness" is how we cope with life.


Reply #20. Jul 01 18, 7:53 PM

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