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Subject: Big Brother 25 (US)

Posted by: jasa9092
Date: Aug 19 23

I started this thread a little late this year. Anybody else watching the show? Let's have some fun and share our thoughts and opinions! :)

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jasa9092 star

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First, I'm thrilled they finally listened to the fans and brought in more older players. Very refreshing to see a competition and not a match-making show.

I don't have a clear favorite yet. Matt is sweet. Being deaf he has a big disadvantage though. I've watched a little bit of the live feeds (mainly to see HOH comps results that we don't get to see live). Anyway, he was talking to someone about how he likes to play Veto, but said he is a wildcard, because some are hard for him. Just like this week with the audio comp. I felt so bad for him. I found an article telling how they accommodate his disability. I'll find it and post it.

I'm not a fan of Hisum. He's really bossy and acts like he is better than others. He is good at comps for sure, but lacks in social play. He should realize social is just important... ask Paul or anyone else that lost only because of their social game.

Reply #1. Aug 19 23, 12:43 PM
jasa9092 star

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My favorite laugh out loud moment so far this year... Cameron telling Jared that he thinks Felicia is Denzel Washington's sister! LoL!!! Where did that come from? They look nothing alike.

Reply #2. Aug 19 23, 12:44 PM
jasa9092 star

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Here is that article about accommodating Matt.

Reply #3. Aug 19 23, 12:50 PM
jasa9092 star

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I've never heard of "the pressure cooker" challenge. Looks boring to me, lol. I'm watching the feeds right now and so far there are 5 players still in it. I'm rooting for Cameron. By the way, anyone else happy to see Hisum got evicted? I'm not sure if he would have stayed true to his word about keeping the professors safe. I could see him wanting revenge.

Reply #4. Aug 25 23, 8:44 AM
jasa9092 star

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There are 2 left. I won't spoil it unless you're waiting til Sunday to find out.

Earlier they were trying to guess what time it was. They were thinking maybe 3 AM, but was actually 8, lol.

Reply #5. Aug 25 23, 9:40 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Hi Jasa!! I totally forgot about this, you were supposed to remind me! LOL!

I have been watching the show and it certainly is a mix of people.
Do you have favourites yet? I hate saying them aloud, it seems to be the kiss of eviction for them when I do.

I am disappointed that Cameron won HOH. I don't know, I just feel that he totally deserted his former allies. Sadly for him, he is in a pretend alliance, and he doesn't know it. Red, however, has caught on, but Cameron does not seem to be really listening to his concerns, especially about Izzie. She did not hide her concerns and worries about Cameron winning very well.
There are indeed a representation of older people on the show this year. The comps will be interesting. Felicia won the HOH and made a big to-do about it, don't count older people out, etc. However...look at the comp. My 3 year old granddaughter would have had just a good a chance at winning as everyone else had to win.. Basically zero skill requires, just luck. If the comp turns physical, like the last POV, they will do poorly. Felicia could hardly get through one egg return sequence. She could not move enough to get once down the aisle! Compare that to the younger ones, who although being exhausted, still managed to complete the 12 runs.
I hope that either Jag or Blue takes the POV on Wednesday. Why did Cameron turn against those two so quickly? Did they do anything to him? They voted for him to stay both times he was up. Usually people put up the ones who nominated them or voted for them to be evicted! Exactly why is he showing loyalty to the people who put him up as a "pawn" (when pawns can for sure go home) TWICE! If Hisam had played and won, Cameron would have been in trouble.
Anyway, like I said, I hope one of those 2 win the veto, or at least someone who will take them down will win.

There are still players who have not had much attention from the cameras yet. Honestly, i can't remember their names!!! I guess that means they are safe for now,no attention, no nominations.

I did miss parts of a couple of the shows. so if what I said doesn't jibe with what happened, fill me in! (maybe Cameron and Jag and Blue had a no-holds barred throw down and I missed it!)

Reply #6. Aug 28 23, 3:34 PM
jasa9092 star

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Hi Rose! I almost sent you a message. I'm glad you joined the thread! :)

That game where America chose 4 players to do that Invincibility challenge was interesting. I thought it was funny that America chose the same 4 people I would have. I'm so happy Matt won that. He deserved it after having to endure that difficult audio challenge. I bet you're happy he used the power to save Jag. I like Jag, but personally I think it would have been smarter to save it for next week.

I'm sick of not getting to see the HOH comps live this year. Have we seen any this season?

I'm not a fan of Blue (or Jared for that matter). I can't believe he practically told her his secret! Good thing Ciere doesn't know that. Mama would not be happy. Speaking of Ciere, at first I wasn't thrilled she was there. I thought, "well here we go again. Bringing someone into the house to set up a win for them". I don't watch Survivor, so I didn't even know who she was. They act like it's common knowledge. Anyway, last night she won my heart when she got emotional that America chose her for that comp. I'm glad she's teaming up with Matt. I like both of them.

Reply #7. Sep 01 23, 3:19 PM
jasa9092 star

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I forgot to mention, I got rid of cable and am just using streaming services now. Therefore I'm not able to see the show until the next day. I watched the feeds this morning to see who won HOH, but they were all asleep.

Reply #8. Sep 01 23, 3:23 PM
jasa9092 star

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I agree about some people not getting air time. Mecole (is that her name?) has had like .1% of air time. I can't even recall a diary room clip. Her voting is about the only time she is shown.

Reply #9. Sep 01 23, 3:28 PM
briarwoodrose star

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Every year there is someone like Jared. Physically fit and fast, everyone says "OMG he will be a comp beast!!!"...but it doesn't pan out. He had done terribly in most comps. I think he just tries to go too fast without listening or looking at the clues (the one with the scaryverse (or whatever it is called!!) when it was Jared and Hisam and Jared was ahead .However, didn't pay close attention to the clues and picked the wrong door.

I am glad Jag stayed. I know he (rightfully!) feels targeted...because he is!! Why did Cameron and Red go against him so much? He was friends with Cameron and now Cameron is running around saying "JAG HAS TO GO". So glad his HOH was all for nothing. Now here's hoping Cameron or Red does NOT win the next HOH. I can't believe that Cameron fell so hard for the fake alliance. Red saw through it though.

I still don't know that girl's name! LOL! I guess she is safe for a few weeks. Don't see much of the Aussie either. pretty much just to cast a vote. America and Cory (I think that's his name) not too much on them except a mutual crush.

Cirie is 100% excellent at playing/manipulating others. I watched her every time in Survivor, and boy, is she good. I really hope that she doesn't do Matt wrong. He trusts her so so so much. Her biggest problem right now is Jared and Blue. He won't be impressed if his mom goes after Blue. Not a bit. Should be interesting to see what happens. Knowing Cirie, she will convince someone else to go after Blue...LOL!

Okay, one thing I have to mention...what the heck happened to Matt during the eviction ceremony??? LOL! the whole show so far he has had the long hair down and been the shy sweet guy...come the eviction ceremony Thursday night...boom! He shows up with the man bun, long dangling earring...and shirt open to his navel. I think possibly big gold necklace, but can't be sure... I sat there thinking "who is that guy?"...then I realized it was Matt. OMG...HAHA!
Did Blue give him a makeover???

Reply #10. Sep 01 23, 10:37 PM
jasa9092 star

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Lol, I wasn't a fan of Matt's look that night.

Jared... oh my goodness he is a bad player! He doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut. Sad to say, but Cirie would probably be better off if she could get him eliminated. Of course it is a double edged sword, because he would never vote her out and would take her to the final.

Speaking of Jared... Why is Blue closer to Jag than him? She keeps saying Jag is her closest ally. Is she just stringing him along to further her game? If so, that's disgusting.

America and Corey are cute. I like seeing the sweetness instead of the cringe worthy display of Jared & Blue.

Reply #11. Sep 05 23, 5:38 PM
jasa9092 star

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Is it just me, or does every HOH comp seem like a game of luck? POVs have had some physical (Felicia's egg fiasco), but I don't recall anything strenuous in HOH. I could be wrong though.

I think Cameron and Red's thing against Jag is just that he is the best at comps. I don't think it is personal.

Reply #12. Sep 05 23, 5:43 PM
jasa9092 star

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Oh my gosh. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this week!!! Starting with Cameron winning POV. I loved seeing everyone's face when he won it! Then when he won HOH and their reactions! Priceless!! And he blindsiding EVERYONE at the nominations... well played, Cameron! And I agree 100% with his noms!

I've never liked Felecia and then when she growled at Bowie to "put her big girl pants on and play the game" ticked me off! Then had the audacity to tell Bowie that she has to be the spy this week?? Excuse me, but she doesn't owe you or anyone else anything. Sitting her next to Izzy is perfect. Cerie and Jared would never vote to keep Felicia over Izzy. Matt would do what Cerie says, plus Felecia has ruffled some feathers this week. If there was ever to have a physical comp, it has to be this week. Let's go!

Reply #13. Sep 11 23, 12:27 PM
briarwoodrose star

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if someone comes down, 100% Cirie is going up.

I cannot believe the tales that were spun to Cameron. OMG...what a load!
He did NOT fall for it , thank goodness.
The old "we thought it was terrible that Red turned on you like that, it was so awful, and we thought, how could we ever trust him not to vote you out, and we couldn't have we voted him out for you Cameron, all for you"...Dear lord...that was the best they could do??? And Felicia believed that Cam believed it. LOL!!!!!

I still don't know why Cam doesn't trust Jag. I am glad he did however, not put him up. Jag and Cameron would be a great pair working together.

As for Blue, yes, I do think she likes Jared. I don't really care for Blue though. It's the whole personality thing...Look at me, I am so pretty, look at my clothes, look at my face, I am just fabulous...etc etc etc. You see this now in all sorts of shows, and I am thoroughly sick of it. Maybe we were brought up be confident, but holy cow, don't run around talking about yourself every chance you get, especially on camera. LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME...boring. It's just pathetic. Maybe these types of people are not confident and have to inflate themselves at every opportunity? i don't know, but it drives me crazy.

I can't imagine how Red feels now that he is out and finds out the truth about what was told to him and to Cameron. Boy oh boy, I bet Cam and Red will be very very angry after this show and they get to watch it all back. I just don't know why they believed all of it!!!!

Reply #14. Sep 11 23, 5:25 PM
briarwoodrose star

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And yes, I also hated the way they spoke to Bowie...after ignoring her and keeping her in the dark. Telling her she has to be a spy etc. and she has to prove herself to them, show her loyalty etc. They need a very rude awakening. Hopefully this week.

Oh, and let's not forget about Jared's big goof about Matt's secret power. Jag has figured out that Jared is passing on stuff to Cirie. I don't know if he has told anyone yet.

Reply #15. Sep 11 23, 5:28 PM
jasa9092 star

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I agree Jag and Cam would make a great team.

I was surprised to see Izzy go before Felecia. I guess the housemates got over their irritations of her. They probably figured out that Felecia can't win a real comp. The one that she won was all about luck. Like you said, a kid could have won that, lol.

I read online to see who won HOH, because the endurance comp wasn't over (obviously) and when I was able to look at live feeds, they were all asleep, lol. I won't reveal who won. Anyway, it was the first time I looked at a fan site this year and oh my goodness fans really hate Cerie. They must see stuff on live feeds that gets edited out. I don't mind her just as long as they let her earn her win and not rig it. They don't like Jared either and that one I agree with. He's a horrible player and is just there because of mommy.

Reply #16. Sep 15 23, 4:54 AM
jasa9092 star

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I wonder why they never showed Mecole's (Meme or whatever her name is) dinner she won where she could invite a couple housemates. Isn't that dinner always sponsored by Outback? If I was that company I would not be happy we didn't get our publicity/advertising.

Reply #17. Sep 17 23, 12:32 PM
jasa9092 star

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Jared won HOH. Ugh. He put Corey up which I'm not thrilled about. I like that he figured things out. Of course those are the players that get evicted. And he won't even get to be in the jury. :( Unless he gets off the block of course. It's a double edged sword though, because I don't want to see Cameron go either. :(I'm assuming he is a back door plan). My faves at this point are Cam, Corey, and Jag. Matt is a close 3rd, so if any of those go home he will be my replacement. Then I'm sure my order will flip flop until the game is over. My least faves are Felecia and Jared. My 3rd least is probably Mecole, because she hasn't earned anything. She's just a number to help Cerie. Personality wise, I don't like Blue.

Who are your faves and least?

Reply #18. Sep 18 23, 11:54 AM
briarwoodrose star

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Blue showed a different side of her personality tonight...she actually looked genuine when she was in the diary room talking about Jared. It was refreshing to see a real emotion and not a face caked in makeup and fake eyelashes rambling out about how "Fabulous i am!!!" ugh.

So Jag won. Glad it wasn't Jared! Cirie told Jared to put her up...what??? Do you think she meant that? Hard to know. It's easy enough to say things like that when you don't know if the situation will arise. When Izzy said that if she won the veto, she wouldn't use it on herself because they would backdoor Cirie. What?? Cirie must be a sorcerer!! Hello's $750,000. I noticed that Cirie did not argue that Izzy should NOT put her up!! LOL!! She was like "OH wow, thank you"

So now it is probably happening that Cam is going out. It is also the double eviction. I have zero idea of what will happen then. Cirie won't win unless it is a "luck" comp. Same for Felicia. As for Mecole (we really have to learn her name!!)...I am always surprised to see her casting a vote...I am scratching my head, saying "Who is that?? Oh yes, it's" I do not believe I have ever seen someone get so little air time in BB before. Bowie Jane is a close second. Maybe one of them will win the HOH and/or veto. Still waiting to see what either of them can bring to the game.
As for the dinner what's her name won...I must have missed that! LOL! What?? I did not see it and certainly did not see was invited...let me guess...Cirie, Felicia and Jared. Right??

As for Cirie...just how many shows is she in? I was watching one the other night, another reality game show...the Traitors, maybe ?...and who is there, but Cirie, once again in the final few. I wonder how much money she rakes in by doing these shows? It looks like she wants Jared to follow in her footsteps. Sorry Momma Cirie, he does not have the chops for that. He may be a strong guy, but he does not have the game play of his mother.

As for my favourites, I think Maybe Jag, Matt,...haven't made up my mind about some of the others. Corey and America...meh...maybe. Mecole and Bowie, not enough info to decide.
Jared...nope. I hated the way he spoke to Blue..."Don't raise your voice...I don't trust you"...all because she asked a valid question!!!! (AND, was NOT yelling!!!) That is just a way to shut someone down and keep them quiet, and I don't care for it.

Now taking bets for the second eviction tomorrow. The first will happen right away...zap! and probably Cam will be gone. then all the stuff that usually takes 3 days will be done in 30 minutes. At least we don't miss anything from the live feeds because everything is decided on the spot!

Reply #19. Sep 21 23, 12:36 AM
jasa9092 star

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"Who is that?? Oh yes, it's" LOL!!! I went back and watched that pressure cooker episode again to see if I remembered it right. Yeah, Mecole won a dinner party for her and 3 houseguests of her choosing. I wish we could have seen her dinner, because I'm curious who she picked.

I was so happy Corey won HOH! My neighbors probably heard me cheer, lol. I knew he'd take out Jared. And wow, Matt crushed that veto comp. Way to go, Matt! Now my cheering my be short lived since this zombie thing might bring Jared back. I'm crossing my fingers for Cameron, but he will be evicted soon as he gets back in. I wonder what this zombie thing will be. Of course my conspiracy theory mind is thinking the show producers is doing this to ensure Jared makes his way back.

I have never heard of that Traitors show. I've never seen or heard of Cirie until now.

I can watch the feeds this week yay! :)

Reply #20. Sep 22 23, 8:47 AM

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