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What's the Animal #9? Crossword Puzzle

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Another series on the world of animals. Most of them are given with 2 to 3 clues.
Author: sw11 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Tundra, forest ___ (caribou)
      6. Grey, European-golden, Pacific-golden ___ (wading bird)
      9. North American, Eurasian ___ (large rodent)
      10. Vampire, horseshoe, bulldog ___
      11. ___ buffalo, lion, fox (African mammal)
      12. Genus of moths
      13. Black sea, barred sand ___ (fish)
      14. Canid species found in Australia
      17. Greater, Darwin's ___ (bird)
      20. British, polar, Siberian ___ (ermine)
      22. Female rabbit, kangaroo, koala
      23. ___ setter, terrier, wolfhound (dog breed)
      26. Species of fish of the carp found in rivers in South Asia, aka rohu
      27. ___ longus, orangespotted goby native to the Atlantic coast from Bermuda and southern Florida
      28. Feia ___ aka ___ goby, native to shallow coastal waters in Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean
      30. African knifefish aka ___
      31. ___ perch, pout, whitefish
      33. American, collared ___ (small mammal living in mountain)
      35. ___ spurfowl, found in southern Africa
      38. Snow, soft-shell, brown ___ (crustacean)
      39. ___ Poodle, Pomeranian (dog breed)
      40. Wild ___ aka common wild pig
      41. Tree ___ aka ___ caterpillar (moth)
      42. ___ woodpecker, found in Africa
      43. Giant ___ goose (North America)
      44. Guiana spider monkey aka ___ spider monkey (3,5)


      2. ___ parrot, tern, quail
      3. ___ wren (native bird in Mexico)
      4. ___ dove, pitta, trogon
      5. Sea ___, found in Western Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Oceans,
      6. Strepsirrhine primate found in Africa
      7. Albino, tiger, lemon ___ (fish)
      8. ___ brilliant (humming bird), found in Columbia and Ecuador
      15. Northern cardinal, official state bird of ___ (state in the US)
      16. ___ dove, endemic in Caribbean island (Leptotila wellsi)
      18. ___-backed tanager, ___-necked ibis (bird)
      19. Plains, wood ___, found in North America
      20. ___ flycatcher, native bird in Jamaica
      21. ___-weaver spider
      24. ___ fish found in Antarctica
      25. Female ostrich, pheasant, turkey
      29. ___ coral snake, black rattlesnake, found in USA
      32. Hawaiian small, crimson species of honeycreeper bird
      34. Family of freshwater tricladida flatworms (Dendrocoelidae)
      35. Zulu, lowland ___, spiral-horned antelope native to southern Africa
      36. South American, Malayan, mountain ___ ( large, herbivorous mammal)
      37. Spotted seahorse aka ___ seahorse
      38. King, Caspian, black ___ (reptile)