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Brevity Is The Soul of Wit Crossword Puzzle

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Known for his long rambling clues, replete with unsuccessful attempts of trying to inject humour into same, it was time to change tack. The challenge for this author this time was to construct a crossword with only one word clues. This is because someone once wrote "Brevity is the soul of wit". See if it was successful: Enter...
Author: 1nn1 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Appeal
      6. Thoughts
      9. Shout
      10. Artery
      11. Porch
      12. Strife
      13. Untidy
      16. Moonlike
      19. Adolescents
      21. Fraction
      22. Longing
      23. Insanity
      25. Spacecraft
      26. Swords
      27. Mutineer
      30. Trunk
      33. Before
      34. Galleria
      35. Cliche
      36. Pioneer
      37. Pulls
      38. Opponent


      1. Ravine
      2. Emanations
      3. Fleshy
      4. Moped
      5. Resurfacer
      6. Goad
      7. Consumed
      8. Scrub
      14. Teach
      15. Weird
      17. Decouple
      18. Relatives
      19. Strained
      20. Ceases
      24. Twinkle
      25. Geriatrics
      27. Respond
      28. Strength
      29. Jumps
      30. Felony
      31. Banishment
      32. Stomach