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All about Mexico Crossword Puzzle

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This crossword covers much of Mexico's culture and geography. Please enjoy.
Author: Exit10 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. Where the fall of The Alamo took place (abbr)
      2. Famous Aztec king
      10. ____ California (state)
      11. War with this country started in 1846
      13. Highest mountain in Mexico
      15. The Battle of Palo Alto (abbr)
      16. Not off
      17. Anno Domini
      18. With enormous debts, Mexico is a very ____ nation.
      19. General ____ Anna
      21. Wager
      23. Slang form for Australia
      24. Seventh note of the solfa scale
      25. Kilogram (abbr)
      26. Precious Mexican gem
      27. South East (abbr)
      28. Mexican state
      29. Pork, chili and garlic flavoured sausage
      33. Acute onset (abbr)
      37. Used for mixing cochineal and water to make rugs
      38. Passenger (abbr)
      39. To make a choice
      42. Mexican shoe shop
      45. Informal word for toilet (British/Australian)
      46. Largely responsible for the discomfort associated with photochemical smog.
      47. African National Congress (abbr)
      48. Electric ___
      49. La Paz Leon airport code
      50. American Airlines (abbr)
      51. Electronic mail
      54. Author of this crossword
      56. Mythical feathered serpent
      59. State of Coahuila (abbr)
      60. Operating Expenses (abbr)
      61. State of Nuevo Leon (abbr)
      62. Spanish for bear


      1. Famous Russian killed here
      2. Resort city in Sinaloa
      3. Mexican skylight
      4. To snatch
      5. Mesoamerican civilisation
      6. Actress ___ Thurman
      7. The objective case of I
      8. Rice
      9. Cabo ___ Lucas for whale watching
      10. Two halves
      12. Spanish invader
      14. Monte _____
      18. Famous volcano
      20. ____ Azul, waterfall in Chiapas
      22. Volunteer at FunTrivia (abbr)
      26. Jalisco state (abbr)
      27. Sinaloa state (abbr)
      30. Capital of a Caribbean island
      31. Method of learning
      32. State in southern Mexico
      34. Chili and chocolate sauce
      35. Beer
      36. 1990 Nobel Prize in Literature, Octavio ___
      38. Papier-mache childrens toy used in celebrations
      40. Author, E.A. ___
      41. Ancient civilisation originally based in Tula, Hidalgo
      42. Town square
      43. Chicken
      44. Egyptian sun god
      52. Mariano Azuela, revolutionary author (init)
      53. Margarita ingredient
      55. Extra Large
      56. Quintana Roo (abbr)
      57. Preposition
      58. Indefinite article