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What's On Draft? Crossword Puzzle

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This crossword puzzle includes several clues and answers related to brewed beverages of several sorts. Unless otherwise stated, all answers are spelled in US English.
Author: bernie73 - Diff: Harder



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    • Complete Clue List

      1. You could get a beer at the 19th hole of a ___ course
      3. Pick or select
      7. Corporate symbol
      8. Type of beer with mostly light colored malts (2 words)
      10. Very pale beer with pale malt: ___ ale
      12. Expressed uncontrollable anger
      13. Type of beer with an purposely tart taste
      14. Adam's wife
      15. Many breweries have an ale named after this reddish-brown color
      18. Mistake
      21. Egyptian sun god
      22. Namibian beverage brewed from millet
      26. A dark German lager
      28. This type of tree sap can make a strong, dark beer (not birch)
      31. Defeat
      33. Decease
      34. Thai beverage brewed from rice
      36. Have or own
      38. Unhappy
      40. A strong pale ale of about 9% alcohol by volume
      41. Of a type previously mentioned
      42. Sweet or savory Vietnamese rice-based dish
      43. Not old


      1. Early supermodel ___ Carangi
      2. A type of sour ale: ___ red ale
      3. Beer ___ spread originated in Kentucky in the 1940s
      4. Type of beer also known as "Flanders Brown" (2 words)
      5. Popular red Muppet
      6. Type of beer that originated in Gosiar, Germany
      8. Type of dark beer similar to a stout
      9. Altbier and Kolsch are subsets of this type of beer
      11. Refers to a maiden name
      16. Traditional heat measurement (abbr.)
      17. Smithwick's is an example of Irish ___ (2 words)
      19. Younger brother of Vlad the Impaler
      20. 1:76.2 scale in model railroading
      23. Traditional pale lager from Southern Germany
      24. Russian beverage brewed from rye bread
      25. Blocks up the river
      26. Similar to curtains
      27. Clear, bright beer brewed in Cologne, Germany
      29. Not BC
      30. A type of pale lager was created in this Czech city in 1842
      32. Finnish type of beer
      35. Famed R&B singer ___ Redding
      37. Abs or a set of beers: ___-pack
      39. A malty reddish beverage: Scotch ___