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The Fourth Harry Potter Movie Crossword Puzzle

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This puzzle contains spoilers regarding "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"--both the book and the movie. Using a copy of the book and/or a website on the movie may help you with spellings.
Author: robynraymer - Diff: Average



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      1. Plays Rita Skeeter [2 words]
      8. Transfigures to a white ferret
      9. FAR antonym
      11. Harry's Yule Ball partner (initials)
      13. Harry thinks Cho is this (slang)
      14. Daniel Radcliffe plays him [2 words]
      17. Jamaican hybrid citrus fruit
      18. All of the visiting Beauxbatons students are _______
      19. Bulgaria's Quidditch World Cup opponent
      22. A phoenix is a magical _______
      23. She goes to the Yule Ball with Neville
      24. Registered nurse (abbrev.)
      25. Fleur's school
      28. She goes to the Yule Ball with Cedric
      31. Harry and Ron sleep in the same _______ (abbrev.)
      32. First one Harry uses is an old boot
      34. What Voldemort inspires
      36. Viktor's surname
      37. Opposing wizards use wands to do this
      38. House elf who's in the book but not the movie
      39. Snape _______ potions ingredients away in his office


      1. Lily was Harry's _______ (British usage)
      2. Plays Voldemort [2 words]
      3. NIGHT antonym
      4. He asks Fleur to the Yule Ball
      5. Hungarian _______ (a dragon)
      6. He plays Ron Weasley [2 words]
      7. Crazy people (British slang)
      10. Harry isn't really old _______ to be in the tournament
      12. Mad-_______ Moody
      13. He shows Harry the dragons
      15. Newspaper reporter's first name
      16. Cedric _______
      20. At the ball, Hermione is Viktor's _______
      21. Hagrid's love, Madame _______
      22. Hermione uses _______ power to solve problems
      25. Harry's favorite form of transportation
      26. Fred and George aren't _______ enough to put their names into the goblet
      27. His face appears in fireplace embers
      29. Youngest Triwizard champion (initials)
      30. Hermione would rather do this than goof off
      33. Quidditch fans do this at games
      34. Wormtail used to be covered with this
      35. ARGUMENT synonym (British English)
      36. Hooded Death Eaters resemble _______ members (abbrev.)