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List 1741: Simon Says: 5 quizzes: by Billkozy - General

Based on the Author Challenge by Trivia_Fan54 who suggested a quiz titled "Simon Says". This quiz will focus on quotes by famous people with either the first name or surname Simon. - Added Jul 26 22
List 2335: 1990s ARIA Top 50 Albums Chronology 5: 29 quizzes: by wwe84 - Music

Volumes 101-129 - Added Jul 21 22
List 2334: Quizzes written in 2021, 2022 and 2023: 7 quizzes: by heidi66 - General

Quizzes I wrote in 2021 and 2022 and 2023. And the last on the list started in this times and came alive in January 2024. - Added Jul 19 22
List 2333: 10 Dishes: 5 quizzes: by trident - Hobbies

Each of these quizzes takes a look at ten delicious dishes from countries around the world. Bon appetit! - Added Jul 17 22
List 2332: 10 Paintings: 8 quizzes: by trident - Humanities

Each of these quizzes features ten paintings by famous artists around the world. - Added Jul 17 22
List 2330: A Touch of Punk: 5 quizzes: by pollucci19 - Music

This collection includes a series of four quizzes of bands that influenced the early days of punk rock and one on industrial rock. - Added Jun 29 22
List 2329: New Kids on the Block II: 5 quizzes: by pollucci19 - General

Delivering a mix of new quizzes and some that have hung around for a bit - Added Jun 29 22
List 2286: Another Literary Pot Pourri: 10 quizzes: by rossian - Literature

Here are some more of my literature quizzes which are about mixed novels or other literary works fitting a theme, e.g. by a specific author or on a particular subject. - Added Jun 21 22
List 2177: Commission #66: 23 quizzes: by kyleisalive - General

Homophones are words that sound the same but have a different spelling, and in this April 2021 Quiz Commission, our sixty-sixth, authors had to sound out some quizzes based on titles containing such words. - Added Jun 15 22
List 2325: WWE at Madison Square Garden: 13 quizzes: by workisboring - Entertainment

This quiz list is about the WWE Superstars who worked at Madison Square Garden - Added Jun 12 22
List 2324: Match Work to Author - NYT #1s (1989-1997): 5 quizzes: by jcmttt - Literature

Match NYT #1 Bestsellers from the era with its author. - Added Jun 08 22
List 2323: Rossian's Commission Quizzes 41+: 14 quizzes: by rossian - General

Here's the third quiz list of the quizzes I've written for commissions, where other players give you a title to work with. - Added Jun 06 22
List 2322: Rossian's Commission Quizzes (21-40): 20 quizzes: by rossian - General

The second batch of quizzes I've written for commission. The original list was getting too long, so has been split into more manageable sections. - Added Jun 06 22
List 2321: 2010s ARIA Top 50 Songs Chronology 4: 25 quizzes: by wwe84 - Music

Volumes 76-100 - Added Jun 05 22
List 2320: Sandwich Islands: 7 quizzes: by FatherSteve - Geography

These quizzes tour Hawai'i. How many of these places can you locate on the correct island? - Added Jun 03 22
List 1323: Pony's Odds and Ends: 5 quizzes: by ponycargirl - Brain Teasers

Has your brain been teased today? Try these! - Added May 24 22
List 2319: Masfon's Mixed Up Quizzes 10: 6 quizzes: by masfon - General

A selection of mixed up quizzes from various categories. I hope you have fun playing it - Added May 22 22
List 1859: reedy's Third 10 Commission Quizzes: 10 quizzes: by reedy - General

Every now and again I participate in the Quiz Commission Challenges in the Author's Lounge. Have a go at the third set of ten that I completed. (Commissions #46, #61, #62, #63, #64, #65, #66, #67, #68, and #69 represented here) - Added May 14 22
List 2318: Indigenous People of North America: 3 quizzes: by Trivia_Fan54 - History

I have lived in Northern Canada for a number of years. Although I am not Indigenous, I have been lucky enough to make many friends who have taught me about their traditions and cultures. Here are a few quizzes that I wrote in their honour. - Added May 09 22
List 2314: The Modern Olympics (1972-2016): 5 quizzes: by bernie73 - Sports

The quiz deal with the Summer and Winter Olympic Games between 1972 and 2016. - Added May 04 22
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