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FunTrivia Points

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FunTrivia players can earn points throughout the day by playing a number of different games and exploring the website. All players on FunTrivia are then ranked based on the number of points they have collected over time.

Completing Quizzes

Each Question Correct15 pts
Quiz Difficulty Bonus10 to 30 pts

Authoring on FunTrivia

Players will earn the following points if they take their time and produce carefully created, quality quizzes.

Each Quality Quiz Placed Online2000 pts
Each accepted question in Question Quest100 pts

Crossword Puzzles

Gold Members score these points

Small Puzzle50 pts easy mode, 100 pts normal
Medium Puzzle100 pts easy mode, 150 pts normal
Large Puzzle150 pts easy mode, 200 pts normal

Hourly / Daily Games

Elimination Game: Knockout200 pts for each day you remain in and play
Every 3-6 Hrs: New Question GameScore divided by 5, plus bonuses.
Daily: The Daily GameScore divided by 8, plus bonuses
Daily: Monster Quiz5 to 200 points / day
Daily: Brain Twist200 points if 50% correct
Daily: Team vs Team100 pts / day
Daily: Team Heroes100 pts / day
Daily: World Quiz Score divided by 6, plus bonuses
Hourly: Word WizardScore divided by 10 + bonuses
Hourly: Who am I?Score divided by 12 + bonuses
Hourly: Who's The Smartest? (difficult)Score divided by 10 + bonuses
Hourly: Fill Me In (difficult)Score divided by 10 + bonuses
Hourly: Mixed Trivia (average)Score divided by 10 + bonuses
Hourly: Easier Trivia (easier)Score divided by 12 + bonuses
Hourly: Obscurity Bonus + 200 pts for scoring 5 correct
Every Six Hrs: Gold Member Madness 100 pts + bonus for game rank

Global Challenge Bonus

Playing Each Category of the Hour25 pts