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Ramadan Trivia Quizzes

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The ninth month of the Islamic calendar is a time dedicated to spiritual development through fasting and prayer.
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Ramadan is a very important month for Muslims across the world. It is a month of fasting and contemplation. Take this quiz and learn a little more about this sacred month.
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Apr 05 22
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Ramadan Trivia Questions

1. Which month of the Islamic (Hijiri) calendar is Ramadan?

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Answer: 9th

The Hijiri calendar is a lunar calendar. It has twelve months, but the year is shorter than the Gregorian calendar. Each year Ramadan falls 11 days earlier than the last year due to the lunar months. In 2022 Ramadan began on Saturday, April 2nd, ending on Sunday, May 1st.

2. Fasting during Ramadan dates back to which century?

From Quiz Ramadan

Answer: 7th

The Islamic (Hijiri) calendar began in the year 622 CE and Muslims were first commanded to fast in the second year of Hijra (624 CE) when the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) revealed the teachings of Sawm (and thus Ramadan).

3. When do Muslims fast during Ramadan?

From Quiz Ramadan

Answer: From Fajr to Maghrib

Fajr is the early morning prayer and it occurs before the sun rises. Maghrib is the sunset prayer. Thus, fasting occurs during the daylight hours. If Ramadan falls during the summer the fast is longer than if it falls during the winter.

4. What are Suhoor and Iftar?

From Quiz Ramadan

Answer: Meals

Suhoor (Suhur) is a pre-dawn meal and the last one before fasting begins each day in Ramadan. It is followed by the first prayer of the day. Iftar is the first meal to break the fast each day during Ramadan, and usually consists of dates and water. It is followed by prayers and then the main meal of the day.

5. The "Lailat Al Qadr" comes near the end of Ramadan. What does "Lailat Al Qadr" mean?

From Quiz Ramadan

Answer: Night of Power or Destiny

The "Lailat Al Qadr" occurs in the last ten nights of Ramadan. It is the night on which the first verse of the Holy Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). The exact date is uncertain; however, it is held to have been one of the odd numbered nights. This means the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, and 29th nights of Ramadan are all candidates for being "Lailat Al Qadr" - the best night for prayer - "better than a thousand months" (Surah 97.1-5). The majority of Shi'a Muslims celebrate the eve of the 23rd and the majority of Sunni Muslims mark the 27th of the month of Ramadan as "Lailat Al Qadr".

6. Which festival occurs at the end of Ramadan?

From Quiz Ramadan

Answer: Eid Al Fitr

"Eid Al Fitr" means "Breaking of the fast", and occurs at the end of Ramadan. "Eid Al Adha" is the "Feast of sacrifice", commemorating Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son.

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