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Quiz about La Chanson Franaise
Quiz about La Chanson Franaise

La Chanson Française Trivia Quiz

These are ten of the most famous songs in France

A multiple-choice quiz by Babilonia. Estimated time: 6 mins.
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6 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
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6 / 10
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Question 1 of 10
1. "Devant la caserne quand le jour s'enfuit,
la vieille lanterne soudain s'allume et luit.
C'est dans ce coin là que le soir,
On s'attendait remplis d'espoir"...
This song was popular during World War II with both German and Allied troops. A movie was made about a young heroine, a French young woman who the Germans forced to speak on the radio, to encourage German soldiers. Lale Andersen, a German singer, made it popular during the war. Marlene Dietrich sang it in German and English. Suzy Solidor sang it in French. What is the song's name?

Question 2 of 10
2. "Allo?, Allo, James, quelle nouvelle?
Absente depuis quinze jours,
au bout du fil je vous appelle,
que trouverai-je à mon retour?"
This lady who is calling home, talks to her driver, her chef and her servant James and finds out her gray mare has died, her barn has burned and other calamities occurred. What is the name of this song interpreted by Ray Ventura?.

Question 3 of 10
3. Now it is Edith Piaf 's turn to tell us this:
"ni le bien qu'on m'a fait
ni le mal, tout ça m'est bien égal
She does not care about anything in her past, neither good nor bad, as her life begins with her new love. She is sweeping away the old romances with their drama, all is forgotten, she does not care about the past. What is the name of this song?

Question 4 of 10
4. This time, it is Fernandel who sings for us this song:
"On parle souvent de Don Juan et de Casanova
Leurs conquérants cependant pour moi n'existent pas
Leurs aventures légendaires n'ont rien d'extraordinaire"...
He says, one of his smiles or one of his looks, and women want him.
What is the name of this song?

Question 5 of 10
5. Gilbert Becaud tells us about what really matters in this world. He sings:
"Toi qui marches dans le vent, seul dans la trop grande ville,
avec le cafard tranquille du passant"...
You might be looking for money so you can manage for the week, or you might have been dumped by your girl friend, but keep in mind what really matters...What is the name of this song?

Question 6 of 10
6. This time hit is Charles Aznavour who tells us of the times when he was 20 years old, a painter living in Montmartre in a humble furnished room. He was hungry and his girl would pose nude. But they were happy even if then he only had a warm meal every other day.
"Je vous parle d'un temps que les moins de vingt ans ne peuvent pas connaître,
Montmartre en ces temps là, accrochait ses lilas jusque sous nos fenétres..."
What is the name of this song?

Question 7 of 10
7. This time it is Les Compagnons de la Chanson who tell us:
"Une Chanson c'est peu de chose,
mais quand ça se pose,
au creux d'une oreille,
ça reste là..."
We really do not know why a song stays in the mind of he who listens to it, in times of happiness or sadness, the song stays in his mind.
What is the name of this song?

Question 8 of 10
8. Charles Trenet tells us:
"c'est qu'il est trop léger alors pour voyager.
Au-dessus des platanes, il plane, il plane.
au-dessus des maisons il chante une chanson.
Les oiseaux à la ronde lui font bonjour,
autant d'oiseaux au monde
autant des lettres d'amour"...
What is the name of this song?

Question 9 of 10
9. Yves Montand tells us:
"Sous le pont de Bercy, un philosophe assis.
Deux musiciens, quelques badauds
puis les gens par milliers...
Près de Notre Dame parfois couve un drame,
oui mais à Paname tout peut s'arranger..."
This songs describes scenes in a beautiful city. What is the song's name?

Question 10 of 10
10. Francoise Hardy tells us of a young woman sitting at a beach, who has captivated the singer's loved one. She sings:
"Allongée sur la plage,
ses longs cheveux défaits
était-elle un mirage
qui soudain t'aveuglait.
Je la trouvais trop belle..."
So that your eyes look at me like you looked at her. What is the name of this song?

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Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. "Devant la caserne quand le jour s'enfuit, la vieille lanterne soudain s'allume et luit. C'est dans ce coin là que le soir, On s'attendait remplis d'espoir"... This song was popular during World War II with both German and Allied troops. A movie was made about a young heroine, a French young woman who the Germans forced to speak on the radio, to encourage German soldiers. Lale Andersen, a German singer, made it popular during the war. Marlene Dietrich sang it in German and English. Suzy Solidor sang it in French. What is the song's name?

Answer: Lili Marlène

"Lili Marlène" was written in 1915 and published under the title "The Song of a Young Soldier on Watch" in 1937. The song was originally written in German and it was recorded in 1938 with the name "The Girl Under The Lantern". During WW II it was played by both the Germans and the Allied soldiers and became even more popular after Radio Belgrade played it daily at the request of many soldiers.

It became the theme song of both the Sixth Armored Division and the Eighth Army.
2. "Allo?, Allo, James, quelle nouvelle? Absente depuis quinze jours, au bout du fil je vous appelle, que trouverai-je à mon retour?" This lady who is calling home, talks to her driver, her chef and her servant James and finds out her gray mare has died, her barn has burned and other calamities occurred. What is the name of this song interpreted by Ray Ventura?.

Answer: Tout Va Très Bien madame La Marquise

This song is probably the best known song of Ray Ventura, a bandleader who popularized jazz in France. In this song, the servants tell the marquise everything is fine even after the gray mare died, the barn burned, the marquis is ruined and committed suicide and the castle burned to the ground.
3. Now it is Edith Piaf 's turn to tell us this: "ni le bien qu'on m'a fait ni le mal, tout ça m'est bien égal She does not care about anything in her past, neither good nor bad, as her life begins with her new love. She is sweeping away the old romances with their drama, all is forgotten, she does not care about the past. What is the name of this song?

Answer: Rien De Rien

Edith Piaff's songs reflected her life. "Rien De Rien", which she sang for the first time in 1960, is about starting a new life after suffering romantic setbacks in her past. She dedicated this song to the French Foreign Legion, as France was fighting a war in Algeria. Since then, this song is part of the Legion's traditions and is sung during their parades.
4. This time, it is Fernandel who sings for us this song: "On parle souvent de Don Juan et de Casanova Leurs conquérants cependant pour moi n'existent pas Leurs aventures légendaires n'ont rien d'extraordinaire"... He says, one of his smiles or one of his looks, and women want him. What is the name of this song?

Answer: Je Suis Irrésistible

"Je suis irresistible" (I am irresistible) a song from the film "Coeur de Coq", a 1946 comedy directed by Maurice Cloche, in which Fernandel plays Tulipe, a guy who works in a printing shop and thinks he is very successful with women. Fernandel was a great comedian with a funny face, so this song was quite funny sung by him.
5. Gilbert Becaud tells us about what really matters in this world. He sings: "Toi qui marches dans le vent, seul dans la trop grande ville, avec le cafard tranquille du passant"... You might be looking for money so you can manage for the week, or you might have been dumped by your girl friend, but keep in mind what really matters...What is the name of this song?

Answer: L'important C'est La Rose

What really matters is the rose. That is the philosophical lesson of this song, which teaches us not to forget the beauty of life. This song was written by Gilbert Becaud who was one of the most famous interpreters of romantic songs in the 1950's and 1960's. The author of the lyrics is Louis Amade. It was released in 1967.
6. This time hit is Charles Aznavour who tells us of the times when he was 20 years old, a painter living in Montmartre in a humble furnished room. He was hungry and his girl would pose nude. But they were happy even if then he only had a warm meal every other day. "Je vous parle d'un temps que les moins de vingt ans ne peuvent pas connaître, Montmartre en ces temps là, accrochait ses lilas jusque sous nos fenétres..." What is the name of this song?

Answer: La Bohème

'La Bohème" is a beautiful and nostalgic song of what we call "the good old days", when the painter awaited glory with other friends, who never stopped having dreams even with an empty stomach, sitting by the fire during cold days.
The composers of this song are French songwriter Jacques Plante and singer Charles Aznavour. It was first sung in 1965 and became Aznavour's "signature song".
7. This time it is Les Compagnons de la Chanson who tell us: "Une Chanson c'est peu de chose, mais quand ça se pose, au creux d'une oreille, ça reste là..." We really do not know why a song stays in the mind of he who listens to it, in times of happiness or sadness, the song stays in his mind. What is the name of this song?

Answer: Allez Savoir Pourquoi

Les Compagnons de la Chanson was a group from Lyon, France, formed during World War II. The song "Allez Savoir Pourquoi" (Go and figure out why) is one of their most popular songs. It was written by Jean Pierre Calvet and Jean Broussolle.
8. Charles Trenet tells us: "c'est qu'il est trop léger alors pour voyager. Au-dessus des platanes, il plane, il plane. au-dessus des maisons il chante une chanson. Les oiseaux à la ronde lui font bonjour, autant d'oiseaux au monde autant des lettres d'amour"... What is the name of this song?

Answer: Quand Un Facteur S'envole

"Quand Un Facteur S'envole" tells us that if a mailman flies, it is because he is very light. He carries a bit of paradise in his heart when he carries love letters.
Charles Trenet was a singer who became famous in the 1930's but his career expanded until the 1990"s. He wrote all his songs including the one in this quiz.
9. Yves Montand tells us: "Sous le pont de Bercy, un philosophe assis. Deux musiciens, quelques badauds puis les gens par milliers... Près de Notre Dame parfois couve un drame, oui mais à Paname tout peut s'arranger..." This songs describes scenes in a beautiful city. What is the song's name?

Answer: Sous Le Ciel De Paris

This song was written for the 1951 movie of the same name by Jean Dréjac. It is one of the classic French songs of the 1950's, made popular by Yves Montand and Edith Piaf.
10. Francoise Hardy tells us of a young woman sitting at a beach, who has captivated the singer's loved one. She sings: "Allongée sur la plage, ses longs cheveux défaits était-elle un mirage qui soudain t'aveuglait. Je la trouvais trop belle..." So that your eyes look at me like you looked at her. What is the name of this song?

Answer: J'aurais Voulu

"J'Aurais Voulu" (I Wish It Were Me) was recorded with another 11 songs in the LP "Le Premier Bonheur du Jour". It tells us that the singer would have wanted to be the beautiful young woman who was smiling to all the men who came by. She wonders what she would have done if she had been in her loved one's place.
Source: Author Babilonia

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