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Quiz about A Captains Carol
Quiz about A Captains Carol

A Captain's Carol Trivia Quiz

You are Jean-Luc Picard, Captain of the USS Enterprise. One night, you are surprised when Q, that insufferable god-like being, appears. He says, "Mon Capitan, on this night you will be visited by the Ghosts of Captains Past, Present, and Future."

A multiple-choice quiz by eytank. Estimated time: 6 mins.
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6 mins
Multiple Choice
Quiz #
Dec 03 21
# Qns
Avg Score
8 / 10
Top 35% Quiz
Last 3 plays: Nebogipfel (10/10), Guest 68 (6/10), Guest 86 (9/10).
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Question 1 of 10
1. Q disappears and a ghostly apparition resembling Captain Kirk materializes in front of Picard.

Captain Kirk: "I am the Ghost of Captains Past."

Captain Picard jerks his shirt down [the Picard Maneuver] and stares at this apparition.

Captain Kirk: "You will be visited by two other ghosts on this night. We will tell you of our adventures. On my first adventure as captain of the Enterprise, I was forced to kill my friend Garry Mitchell. He had gained the powers of a god after the Enterprise went through a mysterious barrier in space. What was the name of that adventure?"

Question 2 of 10
2. The Ghost of Captains Past and Picard materialize on a busy street in 20th century Earth. A younger Kirk is holding back Dr. McCoy, who is trying to save a beautiful woman from being run over by a truck. Because of Kirk's interference, the woman is hit and killed.

Captain Kirk: "I had to stop Bones [McCoy] from saving that woman. If he had saved her, the Nazis would have won World War II, and Starfleet would have never existed."

Captain Picard: "How did this all happen Captain?"

Captain Kirk: "Call me Jim. This started when Dr. McCoy accidentally injected himself with a drug that causes insanity and paranoia in large doses. He beamed down to the planet the Enterprise was orbiting and stepped through a time portal known as the Guardian of Forever. I was forced to follow him so he could not save the woman. What was that woman's name?"

Question 3 of 10
3. The Ghost of Captains Past and Picard materialize in the engine room of the USS Enterprise. Scotty is nervously installing a cloaking device into the ship's engines.

Captain Kirk: "This was the adventure where Spock killed me with a Vulcan Death Grip."

Captain Picard: "Vulcan Death Grip? I've never heard..."

Captain Kirk: "That's because it doesn't exist. We faked my death so that I could sneak aboard an alien craft and steal their cloaking device. Which alien race was it?"

Question 4 of 10
4. As Kirk disappears, a ghostly apparition that resembles Commander Benjamin Sisko materializes.

Commander Sisko: "I am the Ghost of Captains Present. You will kill my wife in the future."

Captain Picard: "I'm sorry. I had no idea."

Commander Sisko: "I forgive you for your future actions. If you don't know, my name is Benjamin Sisko and I am the commander of the space station Deep Space Nine, orbiting the planet Bajor. Before the Federation took it over, it was owned by the Cardassians and called ______."

Question 5 of 10
5. The Ghost of Captains Present and Picard materialize in a control cubicle aboard the USS Defiant. Lt. Worf and a nondescript Cardassinan are fighting in hand-to-hand combat. Both appear to be evenly matched.

Captain Picard: "I find it amazing that anyone is able to hold their own against Mr. Worf."

Commander Sisko: "True, but Elim Garak is a man of many talents. You won't believe what his occupation is on Deep Space Nine. He's a _______."

Question 6 of 10
6. The Ghost of Captains Present and Picard materialize in a bustling bar aboard Deep Space Nine.

Commander Sisko: "That Ferengi over there is Quark, the owner of this establishment. If he's not milking the customers out of their savings at the Dabo tables, he's making a shady deal with some low life, only one step ahead of Constable Odo."

Captain Picard: "I've fought the Ferengi before. They are vicious fighters, but prefer money above all else."

Commander Sisko: "You should try reading their bible, 'The Rules of Acquisition'. It's fascinating how they have developed their entire culture from a foundation of greed. They pick their leaders from those who are the best at acquiring assets. They call their leader ______."

Question 7 of 10
7. As Sisko teleports away, a ghostly apparition resembling Captain Kathryn Janeway materializes in front of Picard.

Captain Janeway: "I am the Ghost of Captains Future. My ship, the USS Voyager, and I were thrown hundreds of light years out of known space. It took seven years for us to limp back to normal space. This all started after I was forced to rescue my security officer Tuvok after he had infiltrated the _____."

Question 8 of 10
8. The Ghost of Captains Future and Picard materialize in the sickbay of the USS Voyager. A bald gentleman somehow sees them and says, "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."

Captain Janeway: "That is actually a hologram. More specifically, it's the Emergency Medical Hologram that we have had to use as our doctor ever since our original doctor died."

Captain Picard: "He looks so human."

Captain Janeway: "He looks exactly like the man who created him. I believe his name was _______."

Question 9 of 10
9. Janeway and Picard materialize in a large storage room aboard the USS Voyager. There seems to be a Borg alcove there with a woman sleeping inside. The woman is a beautiful blonde haired angel with a uniform so tight it looks painted on and she has a few Borg implants on her otherwise flawless face.

Captain Janeway: "That is Seven of Nine. I rescued her when I was on a Borg cube a while ago. She remembers very little of her past, but I eventually was able to figure out her real name, which is _________."

Question 10 of 10
10. As Janeway teleports away, Picard disappears once again. and finds himself back in his quarters aboard the USS Enterprise. He sees Q dressed in his captain's uniform.

Q: "Jean Luc, welcome back."

Captain Picard: "Q, what was the point of all this?"

Q: "If you have to ask, you're not ready to know. In an unrelated question, how's the heart been recently?"

Captain Picard: "What?"

Q: "You know, the heart you lost when you battled with those aliens so many years ago and had it replaced with an artificial one. Which alien race was it?"

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Most Recent Scores
Sep 08 2024 : Nebogipfel: 10/10
Aug 30 2024 : Guest 68: 6/10
Aug 12 2024 : Guest 86: 9/10
Aug 09 2024 : Guest 73: 10/10
Aug 08 2024 : Guest 174: 9/10
Jul 26 2024 : Guest 31: 10/10

Score Distribution

Quiz Answer Key and Fun Facts
1. Q disappears and a ghostly apparition resembling Captain Kirk materializes in front of Picard. Captain Kirk: "I am the Ghost of Captains Past." Captain Picard jerks his shirt down [the Picard Maneuver] and stares at this apparition. Captain Kirk: "You will be visited by two other ghosts on this night. We will tell you of our adventures. On my first adventure as captain of the Enterprise, I was forced to kill my friend Garry Mitchell. He had gained the powers of a god after the Enterprise went through a mysterious barrier in space. What was the name of that adventure?"

Answer: Where No Man Has Gone Before

Captain Kirk: "Now I remember. It was called 'Where No Man Has Gone Before'. The captain before me was named Christopher Pike and he only had one adventure, 'The Cage'. I replaced him and explored new worlds and sought out new life and new civilizations on the Enterprise for three years, though it was supposed to be five.

Then I was put in cryogenic storage for twenty years until they needed me to make six feature length adventures. It's strange that I had somehow developed a huge paunch while in storage. Beam us away Scotty."
2. The Ghost of Captains Past and Picard materialize on a busy street in 20th century Earth. A younger Kirk is holding back Dr. McCoy, who is trying to save a beautiful woman from being run over by a truck. Because of Kirk's interference, the woman is hit and killed. Captain Kirk: "I had to stop Bones [McCoy] from saving that woman. If he had saved her, the Nazis would have won World War II, and Starfleet would have never existed." Captain Picard: "How did this all happen Captain?" Captain Kirk: "Call me Jim. This started when Dr. McCoy accidentally injected himself with a drug that causes insanity and paranoia in large doses. He beamed down to the planet the Enterprise was orbiting and stepped through a time portal known as the Guardian of Forever. I was forced to follow him so he could not save the woman. What was that woman's name?"

Answer: Edith Keeler

Captain Kirk: "Now I remember. Her name was Edith Keeler and she was an idealist who ran a mission giving bread and soup to the poor during the Great Depression. The name of the adventure was 'The City On the Edge of Forever'. If she had lived, she would have convinced President Roosevelt to try to appease Hitler. This would lead to the US entering the war too late to save the world from Nazi oppression."

Captain Picard: "Yet you cry as you let Edith Keeler die."

Captain: "Yes. I fell in love with her, but decided ultimately that the good of the many outweighs the good of the few."

Captain Picard: "Or the one."

Captain Kirk: "Or the one. Scotty, beam us away."
3. The Ghost of Captains Past and Picard materialize in the engine room of the USS Enterprise. Scotty is nervously installing a cloaking device into the ship's engines. Captain Kirk: "This was the adventure where Spock killed me with a Vulcan Death Grip." Captain Picard: "Vulcan Death Grip? I've never heard..." Captain Kirk: "That's because it doesn't exist. We faked my death so that I could sneak aboard an alien craft and steal their cloaking device. Which alien race was it?"

Answer: Romulans

Captain Kirk: "It would have to have been those deceitful Romulans. The name of the adventure was 'The Enterprise Incident' and I must say it was a lot of fun. I got to dress up as a Romulan, and Spock got to seduce the beautiful Romulan Commander."

Captain Picard: "The cloaking device looks a little crude."

Captain Kirk: "I concur. The top of it kind of looks like Nomad's head in 'The Changeling' and the bottom seems to resemble the receptacle that held Sargon's body in 'Return to Tomorrow'. You will now be visited by the Ghost of Captain's Present. Beam me up Scotty."

Captain Picard: "I think that's the first time I have ever heard the phrase 'Beam me up Scotty'."
4. As Kirk disappears, a ghostly apparition that resembles Commander Benjamin Sisko materializes. Commander Sisko: "I am the Ghost of Captains Present. You will kill my wife in the future." Captain Picard: "I'm sorry. I had no idea." Commander Sisko: "I forgive you for your future actions. If you don't know, my name is Benjamin Sisko and I am the commander of the space station Deep Space Nine, orbiting the planet Bajor. Before the Federation took it over, it was owned by the Cardassians and called ______."

Answer: Terok Nor

Commander Sisko: "In Cardassian, the words Terok Nor mean Station Nine. Before the Federation took it over, Bajorans were forced to mine ore there by cruel Cardassian taskmasters. After the Cardassians left Bajor, the Federation took over the station and appointed me commander. The purpose was to keep an eye on the Bajorans and make sure that they would be ready for entry into the Federation."

Captain Picard: "Very admirable."

Commander Sisko: "Thank you. It was actually you who first met me on Deep Space Nine to tell me its purpose."

Captain Picard: "Aren't you changing history by telling me this."

Commander Sisko: (pregnant pause) "Miles, Beam us away."
5. The Ghost of Captains Present and Picard materialize in a control cubicle aboard the USS Defiant. Lt. Worf and a nondescript Cardassinan are fighting in hand-to-hand combat. Both appear to be evenly matched. Captain Picard: "I find it amazing that anyone is able to hold their own against Mr. Worf." Commander Sisko: "True, but Elim Garak is a man of many talents. You won't believe what his occupation is on Deep Space Nine. He's a _______."

Answer: Tailor

Commander Sisko: "He makes excellent clothes. I didn't discover it until later, but Elim Garak was a former member of the Obsidian Order, the Cardassian Secret Police. He is in fact the son of Enbrann Tain, one of the Order's greatest leaders."

Captain Picard: "Why are the two men fighting?"

Commander Sisko: "I believe that this is the adventure 'The Broken Link', where Odo had to be transported to his Changeling homeworld or he would die of a disease his people had given him. The Changelings were the leaders of the army that would eventually invade the Alpha Quadrant and kill thousands. Odo was transported aboard the Defiant with an escort of Jem'Hadar ships. The Jem'Hadar, the lapdogs of the changelings, had made sure to turn off the Defiant's weapons. As the ship orbited the Changeling homeworld, Garak with his many talents, reinstated the weapon systems and prepared to destroy the planet. Mr. Worf stopped him. Miles, beam us away."
6. The Ghost of Captains Present and Picard materialize in a bustling bar aboard Deep Space Nine. Commander Sisko: "That Ferengi over there is Quark, the owner of this establishment. If he's not milking the customers out of their savings at the Dabo tables, he's making a shady deal with some low life, only one step ahead of Constable Odo." Captain Picard: "I've fought the Ferengi before. They are vicious fighters, but prefer money above all else." Commander Sisko: "You should try reading their bible, 'The Rules of Acquisition'. It's fascinating how they have developed their entire culture from a foundation of greed. They pick their leaders from those who are the best at acquiring assets. They call their leader ______."

Answer: The Grand Nagus

Commander Sisko: "The Grand Nagus at the moment is Zekk. I remember the adventure 'The Nagus'. Quark was appointed the Grand Nagus for a short time. It was all a plot that Zekk had concocted to see how worthy his son was to succeed him. His son failed, if I remember correctly. Before I leave, let me give you some advice. The next time you see Q, punch him in the face. He will never bother you again. Miles, beam me up."

Captain Picard: "Punch him in the face?"
7. As Sisko teleports away, a ghostly apparition resembling Captain Kathryn Janeway materializes in front of Picard. Captain Janeway: "I am the Ghost of Captains Future. My ship, the USS Voyager, and I were thrown hundreds of light years out of known space. It took seven years for us to limp back to normal space. This all started after I was forced to rescue my security officer Tuvok after he had infiltrated the _____."

Answer: Maquis

Captain Janeway: "The Maquis are rebels sympathetic to the Bajoran cause. The Bajoran have been fighting with the Cardassians for many years. I believe you have an officer that joined the Maquis."

Captain Picard: "What?"

Captain Janeway: "Never mind. Beam us away."
8. The Ghost of Captains Future and Picard materialize in the sickbay of the USS Voyager. A bald gentleman somehow sees them and says, "Please state the nature of the medical emergency." Captain Janeway: "That is actually a hologram. More specifically, it's the Emergency Medical Hologram that we have had to use as our doctor ever since our original doctor died." Captain Picard: "He looks so human." Captain Janeway: "He looks exactly like the man who created him. I believe his name was _______."

Answer: Lewis Zimmerman

Captain Janeway: "Our doctor actually met his creator. It was in the adventure 'Life Line'. After the Doctor discovered that Zimmerman was very ill, he had his program transferred to the Alpha Quadrant so that he could help. After much bickering, Zimmerman let his creation treat him. Beam us away."
9. Janeway and Picard materialize in a large storage room aboard the USS Voyager. There seems to be a Borg alcove there with a woman sleeping inside. The woman is a beautiful blonde haired angel with a uniform so tight it looks painted on and she has a few Borg implants on her otherwise flawless face. Captain Janeway: "That is Seven of Nine. I rescued her when I was on a Borg cube a while ago. She remembers very little of her past, but I eventually was able to figure out her real name, which is _________."

Answer: Annika Hansen

Captain Janeway: "I discovered in the adventure 'The Raven' that she was assimilated by the Borg at age six. We found the damaged Starfleet ship that her parents had flown and it was there that we discovered her name. Beam me up."
10. As Janeway teleports away, Picard disappears once again. and finds himself back in his quarters aboard the USS Enterprise. He sees Q dressed in his captain's uniform. Q: "Jean Luc, welcome back." Captain Picard: "Q, what was the point of all this?" Q: "If you have to ask, you're not ready to know. In an unrelated question, how's the heart been recently?" Captain Picard: "What?" Q: "You know, the heart you lost when you battled with those aliens so many years ago and had it replaced with an artificial one. Which alien race was it?"

Answer: Nausicaans

Captain Picard: "The Nausicaans."

Q: "Those nasty Nausicaans. They ambushed you when you were a Starfleet cadet after you helped your friend cheat them at some gambling game."

Captain Picard: "What does that have to do with anything?"

Q: "Think of it as your riddle in the tapestry. See you...out there."

As Q vanishes, Picard regrets not having taken Sisko's advice and punched Q in the face.
Source: Author eytank

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