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Last Hour's Results: Division 4

Games: Word Wizard

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Top scores over all divisions last hour:

1. paxy [D5] (1466 pts)   2. weissmarc [D5] (1460 pts)   3. paulmallon [D4] (1455 pts)  

Player LevelTeamCorrectTimeScore
1.  paulmallon 147 Dream Weavers 15 44.99 1455
2.  looney_tunes 279 The Joli Llamas 15 60.76 1439
3.  maninmidohio 257 The Joli Llamas 15 69.24 1431
4.  camulos 165 Kilted Kangas 15 70.15 1430
5.  kysus 212 The Calculators 15 74.86 1425
6.  Rumpo 210 --- 15 75.71 1424
7.  sarahpplayer 188 The Regal Beagles 15 91.18 1409
8.  fivish 64 The Calculators 15 128.98 1371
9.  flynnmcalnis 159 Canberrans 14 66.54 1333
10.  SatchelPooch 160 The Regal Beagles 14 68.14 1332
11.  OES 140 Best of the West 14 72.69 1327