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What is the difference between a state and a nation?

Question #118929. Asked by author.

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Answer has 32 votes
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Answer has 32 votes.

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In political science, a "nation" refers to a group of people who feel bound into a single body by shared culture, values, folkways, religion and/or language. A "state" just refers to a patch of land with a sovereign government. States often coincide with nations (and are called "nation-states," but not always. States that overlap multiple nations tend to have civil wars; states that exclude parts of a nation tend to have wars with the neighboring state(s) that contain the rest of the nation.


Nov 24 2010, 9:58 PM
Zbeckabee star
Answer has 24 votes
Zbeckabee star
18 year member
11752 replies avatar

Answer has 24 votes.
1. A state is sometimes used as a synonymn for nation or country.

2. States together, form a nation.

3. A nation can be defined as a politico-cultural entity, which is identified by its unique character and collective rights. On the contrary, a state can be defined as a politico-judicial entity, which is identified by its sovereign rights.

4. A nation can be defined as group of people who are bound together into a single body, through history, customs, value, language, culture, tradition, art and religion. A state can be defined as a patch of land with a sovereign government.

5. A nation can be refered to as the holder of soverignity.

6. Policies pertaining to national interest are taken by the government at the national level, but the state governments cannot formlate such policies.

7. The word “nation” has been derived from the latin ‘natio’, which means a ‘set of people’. State is a word that has been derived from the Latin ‘Status’, which means ‘status’ or ‘condition’.


Nov 24 2010, 10:10 PM
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