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Subject: Lesley is here now.

Posted by: lesley153
Date: Nov 09 09

I'd always thought that once you got a blog you had a blog in perpetuity, and could continue to add to it, whether you were a paying member or not. That may have been right at one time, but it isn't now.

I wrote an update yesterday, a few hours after I'd had an email to tell me that my paying membership had expired, and got an "access denied" message. I thought it was a shame to waste it. Off I go...

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postcards2go star

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Long time, no see :-(

Reply #5941. Apr 26 14, 7:57 PM
wyambezi star

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You are definitely missed when you're gone. I came here to welcome you just to surprise you! :D

I hope you had a good holiday and successful family time.

Reply #5942. Apr 26 14, 8:13 PM
MarchHare007 star

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Hello Lesley! Lovely to see you. I hope you've had a lovely time. :)

Reply #5943. Apr 27 14, 6:14 PM
MiraJane star

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MarchHare, I'm sorry I didn't see your question to me until today.
Lewdly, thank you letting me take over for a minute or two.

No, my two cats aren't Siamese. I've got a tortoiseshell from the pound and a tabby tuxedo that was dumped with his sister by some evil person at the end of my street. On of the neighbors got the sister. But my baby boy Quentin wanted to live at my house.

When he was an itsy bitty boy, I tried to train him on a harness. The first time I out it on him, he had gotten out of it before I could clip the lead on. The next time, I put two harnesses on him. He got one off in record time. He was hallway out of the second one when he decided it was time for a nap. Kittens get tired so easily, you know! When he woke up, he dragged the harness over to me then scampered off.

I decided I was beaten and never tried again.

Reply #5944. Apr 28 14, 2:23 AM
MarchHare007 star

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Lesley, I hope you've recovered from your lovely holiday and family gathering. *cheeky grin*

Reply #5945. May 09 14, 8:45 PM
MarchHare007 star

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Mira, cats seem to choose their new homes and adopted parents very easily. I have several friends who woke up to find they had cats that had become permanent boarders when they weren't watching!
considering your kitty's escape qualities perhaps his cat name is Houdini. :)

Reply #5946. May 09 14, 8:50 PM
MiraJane star

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Er.... Um..... Uh....
**** Very Red Face ******

Lesley, I'm so sorry I did not notice the change to your name in my post above!

...tries to leave quietly ....

Reply #5947. May 10 14, 5:02 AM
MarchHare007 star

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Darned auto-correct, Mira!

*hands Mira a cloth and some cleaner for the white board - holds ladder while Mira climbs safely*

Reply #5948. May 12 14, 7:23 PM
MarchHare007 star

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*Makes a big pot of tea and slices banana cake (with luscious lemon icing), hoping to catch Lesley's attention. :)*

Reply #5949. May 12 14, 7:25 PM
Knock knock...
Am I welcome?
And is there any tea and cake left?

Reply #5950. Dec 06 17, 4:30 PM

And MJ - I've been called lots of things, but that may be the most creative. :)

Reply #5951. Dec 06 17, 4:31 PM

Blackdresss star

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Hi Lewd Lesley!

It's nice to see you active again!

I have the best pecan pie I've ever tasted, and I didn't bake it. I can't quite figure out what is different about this one, since that's a simple recipe, so I suppose I'll just have to keep eating slice after slice until I can narrow it down.

Care for a slice? I have Blue Bunny Vanilla Ice Cream, too!

Reply #5952. Dec 06 17, 4:44 PM
supersal1 star
Hi Lewdy (sorry, but I really like that name) - nice to see you back.

Reply #5953. Dec 06 17, 5:21 PM
postcards2go star

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*waves to Lesley*

Reply #5954. Dec 06 17, 5:43 PM
Thank you everyone! *waves back* Nice to be back. I've been fairly anti-social recently, but not lewd. Honest! (angelic smile)
I've had butter pecan ice cream, but not pecan pie, so I'd love to try some!
What's Bunny ice cream please?

Reply #5955. Dec 06 17, 6:25 PM

Lesley is always welcome
We wondered what happened to you
We've had Blue Bunny icce cream. One of the sweeter brands; we prefer Turkey Hill.
And pecan pie is too sweet for us, but we had a wonderful sweet potato cake (like carrot cake, but with sweet potatoes) and pumpkin pie :-) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. With whipped cream. Just yummy.
We have chocolate chip cookies; they're from the bakery at the store we deliver from.
Tobi Bird says chirp chirp bark bark (I kid you not; this budgie barks like Pluto on Mickey Mouse)

Reply #5956. Dec 07 17, 9:36 AM
Thanks, J! Sweet potato cake? I have a lovely carrot cake recipe, but a sweet potato one sounds interesting. I must investigate. And chirrup woof back to Tobi! :)

Nothing much happened - I just enjoyed the to-and-fro of blogging, and gave up after several long periods of talking to myself. A lot of people came and dived in with tea and cake after I'd given up, which was nice, but I couldn't help thinking they'd only disappear again if I stayed. *sob*

I'll do a nutshell update.

Sprog's girlfriend became his wife in September 2016. They've been together for about eight years now, they still seem happy to be together, and she's much calmer now, which can only be a good thing. I'm still not sure I'm grown-up enough to be a mother-in-law!

This year I've had a fortune's worth of medical attention. I've had both cataracts done, which is saving me a fortune in eye make-up and prescription glasses. Existing things are well-controlled, I have a couple of new minor things, which are treatable (and not really new - I've just been ignoring them), and a couple of important tests came back negative. This means, with luck, I have a few more years left to carry on annoying people.

And some surprising news, because I thought he'd be around for ever - Merv died a few weeks ago. It feels odd that there'll be no more propositions and insults, and no more cheerful tales of his conquests all over the world: I won't be bumping into him in Marks, and he won't be knocking on my door with newspaper cuttings and crossword clues he can't solve. And definitely no more Merv stories - sorry!

Reply #5957. Dec 07 17, 11:59 AM

Blackdresss star

player avatar
Blue Bunny is a brand, and their Vanilla is the best, I think. Personally. As a person.

Reply #5958. Dec 07 17, 1:27 PM
That's similar to what's happening on other blogs, including our new one (We are just people). People drift in now and then, but much of the time we feel like we posting to ourselves (or the brick wall across from us). It's definetly disheartening (and we gave up entirely on several blogs, some cus we felt unsafe due to time of year/other factors, and one due to so much time passing in our lives, and a lot of stuff happening all at once, that we didnt think it prudent to revive an older blog. We have absolutely no intention of leaving the newest one; there are things we can commit to).

So happy for you (and him); exciting :-)

Medical stuff is everywhere :-( and can be a real pain

Wow. Just another case of whether or not you liked the person, he was still a human being, and coming into contact with him at all makes things you miss once he's no longer there. Life is complicated like that.

Reply #5959. Dec 07 17, 2:33 PM
It’s nice to know it’s not just me who gave up. Yes, I found it disheartening, that lots of people were reading it, and sloping off again in silence. You find out when you tell them something, and they say, I know - I saw it in your blog. That’s when I thought I might as well write a newspaper column, and get paid for talking to myself!

Medical stuff can be a pain, but this year’s stuff has all been positive, so I’m happy.

Merv was a big part of my life for years, I’ve just thought. Yes, he was usually a profoundly annoying and stressful part, but bumping into him every couple of months made him easier to cope with than when he was calling on me almost every night, after a beer and a curry! I don’t think I’m sad - just shocked. I saw him a few weeks ago, and he was looking well, and sounding cheerful and positive. My neighbour was chatting to him three weeks ago, and said the same thing. It’s like hearing that a building’s fallen down!

Reply #5960. Dec 07 17, 4:51 PM

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