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Subject: Lesley is here now.

Posted by: lesley153
Date: Nov 09 09

I'd always thought that once you got a blog you had a blog in perpetuity, and could continue to add to it, whether you were a paying member or not. That may have been right at one time, but it isn't now.

I wrote an update yesterday, a few hours after I'd had an email to tell me that my paying membership had expired, and got an "access denied" message. I thought it was a shame to waste it. Off I go...

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Blackdresss star

player avatar
Just for the record? I always thought a blog was personal, and written by just one person, with the option for others to read, if given the link. A "web log." Like-a so:


noun: blog; plural noun: blogs

a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.


verb: blog; 3rd person present: blogs; past tense: blogged; past participle: blogged; gerund or present participle:


add new material to or regularly update a blog.
"it's about a week since I last blogged"

Reply #5961. Dec 13 17, 7:14 PM
Yea, shock is maybe even worse than just sad. It like, "what even happened?"

True, Elle, thats my idea of a blog; however, some people appreciate regular contributions to it other than just theirs, otherwise their willingness to continue just fizzles out.

Reply #5962. Dec 14 17, 6:04 AM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
I know that now, Jazzee, because of you! But I didn't know that before. That's why I read people's blogs, but don't contribute.

Not anymore!

Reply #5963. Dec 14 17, 5:17 PM
Sometimes I read but don't contribute because I have nothing meaningful to say...
I try to find something, but it's honestly hard depending on the subject.
I figure... if I gotta force myself to contribute, why bother?
It cant just besome kind of "moral obligation."
Obligation feels too much like chore

Reply #5964. Dec 14 17, 5:23 PM
On Monday, I went to Merv's funeral with two neighbours. There were loads of people there, which was nice - possibly mostly friends from jazz clubs. They'd been wondering why he'd suddenly missed a lot of concerts, but it was medical staff who raised the alarm. He'd missed three consecutive medical appointments, and the staff told the police, who broke into his house. No hymns - all the music was jazz - When the Saints, Limehouse Blues, and It Don't Mean a Thing.

Isn't a blog whatever you want it to be? They're anything from this is my diary, to this is a place to swap opinions and chat. (Not counting the professional bloggers, who do it for the advertising, and would probably be much happier if you didn't comment.) I do it for the chat.

What happened to all the cake? :D

Reply #5965. Dec 15 17, 7:22 PM

Blackdresss star

player avatar
Sorry about Merv, Lesley. That's so sad. I'm glad they found him, though.

Reply #5966. Dec 15 17, 7:41 PM
Yeah, thaat's just sad. Yikes... no matter who you are, that's just not right. Glad they finally sounded the alarm and found him *shudder*
Thats the stuff horror stories are made of (though, pretty sure my neighbors have had similar happen; alone in their apartment for days before they were found, and it likely took longer than it did for poor Merv. Being government housing here, there should be a better proceedure in place. Then again, that's why some staff are paranoid and just "knock down the door" whether the resident is fine or not. Is this a nursing home? No; some terms just apply to us).
Blog for the chats too. I think people should ask, rather than assuming, and then gage their responses accordingly.
No cake here, sorry (still recovering from being sick). We do have cookies in the freezer though.

Reply #5967. Dec 16 17, 1:41 AM
Blackdresss star

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I could tell you a horror story about a city I used to live in, where someone died six months before anyone even thought to go looking, and she lived in a duplex with multiple occupants, but I won't.

Even worse? Her pets...


Reply #5968. Dec 16 17, 2:09 PM
Somebody had either lAX proceedures, or none at all.
Privacy and "independence" are one thing, but here they go overboard with daily check-ins. There are "stats," and if that lever hasn't been pushed over, you get a knock on your door before the day is out.

Reply #5969. Dec 16 17, 3:12 PM
Thanks, Elle. I wrote at least a dozen blog posts about him, starting when we had proper blogs: he was a royal pain for at least fifteen years. He will leave a gap!

I don't suppose many people will have realised he was ill. When he was a postman, he walked for miles, and - 13 years after his retirement - still walked everywhere, and looked strong and fit. They were more likely to think he'd swanned off on holiday again.

J, how are you - have you stopped being ill?

It's OK about the cake. Really it is. Shall we nibble a few celery sticks instead?

Reply #5970. Dec 16 17, 7:59 PM

Still sick Im afraid, Lesley, but "turned the corner" hopefully.

Had a fright late; I won't rehash it here. Minute details are in my own blog.
Not really a fan of celery, but thanks for offering :-) I prefer baby carrots... though I like cooked carrots even better.
In twerms of the walking, Merv sounded like Great Uncle Bill. He was a miner, years ago, and attends their picnic every summer.

Reply #5971. Dec 16 17, 10:47 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
I have huckleberry pie? Have you ever tried it? Warmed, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream? Absolute heaven!

Reply #5972. Dec 17 17, 3:45 PM
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. sounds interesting.

Reply #5973. Dec 17 17, 4:00 PM
Blackdresss star

player avatar
The huckleberries are hand-picked, not by me. You have to outrun the bears when picking huckleberries, which only grow successfully in the wild. They're like a blueberry, only not.

I didn't bake the pie, either, I ordered it and it was delivered freshly-baked to my front door! Today! On Sunday!

Now that's what I call service.

Reply #5974. Dec 17 17, 4:33 PM
J, I do hope the corner is now behind you!
The celery was a low-calorie alternative to cake. I agree that there are more enjoyable things to eat. Sorry.
And I've just enjoyed a dish of blueberries. Never tried huckleberries, which seem to be more American than British. (I found two nurseries selling huckleberry plants in Britain - one's in Kent and one's in Switzerland.) Obviously not tried huckleberry pie either, but the thought of a pie bursting with fruit is wonderful. Add ice cream and I'm very happy.

Reply #5975. Dec 18 17, 8:18 PM

postcards2go star

player avatar
There's always room for a fruit pie with ice cream.

Ice cream with ice cream is also not bad, if there is an absence of pie :-D

Reply #5976. Dec 18 17, 9:06 PM
Yep, Postie, cant go wrong with ice cream

Reply #5977. Dec 19 17, 8:29 AM
Sprog and DIL are visiting this evening, because it's their last chance to get latkes. (It isn't really...) Long gone are the days of my greeting visitors with a freshly-baked cake or bakewell tart. If they've still got room, I can offer them ice cream, or ice cream - or even both.

Reply #5978. Dec 19 17, 9:00 AM

postcards2go star

player avatar
I'll have some latkes, and if you are giving out gelt, I'll have some of that, too :-D

Here's something I posted on my team board...

The Dreidel Song, and a few others, by the a cappella group, Shir Soul...


Reply #5979. Dec 19 17, 10:07 AM
Thanks, Postie, that's fun! I have no idea how you play dreidel (deprived childhood?) but I enjoyed the singing!

The only gold was a couple of clementines each. This year I didn't even get them any chocolate coins. Have I said recently, I'm an unfit parent?

A couple of days earlier, I'd been to my cousin's Chanukah dinner. He got hold of some dreidels, but we didn't play. At least he had the decency to cover the table with chocolate coins.

But I did make latkes for sprog and DIL. Sooo many latkes... We ate them till we were nearly bursting, and I spent the following day recovering. There were three cooked ones left over, and I had them next day for lunch. There was also a bit of raw mixture left, and that made the basis of my dinner. (Stir it and you won't see where the edges are starting to turn grey.)

I'll happily make you some fresh ones, though. When are you coming to England?

Reply #5980. Dec 21 17, 7:05 PM

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