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Subject: Professer is here now

Posted by: Professer
Date: Jun 06 10

Well am here for the time being, i am still at the low point and losing the Gold membership awarded to me today, has forced me to decide do i stay or do i go. I appreciate all the support i have had but as i cannot afford to pay for gold i need to see wether to leave or stay

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Professer star
Back from my break all the good that it did me is draining away fast, was so enjoyable especially being able to see how hard Clire works on the jobs she makes for her company Crafix can be found on Facebook, take a look she will create anything and her prices are reasonable, bear in mind postage and packing, she currently sending work to Dubai, Canada and Australia as well as UK.

My piece was looking good needs some touching up work done to finish it off before it is clear varnished to complete is looking great.

The weather was fabulous whilst away.

Reply #1401. Aug 07 13, 1:05 AM

Professer star
So much pain due to stress and Fibromyalgia, fibro fog is also causing problems.

Stressed out by problems caused by Government, that affects me and countless others in UK

Was told wednesday by practice nurse she is concerned as my respitory is 50%+ less then it should be for my age and height.

Reply #1402. Aug 11 13, 1:38 AM

Professer star
Finally got the supporting letter from the asthma/practice nurse she states shes been treating me for 7 years and i am functionally affected by my sever asthma to the extent my lungs are irreversible and poor working. Is terrible what this country is making genuine sick people cope with, and was amazed this morning to read a lady pleading for help to by women's sanitary products as the DWP had sanctioned her and she has no money for 2 months. WE can give billions in foreign aid yet we are doing nothing to help our own, yes there are some milking the system but i think that number is rather low. Theu need to help those in diffciulty with health etc

Reply #1403. Aug 13 13, 10:06 AM

That's just an excuse made by people who have never had to worry about where the next bottle of champagne is coming from. Our foreign "aid" never seems to reach the same people we would consider in need of food and shelter, only the people in need of Rolls-Royces and helicopters. So perhaps we've got our priorities wrong, and should be happy to help rich leaders, while those about them starve. Perhaps "aid" is nothing to do with helping the desperate poor and everything to do with appeasing potential enemies.

Reply #1404. Aug 13 13, 10:38 AM
Professer star
Very well put Lesley, agree with what you said there, was shocked to see that Iain Duncan smith even claims on expenses for his underpants, shows how they think.

If he was not a MP who would pay for his underpants, not his mother. I would have thought

Reply #1405. Aug 14 13, 1:34 AM

Professer star
Wish the post office would get their act together tried doing track and trace earlier on letter to the DSS, that i sent special delivery had no joy online or phone, went to post office as said there was no record, post office desk clerk checked at 10am said to me in system will be delivered by 1pm, went back at 2pm pay a bill and the guy said he would check my package again for me if i had ticket which i did, he rang again and said good news package delivered and signed for 8.43am . So why at 10 am was it still in system

Reply #1406. Aug 15 13, 10:53 AM

Chavs star

player avatar
Hello, I so hope you don't mind me butting in uninvited :) but I saw the conversation about Ian Duncan Smith's underpants and just had to know what was going on!! :)

In his defence, perhaps if he wasn't an MP he wouldn't wear underpants at all. Valid expense.


Reply #1407. Aug 15 13, 3:15 PM
Essential, I would think!

No, this is forcing me to think about things I would rather not think about, but diving in anyway: he would find a way to make someone else pay for as much as possible, and will continue to do so long after he has retired. I can see him at 80, in the Sally Army shop, poking about in buckets of underwear, looking for a bargain.

I've sent loads of things recorded delivery, or to be signed for, and not had any problems. Just once a couple of years ago, I sent something to be signed for, and it disappeared off the system. A week later, I discovered that it had been sent, and signed for, a week earlier. It's a wonderful system, except it's operated by humans.

Reply #1408. Aug 15 13, 5:32 PM
Professer star
True we are in the hands of humans Lesley, Least i know they have the form and doctor/practice nurse supporting letters. It is just so odd that letter sent Special delivery which gaurantees delivery the next day, was delivered at 8.40 but when i checked on it at 10.15 was still in system awaiting delvery. I am pleased i know it is there and i did the right thing and kept original letters only sent photo copies.

Chavs, no problem jump in anytime you wish i welcome all comments :) The annoying thing about this is i read a letter on a different site of a woman having to beg for help to get cash to buy what i would say is essential for women that being sanitary products, due to Iain Duncan smiths department sanctioning her benefits. So wrong.

Reply #1409. Aug 16 13, 1:49 AM

Professer star
Nice sunny day here, am struggling pains are bad even after pain relief, Is down to stress i think. Seeing physio tmw see if anything can be done to help foot affected by drop foot, not holding any hope as last time was told nothing could be done, am going to see if i can get a second waling stick as some days i need one use a wooden one with my metal one but is not ideal.

Breathing also bad and chest wall pains might ask to be put down lol would be better then suffering.

Reply #1410. Aug 18 13, 4:20 AM

Professer star
In a quandary saw physioterrorist today, nice girl helpful and some good advice, It seems she feels i would get better movement and support from a walker rather then a second stick have to go back wednesday to see whats what.

When first suggested i was adverse to walker but since i got home sa and thought feel a walker may be better, one good thing is basket on it for shopping, any thoughts?

Reply #1411. Aug 19 13, 8:09 AM

Yes, exactly that thought. Somewhere to hang your shopping. Much easier than trying to carry it when you've got a stick in each hand!

Reply #1412. Aug 19 13, 9:27 AM
Professer star
Thanks Lesley i also believe will help me with my benefit as am struggling to walk an d stand using one will be of help, especially if it has a seat option

Reply #1413. Aug 19 13, 11:54 AM

Professer star
Off to see Physio for second time this week hope to get a walker am slowly and surely getting old fast not even 60 yet and am walking like a 70 year old.

Reply #1414. Aug 21 13, 2:22 AM

Professer star
Physio gave me a second stick for use around the home, and has placed a order for a walker, will be 2 weeks said that would be better for outside.

Reply #1415. Aug 21 13, 4:52 AM

Of course - benefit - good point!

With luck, proper walking support will take years off you.

Reply #1416. Aug 21 13, 6:46 AM
Professer star
Just hope chest pains i get with one stick will not get worse, is apparently chest muscles pushing against chest wall, In theory will be better as less strain

Reply #1417. Aug 21 13, 8:01 AM

Professer star
of for some fun and games Asda here i come going will be fine, coming home to bags of shopping will be fun with two walking sticks.

Reply #1418. Aug 22 13, 12:38 AM

Professer star
Was a struggle coming back from asda as i knew it would be, but have to say was suprised when i dropped one of the sticks a young lad came picked it up carried my bag to the seat for people wit sticks to use asked aomeone to move as i needed the seat , thanked him for his actions and turns out his mum sent him to help me, as when he was a baby in a pram i helped his mum get it on the bus 25 years ago.

Reply #1419. Aug 22 13, 4:47 AM

What a nice story - like all those "inspiring stories" that go viral on the internet, and most of then aren't even true.

If he was around 25 years ago, he can't be that young a lad!

Reply #1420. Aug 22 13, 9:15 AM

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