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Subject: Heeere's Rayven!

Posted by: rayven80
Date: Jul 27 10

Hi everyone. I wasn't going to do this but I discovered I missed it.

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It has been nasty.

I don't think we've ever seen so much flooding in so many parts of England and Wales. It doesn't help that, for years, people in charge of planning, at all levels from local inspectors to the Home Secretary, have switched their brains off and sanctioned building on flood plains - traditional buildings, nothing sensible and flood-appropriate like houses on stilts - but this is more rain than I've seen for years. I remember getting caught in summer rainstorms that went on for hours, but these go on for hours, daily.

Something else that doesn't help is ditches not being cleared and waterways not being dredged. I'm sure the human and financial cost of floods is far greater than the cost of dredging and clearing.

I was only offering you rain, not floods!

Reply #121. Jul 13 12, 3:14 PM
rayven80 star

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We'll take the rain. Instead of Dragonfest Jason and I are going to go camping by the Black Canyon of the Gunnison. It's supposed to rain almost every day which to a point makes me happy. The downside is it will be chilly. The forecast isn't showing any promise for rain here, and the crops are suffering. Between the drought and the grasshoppers some farmers are having a really hard time. The price of corn is skyrocketing and so the prices of almost all food items will soon follow.
I didn't get my sick pay from when I was hurt yet but I'm thinking of doing my bi-annual stock up trip early, while things aren't too expensive yet.

Reply #122. Jul 20 12, 1:31 PM

rayven80 star

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My first bakery manager's son was in a car accident and passed away. His service was today but I couldn't stay so I found his step-dad and gave him a card and some cash. I feel like such an idiot and I'm not really sure why.
Mom's dog died last weekend of a heart attack. Dad went and got him from the crematory. He's so small.
My cousins are down dropping some stuff off for their daughter, who is moving out of Mom's house on my birthday. The only reason they brought it down is they didn't want her driving all that way. One day she's going to have to put on her big girl panties.
Dad is taking the puppy to the Newfoundland water trials on Sunday to see how she does with her training and being around a lot of other dogs and people. I hope she does good. He was only going to go on Sunday but since my cousins aren't really here to see us he's going on Saturday too. He forgot we had a Rockies game on Sunday so my sister is going with me instead.
That's about it. I hope everyone is well.

Reply #123. Jul 27 12, 1:18 PM

That's a lot happening!

No earthly reason that I can think of for you to feel like an idiot.

If you really want to destroy someone's confidence, tell them you'll go to them: you don't want them coming to you because you'd be So Worried. You can drive "all that way" but they can't. I've had that stunt pulled on me and it is, to coin an uncharacteristically polite phrase, extremely annoying.

Reply #124. Jul 27 12, 2:50 PM
rayven80 star

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Got back from vacation a couple days ago. It wasn't Dragonfest but overall it was a good trip. We went camping at the Black Canyon of the Gunnison. Spent three days there and then came back through a lot of fun places. We stopped in Fairplay on the way down and went through South Park City. It was really nice. We came back through Olathe in time for the Sweet Corn Festival. It was a lot of fun, all the free roasted sweet corn you can eat. We got a case of corn there. Then on to Palisade for peaches. Got a small case of those. Tried to go look at historical things in Fraser but the museum was closed and we were out of time. It was a nice getaway.
My cousin's brothers will be down next week to visit and help her move. I may be terrible but I'm doing the happy dance. My sister is having abdominal surgery sometime between now and October and she doesn't have much time to take off so I'll help her with rent and things. And after the 18th I can buy things for Mom and Dad's house and it may last longer than a couple days. And we won't have to hide the pastry anymore!
Hope everyone is well, have a happy day!

Reply #125. Aug 07 12, 2:07 PM

I hope your sister gets a good repair and is back to normal in no time.

Reply #126. Aug 07 12, 3:47 PM
rayven80 star

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Thanks Lesley.

Reply #127. Aug 08 12, 1:14 PM

rayven80 star

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We have family visiting from Montana. The word that I got when Mom said they were coming is they'd be here a couple of days as they were "passing through." I didn't take any time off work to visit since I didn't think they'd be here long. They've been here all week and I told Mom that since they were leaving tomorrow I'd come up and visit tonight even though I had to work tonight. She tells me to try and get some sleep during the day so I'm not dragging tired at work. How am I supposed to get some sleep when she calls literally every two hours. Starting a little after 10am, then about 12:20 or so, and I just got off the phone with her and it's 2:31 here. I can't tell her off for it either because she doesn't understand why I wouldn't want to talk to her 5 times a day. AAAARRRGGGHHH!

Reply #128. Aug 20 12, 2:32 PM

I think we've had this discussion before. Weren't you going to phone her every ten minutes to ask her how she is and what she's doing, or to tell her you were frantic with worry if she didn't answer, till she got the hint and stopped doing it?

Reply #129. Aug 20 12, 4:23 PM
rayven80 star

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Lesley, I should but I don't think she'd get the point. My sister had her backed off for a while but she's back to normal again.

My cousin moved out of Mom's house. Maybe now we can start getting things back to what passes for normal. The stress should start to wear off by the time we get that room cleaned. Her brothers came down for vacation and to help her move and were appalled by the state of the room. One wanted to put the last of her things into trash bags and leave them on her new doorstep so that he could sweep and mop.

Morgan was sprayed by a skunk two nights ago. Although he's had a bath in a mixture the vet gave us the house smells really bad. Now it smells like skunk salad from the bowls of vinegar laying around. Jason was sent home from work because his co-workers couldn't take the smell. I'm sure it's a matter of time but it's frustrating.
That's about it. When it rains it pours. Have a happy day!

Reply #130. Aug 23 12, 8:50 AM

rayven80 star

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We've made all the jelly and jam for they year. Dad has cut almost all the firewood for their house and mine. The only thing is to get a bit more of a variety of meat in the freezer and then most of the winter preparations are done.
I was reading the replies on the "Someone's at the door" topic and for the most part they made me very sad and slightly angry.
I think it's time to take a break from the computer for a day or so. Maybe the stories won't be so disappointing.

Reply #131. Sep 05 12, 3:52 PM

Have you ever thought about going to "Burning Man?" It's in the Nevada desert, every year..Through Labor Day?

Seems like something you'd like. Check it out. Too late this year, but maybe next.

You must purchase tickets before (not sure) March.

Like to read your postings! :)

Reply #132. Sep 05 12, 5:43 PM
rayven80 star

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Thanks veronikkamarrz.

Reply #133. Sep 07 12, 9:39 AM

rayven80 star

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My aunt Patty is having a bit of a hard time. The company that she works for sold the office where she worked. One guy moved back to Austin to work for the company and Patty is now working from home. But her and the one guy and my sister (when she worked there) put in a lot of time, blood, sweat and tears to make that place work and to have it sold from under them hurt.

Her and my Dad took Mom on a surprise trip to the Cumbres-Toltec railroad. Mom loves trains so they will ride the train on Friday and do small side stuff the rest of the time. It's good for them to get away for a few days.

I don't think my dogs will be visiting much at Mom's, unless Nakota is in the run. She fights with Oona every time they get together.

The one co-worker I had that I thought was decent proved that I was wrong. He very politely informed me that the co-worker I despise the most is his friend and she's the only one at work, besides him, that does anything. I can't decide if I should do more to prove him wrong or leave things the way he leaves them for me as a protest.

Overall not a terrible week but it's been better. Have a happy day!

Reply #134. Sep 13 12, 3:23 PM

rayven80 star

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My sister is home now recovering from surgery for a dermoid cyst. Mom is staying with her for the next day and then people will be in and out to visit, ect. My sister is still sore and tired but I think mostly frustrated. We're a family that does for others so when people have to help us we get sad, mad and frustrated. Since my sister can't bend over or drive for at least a week I think she's feeling a bit of all of the above.

Hope everyone is well. Have a happy day!

Reply #135. Sep 22 12, 2:37 PM

rayven80 star

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It's raining! Although in my excitement I forgot that the roof still leaks in spots. Since it's only supposed to be damp for a couple of days I'll have to get up there next week and seal again. My sister is doing well, still sore and frustrated but improving. The garden turned out to do well in the end, but the vacuum sealer broke a gasket. Four to six days for delivery but we got a great deal on bags. My aunt's mom gave us a couple buckets of plums so those are going in the dehydrator and the freezer. Overall it's been an okay summer. It's been hot and disappointing at times but I am still not looking forward to winter. In my opinion it can snow at 50 degrees, we need a lot of snow and it doesn't need to get colder than that. However the weather doesn't ask my advice so other than hoping for a couple 3 foot blizzards, all we can do is wait and see. It does appear that we'll have a nice fall, in contrast to our non existent spring.

Hope everyone is well, have a happy day!

Reply #136. Sep 24 12, 6:32 PM

rayven80 star

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The forecast is calling for a "season ending" cold front. Today is was 82 for the high, tomorrow it may reach 53. The oven is having minor fits so hopefully it decides to work so I can bake something. I brought in firewood, even though my family is laughing about it. I don't like the cold but if we can get rain or even snow I'll be dancing, it's been that dry. I picked all the raspberries that were even close to being ready and Dad and I covered the peppers and tomatoes. We got a lot of the popcorn but there's still a lot left. We were hoping to give it a few more days because it wasn't ready yet. We did get a bunch so it's a sad waste if we lose what's left out there but not a total loss. We dug a few of the potatoes and the carrots last weekend. Out of one row we got 27lbs of carrots. Over all it's been a good year.

Mom and Dad are going on vacation Friday. I'll do the chores in the morning and some friends will do them in the evening. Taking my sister to the store on Saturday. She's back at work but her apartment is on the third floor so I'm playing pack mule for her.

Getting into the beginning of the low fall/winter feeling. My sister says she'll help keep me occupied so I don't get so sad. It's worth a try. I get sad, then I feel bad for being sad, which makes me sad. It's okay if you didn't get that, I don't really either.

Hope everyone is well, have a happy day.

Reply #137. Oct 03 12, 3:02 PM

I do get the 'sad' thing. It's still pretty warm here, but it won't be long...It looks like you got a goodly amount of root veggies, anyhow. I grew up in Alaska, and the looong winters get to people. I honestly don't remember the dark problem, but I was young...;)

Reply #138. Oct 03 12, 4:09 PM
Good that your sister sounds like she's mending and regaining strength. Hope she continues to get stronger.

Did you ever investigate SAD light therapy and "simulated dawn" alarm clocks?

What on earth do you do with 27 lbs of carrots?

Reply #139. Oct 03 12, 6:48 PM
rayven80 star

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I looked into the therapy for SAD but it's expensive and more for people who get it so badly that they can't get out of bed. There are some light bulbs I can get that are supposed to help. Still pricey but not as bad.

We dehydrated and froze a bunch of the carrots and gave a couple pounds away. The rest we'll eat fresh or cook until they are gone or start to get soft, then we'll freeze the rest.

The university here decided that they need to build a new football stadium on-campus. They are hoping that by building it it will attract more students and alumni willing to drop a lot of money in tuition and donations, and that they can get a better football team. After spending several million on a new coach they are currently 1-4. They had said that it would be privately funded but now are saying that only half will be from donations and the other half they'll take out a loan against the future income from the stadium. The president of the university said that if that won't cover the payments he'll take it out of the general fund, which is part tax payer money and part tuition. There have been a lot of us arguing against this for months but we couldn't convince them that the current stadium is adequate.

Hope everyone is well. Thank you for reading my posts.
Have a happy day!

Reply #140. Oct 04 12, 2:37 PM

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