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Subject: Heeere's Rayven!

Posted by: rayven80
Date: Jul 27 10

Hi everyone. I wasn't going to do this but I discovered I missed it.

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I've looked at it too, and the prices are frightening.

That's a novel way of fundraising. Universities here just put their fees up.

Reply #141. Oct 04 12, 5:17 PM
rayven80 star

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My cat has been sick for a couple of weeks. After trips to the emergency vet and the regular vet, it appears she has a tumor on her tongue that is inoperable. I called work to tell them I wouldn't be in tonight. They actually responded very well. Jason came home and my parents offered to take the afternoon off since it looks like my cat won't be coming home.

I've tried to look back at this year with a different view but pretty much it's been a bad one. Not catastrophic bad but definitely bad. I am eagerly awaiting the new year and the bit of hope it brings that next year will be better.

Reply #142. Nov 01 12, 1:19 PM

rayven80 star

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I am so glad the election is almost over. I've beaten my head against the wall too many times over news stories and election ads. With the mess in the eastern states we may not get results until later in the week.

Reply #143. Nov 05 12, 2:31 PM

rayven80 star

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Twenty states have petitions into the White House to secede from the Union because they don't like it that Obama won. It used to be just children who would beat on the ground, kick their feet and scream if they didn't get their way. Now apparently it's Republicans too.

Reply #144. Nov 14 12, 11:15 AM

When Abraham Lincoln was elected as president in 1860. Southerners thought the government was becoming too strong. They did not think the government had the right to tell them how they should live. Southerners felt if they stayed in the United States, the North would control them.

Some southern states decided they had no choice. They decided to secede, or leave, the United States. South Carolina was the first to leave the Union and form a new nation called the Confederate States of America. Four months later, six other states seceded. They were Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana. Later Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee joined them. The people of these states elected Jefferson Davis as president of the Confederacy.

The northern states were called the Union. President Lincoln said he would fight to keep the southern states as part of the United States. There were Union forts on Confederate land. The Confederates wanted Union soldiers to leave these forts. In Charleston, South Carolina there was a Union fort called Fort Sumter. The Union soldiers refused to leave this fort, so the Confederates fired cannons at the fort on April 12, l861. This was the beginning of the Civil War

The southern states were rich because of cotton. Washington was taxing them and all the money was being spent in the north.

The civil war was not over slavery, it was taxation without representation, and that is what is happening now. The rich job creators are being tasxed to pay for those who do not work. The rich are pulling the wagon that is overloaded with those who want more and more for doing nothing.

Reply #145. Nov 14 12, 2:28 PM
rayven80 star

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I think I've figured out why I haven't been interested in reading any books lately. It's like being on vacation, especially if the book is really good. But having to come back can be almost painful.

Reply #146. Nov 15 12, 2:01 PM

rayven80 star

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I've decided I am contrary.
My cousin turned 21 today. Mom called to tell me that my sister was going out with them tonight and one of us may be called upon to pick her up and take her home.
Dad told me later that my sister got someone to work the first 4 hours of her shift so she didn't have to get up in the morning.
The contrary part: I wasn't invited. I wouldn't have gone anyway because I'm out of place in that crowd but the invite would have been nice I think.

Reply #147. Nov 29 12, 2:06 PM

rayven80 star

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What is a polite and politically correct way of saying Mom is driving me stark raving mad?
She is off this week and as I'm off during the day she can't understand why I don't want to spend all my available time at her house. Fortunately she has a Girl Scout event tonight so I've got a few hours peace, though I will be spending part of it at her house because she's afraid her computer has a virus and wants my techi-genius boyfriend to check it for her. Part of the reason I don't want to spend all day up there is she smokes, and when she's there all day the house reeks. She doesn't understand why I cough if she isn't actually smoking. I've told her over and over that it isn't necessarily the smoke, it's the smell.

I'm concerned that Dragonfest may be cancelled again next summer. No news yet but we haven't had any measurable rain or snow in months. It's December and I'm hanging clothes out on the line to dry, it's that warm.

Sorry I'm ranting and raving and as soon as I get some good news or luck I swear I'll post about it.

Reply #148. Dec 04 12, 5:20 PM

rayven80 star

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We've got snow! Three inches and counting.

Reply #149. Dec 19 12, 9:54 AM

honeybee: You said, "The rich job creators are being tasxed to pay for those who do not work. The rich are pulling the wagon that is overloaded with those who want more and more for doing nothing."
Are you saying the rich are struggling because they dont have enough and the poor are poor because they have too much? That would be a prime example of losing the ability to see contradiction.

Reply #150. May 25 13, 10:25 PM
rayven80 star

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This may sound petty, but why is it so difficult for people to use basic English skills and spell check? My grammar isn't good, I know that but I do believe in using appropriate capitals and punctuation when possible.

Reply #151. Apr 16 14, 10:58 AM

satguru star

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Glad to see you've returned to the blog, it was getting lonely out there!

Reply #152. Apr 16 14, 8:25 PM
rayven80 star

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Thanks Satguru!

We've been trying for years to convince Mom her woodwork is good enough to sell. I managed to talk her into making items for me to take and set up a merchant booth at Dragonfest this summer. Honestly it was intended to just be a confidence booster. I don't intend to tell her how much it's going to cost me to do it.

Mom made a minor mistake when she placed an order for seed potatoes this spring. She thought there were only 5-7 in a bag, so she ordered 8 bags. There is actually 12-15 per bag so somehow we need to find a place to plant roughly a hundred hills of potatoes, because she saved some from last year for seed also. Dad and I haven't been able to get the rototilling done, it snowed about two inches last Sunday. It should dry out some in a few days and we can try it then.

I'm not sure if I mentioned before that I was thinking of doing a booth at the farmer's market this year. I got a vote of no confidence from the family so that's out. Mom was giving some of the strawberry and raspberry plants to her co-workers and I told her I could have sold some of those at the farmer's market. Her response was that we aren't destitute yet. My reply was that the idea was to Not become destitute in the first place. We have so much that requires no effort that we could sell. We conceded three feet of the garden to the strawberries and raspberries, and a foot to the garlic. We have horehound that comes up as a nuisance weed, six rhubarb plants although nobody likes it but me, and a currant bush that all we do is make jelly with them (I checked our stock, we don't need to make jelly).

Well that's about everything here for the moment. Thanks for reading and I hope everyone is well. Have a happy day!

Reply #153. May 15 14, 9:57 AM

rayven80 star

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I am having difficulty in dealing with some societal norms. The current one is mowing the lawn. This makes no sense to me. Why do we buy equipment that has one purpose and that purpose is that when people go past our domiciles they like what they see? If it wasn't a yard my land would be admired for growing lush, green grass and would be desired by grazing animals everywhere. However because my house is here, apparently that means that it must be cut to three inches, weeded, edged and adorned.

I'm often confused by things people do. I don't mean strange, off the wall ideas. I mean things like the painting of toenails. When I ask people questions about common things, they think I'm mocking them but I'm honestly confused. For example: My sister spent $40 to have her nails painted. $5 of that was to add a silver line to them. Don't get me wrong, it's her money and she can do what she likes with it, I'm just confused as to the purpose.

Perhaps someone can explain some of the quirks of society to me, but please use small words. Some view my confusion as a sign that I'm an idiot.

Reply #154. May 19 14, 2:23 PM

rayven80 star

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Last week there were guest dogs at my parents house. As the house became slightly chaotic I gave my opinion again of "Why can't we do this for a living?". There was nothing much in the way of a response.
I'm thinking that it's me. I can see all kinds of possibilities, I just can't make them happen.

The foster dog had surgery again. The first time they tried to fix his knee it came out again, so they had to go for the more drastic action of cutting the femur. He is doing so much better, much faster than the last time. He will need a home that can afford him because he will need therapy and medication for life, but we're hopeful that he'll be able to move much easier.

Hope everyone is well, have a happy day.

Reply #155. May 21 14, 10:45 AM

rayven80 star

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Oso, the foster dog found a forever home with a nice couple in Idaho. He has a Saint Bernard sister and looks good from the pictures we get.

The garden is doing well, and the orchard. The open class registration for the fair is up so we can register some of the mead and apple butter.

Honestly I'm still sad and disheartened. There's good days but overall I'm not real with it.

Reply #156. Jun 27 14, 1:30 PM

MarchHare007 star

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Mmmm - mead and apple butter. Yum.
So nice to have real fresh goodies produced by your own garden.
When the turkeys get you down, imagine them stuffed and baked, Rayven. :)

Reply #157. Jun 30 14, 9:38 PM
rayven80 star

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Thanks MarchHare :) That does help!

Dragonfest is next week and I'm slightly nervous. I'm taking some of Mom's woodwork items to sell but I haven't sold anything like this since Girl Scout cookies 15 years ago. The weather is rumored to be wet and cold so I'm trying very hard to not be disappointed before we get there.

Mom is too busy to come with us to the fair to see if we won anything. Dad, Jason and I are going go look because I so badly want to prove Mom wrong. She's been so negative lately that it makes me look like a ray of sunshine.

They have a new foster dog named Koda. They said he's 4 but he acts more like 2. He's very energetic, strong and very Alpha. I made the mistake of not letting go of his leash when Dad came home the other day. Ended up falling and partially popped some cartilage in a rib. Note to everyone, just let go of the leash.

I hope everyone is well. Have a happy day!

Reply #158. Aug 02 14, 1:38 AM

rayven80 star

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Jason took third in the sweet dessert wine category. None of the rest of us placed but we can see the judging reports when we get back from Dragonfest.
I was very disappointed but then I figured that A) We and our friends like our stuff and B) there is always next year. We went out to dinner and ran into some friends. That made things better too.

Reply #159. Aug 02 14, 6:00 PM

rayven80 star

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We checked the judges reports. Mom didn't place, they disqualified her items because the source of her recipes wasn't current. I didn't place because they didn't like my label. There's always next year.

Reply #160. Aug 10 14, 10:37 PM

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