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Subject: Heeere's Rayven!

Posted by: rayven80
Date: Jul 27 10

Hi everyone. I wasn't going to do this but I discovered I missed it.

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honeybee4 star
What does "dies" refer to so I can decide if I need to go buy a camel?

Reply #81. Oct 10 11, 11:08 AM
Could it be for "Dies Irae," "Days of Wrath"?

Reply #82. Oct 10 11, 11:27 AM
rayven80 star

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"Dies" is short for "Dies the Fire". It's a fiction book on what happens if cars don't work, guns don't work ect. Sort of a post-apocalyptic story. I read it at Jason's suggestion and now we have wonderful conversations based on "If dies happens...".

Reply #83. Oct 10 11, 12:16 PM

rayven80 star

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I was slightly disturbed tonight. I had bought a deal where I paid $3 and it was worth $6 at a local ice cream store.The total was $5.10. The girl working the counter read it and said I owed her $2.10. The guy working with her couldn't figure it out so I told her "No it means you get a $.90 tip". She didn't seem convinced as we left but we waited until the door shut before we began mocking her.

Reply #84. Oct 10 11, 8:15 PM

rayven80 star

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Jason and I went to breakfast Sunday morning. When we go out we usually fight over the bill, to the amusement of the waitstaff. We've been to this place a few times and had the same waiter. That morning he asked who was paying. I raised my hand and said I was. He said "Nope I am, get out". And when we said no he said we're always amusing when we fight over it so it's his turn, go. Almost half an hour later we both (Yes he made both of us) speechless. Love your waiters, they will remember you!

Reply #85. Oct 17 11, 9:16 AM

rayven80 star

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I'm sorry I missed Knockout yesterday. The power was out. Not too many branches came down in the snow but the power line was knocked down. Mom and Dad still don't have power. I went to their house yesterday because they had power. I had just mixed a batch of brownies and their power went out. Today the pilot light on the water heater was out but we got that fixed. Hopefully tomorrow will be fairly normal.

Reply #86. Oct 27 11, 2:22 PM

bloodandsand star

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I hadn't realised that the weather where you are has been so bad, Rayven. I've been moaning because it's rained all day here, but at least we haven't had snow. Hope things get back to normal for you soon.

Reply #87. Oct 27 11, 2:59 PM
rayven80 star

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My parents got power back Friday afternoon so things are back to normal. We are anticipating 3-8 inches of snow by Wednesday morning, but it shouldn't be the wet, branch breaking snow we had last week. The weather today was lovely, highs in the 60's. I did the rounds at the cemeteries today like every year. That's about it, hope everyone is well. Have a happy day!

Reply #88. Oct 31 11, 6:26 PM

rayven80 star

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Herman Cain said he doesn't support Planned Parenthood because he believes they are engaging in racial genocide. People really want this man to run our nation. I want a hidey hole in the mountains, the stupid is becoming overwhelming.

Reply #89. Nov 03 11, 1:22 PM

Jakeroo star

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well then, you picked the right place to live :)

I'm personally planning on moving to a secret "underground" in the wilds of northern B.C. I already have the property picked out.

Reply #90. Nov 03 11, 6:11 PM
rayven80 star

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I can't decide if I like the place with the lake better or the one with lots of acreage. Doesn't really matter since they are both affordable but it's nice to think about. I think I'll start small and work my way up to something sizable.

Reply #91. Nov 04 11, 9:44 AM

I think I'd pick the lake. How nice to build a home on the shore!

Reply #92. Nov 04 11, 10:15 AM
rayven80 star

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Something in the editing I missed in my last post. They are both unaffordable. There's a fixer-upper for sale but I don't think I'd like living on the plains. All the open space makes me jumpy for some reason.

They moved the date for Dragonfest next year, two days back. They moved it in the hopes it wouldn't rain as much. I don't think two days will make a difference.

Reply #93. Nov 05 11, 7:53 AM

rayven80 star

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I've got a "No Tresspassing: violators will be shot" sign and a "Guard dog on duty" sign on my gate. I'm introverted and mostly self-sufficient.
Something may be wrong with my way of thinking but what would others do in the scenario? About a year ago some new people moved in across the street from me. I know them to wave when they walk by. They pet the dogs over the fence and things are good. When Una had a burr on her head he offered to help hold her why I cut it off. I didn't take him up on it. We've got a few small branches in the yard from the snow a couple weeks ago that I figured we could leave alone till spring. The new neighbors offered to take them to the dump for me if I put them out by the road. I found out that a friend's dog died yesterday so I haven't done much of anything today. He's now in my yard taking branches out. No asking, no coming to the door, nothing. I'm feeling kind of bad because most people would be massively thankful but I'm kinda twitchy and mildly violated.

Reply #94. Nov 15 11, 1:58 PM

rayven80 star

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With everything currently going on in our country, from a 9% unemployment rate to very few people having health insurance, I find it really troubling that the main issue of contention on the news was Obama didn't thank God in his Thanksgiving day message. This is really the best the news had to offer? In my opinion, there is too much thought of religion in politics so it doesn't matter if, when, who or how it's said. Truly people, I've got windows you can wash if that's the biggest issue you can come up with.

Reply #95. Nov 29 11, 2:12 PM

rayven80 star

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I've been reading some comments on news stories posted on Yahoo and these people make me ashamed to be human. Are people really that ignorant, hypocritical and mean? I'm seriously looking into mountain real estate because if these people are the majority of my country, then I'm hiding from them. The saying "Be the change you want to see in the world" doesn't account for the massive odds against. I can't fix the stupid, or kill them so the next best option is to hide from them.

Reply #96. Dec 20 11, 11:06 AM

Late response to #94: you're used to be the one who does, not the one other people do things for. Is this colouring your reaction to their help? If you still don't like it, please send them to me.

I agree religion has no place in politics, yet voters are still drawn by the politician, or leader, who is seen to go to church. You can change the law but you can't change minds.

Reply #97. Dec 20 11, 12:00 PM
Jazmee27 star

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How true

Reply #98. Dec 20 11, 1:06 PM
rayven80 star

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I had a really nice Christmas, although now I'm happy the holidays are almost over. That's because of work. We've had our Christmas displays up since November 1 and they started playing Christmas music the Monday before Thanksgiving. My sister told a friend of hers that I don't like anything to do with Christmas except opening presents. I objected, telling her that I was exposed to Christmas for the better part of three months every year for the last nine years in a row, not to mention having to work Christmas day this year.

I got lots of seeds and gardening stuff. Also books on food storage. I told my family they can't mock me and encourage me at the same time, so they decided it's up to Mom to encourage me and my sister to mock me.

I hope my family likes everything they got. I do. Even though it's another week until New Year's I'm looking towards things I'd like to accomplish next year.

Have a happy day!

Reply #99. Dec 26 11, 9:06 AM

rayven80 star

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I had my review at work today. I was informed that my donuts are ugly, I don't get enough done, I don't help others enough, I need to get my work done before 6am and I need to be more tidy in my appearance. But my boss told me that overall it wasn't bad. How's that possible?

My sisters' car went to car heaven last night. It was a 1990 Mitsubishi eclipse. She said that if it was over $500 she wasn't getting it fixed. They told her that it would be over that and they weren't finished looking for problems. So this afternoon she's buying a 2007 Ford Explorer. I find this amusing because my sister has never driven a domestic vehicle in her life.

New years is going to be like the last few. Stop by my aunts house for an hour or two, say Happy New Year and go to work. Although since my review went the way it did I'm not inclined to be terrible productive.

I hope everyone has a happy day, and Happy New Year!

Reply #100. Dec 31 11, 3:33 PM

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