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Subject: Stew's News

Posted by: MarchHare007
Date: Sep 22 11

Okay. It finally got to me. I Had to Have a new blog!
Hangout, drop out - or drop in......the door is always open, the fridge and pantry are forever filled with delectable goodies, the kettle is on permanent boil and there is always a comfy chair and friendly company.
Welcome to my realm. :)

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MarchHare007 star

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heheheheh Yes, It's Really Scary DG. :D
So far You only have to deal with one at a time...... *cheeky grin*

Reply #101. Nov 06 11, 9:15 PM

Amen to that my down under wonder. ;D

Reply #102. Nov 06 11, 9:16 PM
MarchHare007 star

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A little coolness in the weather today.
Have been having periodic heatwaves with either extremely High or extrememly Low, humidity. Over 30C is not my favourite temperature.
Thank goodness for ceiling fans. Poor 'dogman' is suffering. The coolest place is under the house but as I'm not sure it's currently snake UN-inhabited there, he's relegated to under a cool tree or on the kitchen floor in front of the floor fan - with a bowl of ice cubes on the other side, just trying to create some semblance of 'more' cool.
Might take him to the creek next time..... :)

Well, part of all this heat is reminding us to head for cool shopping centres and Santa!
Yes, the jolly man in the red suit 'arrived' the beginning of November - along with multitudes of Christmas lights and decorative hanging stars and flying deer. I start wishing it would snow......I'd love a White Christmas. Particularly if we were snowed in.
Wouldn't have to go anywhere or put up with the nonsense that seems to be equated with Christmas Cheer....
Picnic's, flies, sand, 38C and hot cranky people do not a happy christmas make.
No wonder it's called Silly Season!

Steve's birthday on the 18th was celebrated beautifully with dinner in the cool, just down the road from Miss B at Le Chat Noir. Very yummie authentic French food run by a lovely couple we've known for years.
Miss B supplied one of her usual Birthday Cakes, but consented to 'family size' rather than her usual 'supply half the neighbourhood variety, and her gift was a delightful sketch of the four of us with dogman, Yoshi.

I could not quite believe Steve had to Ask her if she'd actually drawn it! Wanted to smack him for asking.... heheh

She's incredibly talented and now she feels she is actually Starting to feel better I may be able to persuade her to indulge more often.
She really enjoys drawing - as against painting, which while enjoyable becomes a trial - and after she found My sketch book some months ago when she was hunting around for something was thinking she should draw more for the sake of drawing.
It is a great expression and release mechanism.

A little like writing.........

Reply #103. Nov 20 11, 8:22 PM

Do you need an excuse to smack him? (Sorry, had to ask.)

Wonderful news about Miss B. Anything like that is life-enriching. Much power to her pencil hand.

Reply #104. Nov 21 11, 7:07 PM
MarchHare007 star

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*tries to giggle behind hand and fails epically!*

At moments like these Lesley, definitely No!
And subject to change without notice - Of . Course!

The fact that Miss B is interested in anything much again other than putting on foot in front of the other or sleeping IS wonderful.
She still has a lovely collection of drawing pencils from school. Being able to raid the supply-room at will was a sweet luxury and the benefits continue.

All power thoughts greatly appreciated!

Reply #105. Nov 21 11, 7:54 PM

Very glad to hear she is feeling better. Having something like drawing that you can enjoy makes a person just feel better, in my opinion.

Reply #106. Nov 21 11, 9:19 PM
MarchHare007 star

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Makes me feel Much better just seeing her draw DG so I can only hope that her well being is reflected in her work! :)

Reply #107. Nov 27 11, 7:22 PM

MarchHare007 star

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Looks like the sillt season has well and truly descended. Dinners, lunches and breakfasts have been either enjoyed or are in the planning or inked in.

Then a treat began on Saturday morning - ABC Classic FM (Australia) encouraged voting for their Classic 100 20th Century.
Interesting selection so far and will continue through this week with the final revealed on Saturday in alive concert in Adelaide with the ASO.
Love the presenters, all very knowledgeable and too quirky for words!

The list to date:

100, ADAMS - Nixon in China

99, RAMIREZ - Misa Criolla

98, PROKOFIEV - Lieutenant Kije Suite

97, ADDINSELL - Warsaw Concerto

96, SHOSTAKOVICH - Symphony No.10 in E minor Op.93

95, TAVENER - Song for Athene

94, SIBELIUS - Symphony No. 7 in C major, Op. 105

93, ELGAR - Violin Concerto in B minor, Op.61

92, BRITTEN - Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings

91, LLOYD WEBBER - A Requiem: Pie Jesu

90, SHORE - Lord of the Rings

89, LEHAR - The Merry Widow

88, ELGAR - Dream of Gerontius

87, O'BOYLE - Concerto for Didgeridoo

86, VAUGHAN WILLIAMS - Fantasia on Greensleeves

85, WEILL - The Threepenny Opera: Prologue and Act 1

84, VILLA LOBOS - Bachianas Brazileiras No.5

83, RAVEL - Daphnis and Chloe

82, GLASS - Akhnaten

81, MESSIAEN - Turangalila-Symphonie

80, GRAINGER - Irish Tune from County Derry

79, BARBER - Violin Concerto Op.14

78, ELGAR - Symphony No.1 in A-flat Op.55

77, GERSHWIN - Piano Concerto in F

76, BERNSTEIN - Candide

75, STRAUSS - An Alpine Symphony Op 64

74, KORNGOLD - Violin Concerto in D, Op35

73, MAHLER - Symphony No 6 in A Minor

Reply #108. Nov 27 11, 8:48 PM

MarchHare007 star

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Update on the 100 to lunch -

72, GERSHWIN - An American in Paris

71, BRITTEN - A Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra

70, BRITTEN - A Ceremony of Carols

69, RACHMANINOFF - Vespers Op. 37 (All Night Vigil)

68, JENKINS - The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace

67, DEBUSSY - Preludes

66, MAHLER - Symphony No.9 in D

65, PARRY - Jerusalem

63, SCHOENBERG - Verklarte Nacht (Transfigured Night) for string sextet Op.4

62, RAVEL - Piano Concerto in G

61, MAHLER - Symphony No.4 in G

Mahler 6, 9 And 4! He is loved after all. :)
Just need No. 1 to close the set.

Reply #109. Nov 28 11, 7:21 PM

Of course he is! We like Mahler - a lot. Well, we like his music. I don't think I'd want to be married to him.

Are people still listening to the Warsaw Concerto? After what Frasier and Niles said about the 1812, I'd love to know what they have to say about this! (Yes, I know they're only pretend people.)

I do like the Lieutenant Kije Suite. It's great fun and it's full of tunes we recognise but have no idea where from. Troika, anyone?

Reply #110. Nov 28 11, 9:13 PM
MarchHare007 star

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Giggles at being married to Mahler, Lesley.
He was closely related to friends I grew up with - they used to cal him Cousin Gus - eldest son looks just like him. Not sure if that's a Good Thing.....

60, SHOSTAKOVICH - Symphony No.7 in C Op.60, 'Leningrad'

59, BRITTEN - War Requiem

And at 58, MAHLER - Symphony No.8 in E-flat, 'Symphony of a Thousand'.

Such a huge variation of 'likes' with any of these Top 100's and so nice to hear pieces I haven't for a long time and be introduced to new ones.

The Top 100 of Classic Symphonies last year was Dvorak's New World!

Reply #111. Nov 28 11, 9:35 PM

MarchHare007 star

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57, PROKOFIEV - Symphony No.1 in D Op.25, 'Classical'

56, PART - Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten

55, CANTELOUBE - Chants d'Auvergne (Songs of the Auvergne)

Stunning end to the day. :)

Reply #112. Nov 28 11, 11:30 PM

MarchHare007 star

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54, RAVEL - Pavane pour une infante defunte (Pavane for a Dead Princess)

53, RESPIGHI - Ancient Airs and Dances

52, PUCCINI - Turandot

51, SCULTHORPE - Kakadu

50, BRITTEN - Peter Grimes

49, EDWARDS - Dawn Mantras

48, SHOSTAKOVICH - Gadfly Suite

47, STRAVINSKY - Petrushka

46, SCULTHORPE - Small Town

45, EDWARDS - Violin Concerto 'Maninyas'

44, RACHMANINOFF - Symphony No.2 in e minor Op.27

Lovely to see Aussies Peter Sculthorpe and Ross Edwards in the top 50, and more than once.

And OH the Rachmanioff.....

Reply #113. Nov 29 11, 9:32 PM

MarchHare007 star

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The day's final 3:

43, GLASS - Violin Concerto No.1

42, BARTOK - Concerto for Orchestra

41, MESSIAEN - Quatuor Pour Le Fin Du Temps

Very contoversial Phillip Glass but there are many who love him in all forms. This piece is particularly good - althought the on-line feedback has been interesting.....

Second Movement - minimalistic?

Bartok and Messiaen are not on my favourites list.

Reply #114. Nov 30 11, 2:21 AM

Loved the Glass - haven't heard it before - wonderful! thank you!

Bartok has written some short pieces, folky, spiky and fun. Never listened to anything of his that was longer than five minutes though.

Going to listen to the rest of the Glass!

Reply #115. Nov 30 11, 4:41 PM
MarchHare007 star

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Nice Lesley! some wonderful pieces altogether - such a treat over the last week and how good is it to actually have composers listed that are Alive! lol

Tonight's top 5 will be interesting.
Ticked off Copland for Applachian Springbut still some Sibelius and Stravinsky missing I thought might have shown up by now.
And no Grainger either which I find a little unusual.

Continuing the list to date:

40, STRAUSS - Der Rosenkavalier, Op. 59

39, KATS-CHERNIN - Wild Swans

38, PROKOFIEV - Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67

37, RAVEL - String Quartet in F

36, MORRICONE - The Mission

35, STRAVINSKY - L'Oiseau de feu (The Firebird)

34, DEBUSSY - La Mer

33, MAHLER - Das Lied von der Erde (The Song of the Earth)

32, COPLAND - Fanfare for the Common Man

31, SHOSTAKOVICH - Symphony No.5 in d minor Op.47

30, SIBELIUS - Symphony No. 5

29, WESTLAKE - Antarctica Suite

28, PUCCINI - Tosca

27, SIBELIUS - Symphony No. 2 in D Major Op. 43

26, KHACHATURIAN - Spartacus

25, MAHLER - Symphony No.5 in c-sharp minor

24, GERSHWIN - Porgy and Bess

23, SIBELIUS - Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47

22, RACHMANINOFF - Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini Op.43

21, ELGAR - Pomp and Circumstance March No 1 in D Op.39

20, RAVEL - Bolero

19, RACHMANINOFF - Piano Concerto No.3 in D minor Op.30

18, COPLAND - Appalachian Spring

17, PUCCINI - Madama Butterfly

16, PART - Spiegel Im Spiegel

15, SIBELIUS - Finlandia

14, GORECKI - Symphony No.3 Op.36, 'Symphony of Sorrowful Songs'

A lovely production of the Gorecki with Yvonne Kenny as soprano and so bitter-sweet.

Reply #116. Dec 02 11, 6:42 PM

MarchHare007 star

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Oh - just found this on youtube Lesley. If you like the Glass you may like this too....another Aussie, though not born here, Elena Kats-Chernin. Love This.......

Reply #117. Dec 02 11, 7:09 PM

Thank you - coincidence - I was listening to the same clip! I spotted EKC on the list (who's that? google!) and found Eliza's Aria which seemed strangely familiar. Of course - it's the background music for a bank advert boo hiss!

It's very pretty but I think I'd rather have Sibelius 5 - and I'd rather have Sibelius Violin than the two of them put together!

Wonder why no Grainger? Not modern enough, or perhaps in a higher position.

Reply #118. Dec 02 11, 7:47 PM
MarchHare007 star

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Grainger perhaps higher up - my is a little strange,

Just had Vaughan Williams pop-up - knew I'd forget Some One!

12, VAUGHAN WILLIAMS - Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis

Advertising has a lot to answer for I think. Can destroy a lovely piece of music and turn it into an overplayed has-been..

I'm pretty eclectic in my musical taste, Lesley so have room for Every One.
Heaven help me if I ever have to choose! lol

Was bad enough choosing Just 10 for this countdown.....and that was from 971 nominated pieces.

Reply #119. Dec 02 11, 8:02 PM

What, like Bruch Violin, or Eine Kleine Nachtmusik? I wonder how many people can listen to Ravel's Bolero without picturing Torvill & Dean? and how may people can listen to the Saint-Saƫns Symphony No.3 "avec orgue" without visualising a farmer singing and dancing for a pig?

I could probably pick 97...

Reply #120. Dec 02 11, 8:53 PM

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