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Subject: Stew's News

Posted by: MarchHare007
Date: Sep 22 11

Okay. It finally got to me. I Had to Have a new blog!
Hangout, drop out - or drop in......the door is always open, the fridge and pantry are forever filled with delectable goodies, the kettle is on permanent boil and there is always a comfy chair and friendly company.
Welcome to my realm. :)

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Jakeroo star

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It's well past fall here. The cranes are migrating (can't mistake their ridiculous giggles or their silly flight patterns) and the dark-eyed juncos have arrived. Sigh. I would like this time of year more if the leaves stayed on the trees for longer than the first big wind ~

Time to give the trees their final waterings, bring in the hoses and shut off the outside water valves.

Reply #41. Oct 05 11, 12:12 AM
"Funny how little triggers set 'things' off."
Yes, I've had a trigger of my own recently, but it's OK, I'm going to turn the hosepipe on him. Woohoo!

Reply #42. Oct 05 11, 6:20 AM
Either that, or buy Trigger a Buttermilk all his own. *American cowboy allusion*

Reply #43. Oct 05 11, 8:02 AM
Cranes giggle? Goose gaggle? Canada must be quite noisy this time of year!

Well, I'm off to google....

Reply #44. Oct 05 11, 8:04 AM
*Geese,* but at least I didn't say "gooses." *giggle*

Reply #45. Oct 05 11, 8:05 AM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

A giggling, gaggle of geese googling?
That would be quite something tiepolo! :D

Reply #46. Oct 10 11, 6:51 PM

MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Lesley, I hope you haven't worn out your hosing arm... *wicked grin*

Reply #47. Oct 10 11, 6:51 PM

MarchHare007 star

player avatar

The other day my sweet niece was severely harangued by a much loved uncle, and aunt and subsequently loony cousin....over the fact she has a gay friend.

She was devastated at the turn the 'discussion' took as her Christian belief was also challenged.
Her stand was her god was a loving all encompassing God - not a God to hate someone because they were gay.
They maintained that she should be staying away from 'anyone like that' as they were bad and would be punished!

Instead by their actions they as small 'c' christians attempted to browbeat and therefore punish my sweet niece for her loving nature and balanced belief.

Considering they attend the same church their appears to be a clash of ethics over ethos here and more than a touch homophobic.

And as the aunt and uncle also have a gay son - who they refuse to clearly see for the loving and principalled young man he really is but prefer to revert to holy than thou antics .......

Saddens me greatly that people I love and who have supported me over time, and who I have stood beside in defense of my niece and her sweet siblings when their Dad died, I now find the balance swinging away due to a bigotted and twisted view based on their belief.

Why does the world become bigger and badder as we get older and why do many people seem to never Grow Up?

Reply #48. Oct 10 11, 7:08 PM

My hosing arm is strong but I haven't needed it. Very odd. (Not complaining.)

Yes, heard that one - we are super-pious, and our beliefs command us to love all our fellows as long as they think like us. They also command us to love and honour our parents, and to love and cherish our children, for as long as they toe the same line that we toe.

Grow up? Who on earth would want to do anything like that?

Reply #49. Oct 10 11, 7:38 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar
Ooops, my mistake Lesley. I certainly don't want to grow up!:)

Well the vote for Australia's carbon (pre-cap and trade) 'tax' is through the House of Reps and now awaits the Senate's rubber stamp.
Every one who was not in favour will Still grizzle profusely and the rest of us are celebrating.
One small step forward despite the naysayers!

A pending full moon appears to have released the lunatics from the asylum again and I'm hoping everyone will travel safely till the weekend. The roads are a littel interesting this week.
And rthe weather is hot and stuffy...and Oh My!
The Sky is Falling...... lol

Reply #50. Oct 11 11, 7:05 PM

Still haven't needed the hosepipe. Just opened the door and said "No. I don't need to. You can get your own." I couldn't believe how easily he gave up. It was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Not growing up? That's a relief.

Peter Pan's friend, Lesley

Reply #51. Oct 12 11, 11:17 AM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Do you think you may have finally got through, Lesley?

Must have been a little startling to find him out after dark - on Your doorstep!
There is always the sprinkler - set on a timer..... :D

Reply #52. Oct 12 11, 3:42 PM

daymare star

player avatar
Or a doorbell which sounds like an alarm....

Reply #53. Oct 12 11, 4:13 PM
Have I got through? I'd like to think so, but he is notoriously bouncy, so he may spent the next week or so coming up with a new excuse to call - usually a lame newspaper article that's going to be irrelevant or annoying.

Was it a bit naughty of him to call, unannounced, after dark? I know a lot of people who won't open the door after dark if they aren't expecting anyone to call.

Reply #54. Oct 12 11, 4:48 PM
MarchHare007 star

player avatar

An alarming doorbell Daymare? lol
I'd be tempted to add a 'zap' to it!

Reply #55. Oct 13 11, 6:19 PM

MarchHare007 star

player avatar

Nice to know you're 'wanted' Lesley? :$

You sound very brave to have opened the door to me - I just let the dog gnaw them off at the ankles.....

Reply #56. Oct 13 11, 6:20 PM

Jazmee27 star

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Reply #57. Oct 13 11, 6:35 PM
MarchHare007 star

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*nom* *nom* *nom*

*grins evilly*

Reply #58. Oct 13 11, 6:41 PM

daymare star

player avatar
We could always add a 'pressure pad' that looks like a doormat and electrically charge it. Not enough to cause physical harm but enough to make one jump back off of the mat (and hopefully turn and leave).

Reply #59. Oct 13 11, 6:48 PM
I like that. *zap* *slam* *eat*

Oh no, I can't do that unless I lock myself out. Needs work. I think I'll sleep on it. Pray for dreams, no nightmares.


Reply #60. Oct 13 11, 7:33 PM

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