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Subject: Cat's Corner

Posted by: Catreona
Date: Nov 11 20

A virtual blog to post updates on my mother's illness and other thoughts

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Dagny1 star

player avatar
Happy New Year to you too, Cat!

We also feel very lucky not to have lost power or have frozen water pipes. Many in our area did, although we weren't hit nearly as hard here in Alabama as other places. No snow for us either.

Reply #321. Dec 31 22, 6:31 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Funny I should decide to play Gold Member Madness today, because there were several questions from my latest For Children quiz, "Is It '-ick' or '-ink'?" You could have knocked me over with a feather.

The weather has been unsettled here the past few days. The day before yesterday it snowed all day, last night it rained hard all night and today the high was in the low 50sF. Of course, there were places that had terrible tornadoes or else massive flooding, so I'm not complaining!

Reply #322. Jan 13 23, 7:43 PM

Dagny1 star

player avatar
I saw your questions, Cat. They were fun!

Agree about the weather, it's been crazy. I'm in NE Alabama. There were tornadoes west of us and south of us but we lucked out although some areas lost power - mostly because of wind knocking trees down and into power lines.

Reply #323. Jan 14 23, 11:13 AM
Catreona star

player avatar
Thanks, Dagny.

There was a lot of wind here last night and this morning; so much so that I was concerned some shingles had blown off the house. Apparently not though, thankfully. We're back to seasonably cold weather. Fortunately, I have flannel sheets. Unfortunately, I have to get up early tomorrow to go to the dentist.

That long first lines quiz will yield two or three more narrowly focused first line quizzes and a single subject quiz. Not sure yet if that will be in Literature of People. We'll see. And I'm considering making the dog quiz a photo quiz, depending on whether I can find copyright-free photos of all the dogs. You'd be surprised how hard that is. Then again, my googling skills are not great.

Further down the line, I've got my eye on that second joker's slot in the Full Deck Challenge...if my DVD arrives in a timely fashion. And, if not, one of my quizzes made it into the challenge already, so that's nothing to sneeze at.

As to my common bonds quiz, I had to put it away and putter with other things this weekend. It was driving me bananas! It seems like no matter how much info I pour into it, there's always more stuff to look up and then write up. Surely, SURELY I can get it finished and submitted this week. Don't know why, but working on this quiz is like banging my head against the wall. It's gonna feel so darn good to stop!

Reply #324. Jan 15 23, 8:55 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
Went to the dentist today. The interesting thing, though, is that rather than the wheelchair, I used the walker. I can't remember the last time I walked out of the house and down to the car to go somewhere, certainly years. Had to take it slowly and carefully, and by the time we got back home and in the house I was tired, but the hip gave me no trouble at all. Quite a successful afternoon.

Reply #325. Jan 16 23, 9:26 PM


player avatar
Oh, Cat! That's wonderful! It may have been slower, but who cares? To be standing, and moving on your own, eye to eye with others :-)

Reply #326. Jan 16 23, 9:56 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Thanks, Postie. That's it exactly. It gave me a great sense of freedom.

Reply #327. Jan 17 23, 2:38 PM

Dagny1 star

player avatar
Marvelous news, Cat, about the walker instead of the wheelchair. It must have felt so good.

Reply #328. Jan 17 23, 3:45 PM
MiraJane star

player avatar

Oh Cat, I'm so happy for you. N9w use the walker to got for some place fun, like a bookstore (if you can still find one in business) or, better yet, go 9ut f9r ice cream or cheesecake or some other luscious, calorie laden foodstuff.

Reply #329. Jan 18 23, 2:40 AM
Catreona star

player avatar
Thanks, Dagny!

Cheesecake? Now you're making me hungry, Mira. /grin/

BTW be on the lookout for a new Books for Kids quiz, "Dream-of-Jade". It was submitted last night, a spur of the moment sort of thing. Now back to the salt mines, as Dad would say.

Is there a new badgelet for The Daily Game? Got a message yesterday saying I'd won, hmmm, Daily Tiara I think it was, for a cumulative 20,000 points in the Daily Game. I wouldn't have thought anything of it, except that I haven't been playing the Daily Game for ages. So it struck me as a bit odd. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. A new badgelet on the ol' profile is always a good thing. It just made me wonder.

Reply #330. Jan 24 23, 3:00 PM

Dagny1 star

player avatar
Yes, upgrades on five Badges. See the January 17 item in "What's New"

Jan 17 2023: Challenge Daily Game Mastery News

Here it is:

Long time players rejoice! We have added upgrades to the daily game mastery challenges. You can now earn up to tier 7 in each of the following:

Daily Game Mastery
Mind Melt Mastery
Who am I Mastery
World Game Mastery
Pot of Gold Mastery

Reply #331. Jan 24 23, 4:37 PM

player avatar
Terry created badgelets for all the daily games... Who Am I, Mind Melt, etc. It's to give a bit of reward at 20,000 points, on the way to the 50,000 mega badge, for a given game. We all got grandfathered in, for past performance. Nice!

Reply #332. Jan 24 23, 4:43 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Yes indeed, very nice!

Usually, I'm not big on change, but the recent improvements have all been pretty nifty.

Reply #333. Jan 24 23, 7:16 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
This is amazing. I have five, count 'em, FIVE Top Twenty rated quizzes (silver stars)! I almost dropped my teeth upon seeing that.

What's more, I also have eleven blue stars. This is wonderfully encouraging and affirming. I tend to be unsure of myself. So, for sixteen of eighty-six* quizzes to have stars is very encouraging indeed. This is a welcome boost. Thank you, lords of Quizziland, for introducing the star system.

*Yes, my quiz count has gone up to eighty-seven, but "Dream-of-Jade" hasn't met the ratings threshold yet.

Reply #334. Jan 27 23, 9:55 PM

Dagny1 star

player avatar
Well done, Cat! Congratulations, you earned it.

Reply #335. Jan 28 23, 5:59 AM
Catreona star

player avatar
Thanks, Dagny!

Reply #336. Jan 28 23, 2:21 PM


player avatar
Please don't drop your teeth... It might make it difficult to eat!


Reply #337. Jan 28 23, 2:32 PM
Catreona star

player avatar
Thanks, Postie!

My adopted children's literature quiz, imaginatively titled "Assorted Children's Literature," has gone up. This is the first of my adopted quizzes to go online.

Reply #338. Feb 18 23, 8:47 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
And with that, I have earned January's painting. Hurray!

Reply #339. Feb 18 23, 8:56 PM

Catreona star

player avatar
My movie quiz just went up:

Reply #340. Feb 21 23, 4:07 PM

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