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Subject: Is British food the worst?

Posted by: romeomikegolf
Date: Jan 04 08

Posted by: Les_Johnson

Subject: Is British food the worst?
Date: Jan 04 08

Of all the major countries in the world, is British cuisine the worst? I'd have to say yes. I suppose one could make a case for Korea, but at least Korean cuisine has flavor. The only good British dish I've ever had is Beef Wellington, and against that must be offset truly revolting dishes like "haggis." What's your opinion? Les

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This probably belongs in "Hobbies"

Reply #1. Jan 04 08, 9:11 AM Delete - Edit

I don't like British food in all honesty, and ye this will be moved to hobbies.

I like fish and chips and can tolerate Sunday roast dinners if they are infrequent. Much else is pushing it.

Reply #2. Jan 04 08, 9:19 AM Delete - Edit


Not because of the idea of learning more about british food, but the manner in which the subject is approached does not lead to good discussion on the subject.

Reply #3. Jan 04 08, 9:22 AM Delete - Edit

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I was lucky enough to discover Haggis in a fish and chip shop in that most Scottish place, Portsmouth. I went back some years later and they said they no longer served it. The black pudding was part of a Little Chef mixed grill (a wonderful source of some of our best national offerings) and although I didn't like the look tried a little and it was so nice I had it all. They are variations on a theme and if you like salami you'll probably like them all as I do, just the British versions.

Reply #141. Sep 28 08, 6:45 PM
daver852 star

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I LOVE steak and kidney pie. The worst thing about dining in England is that they drink a vile, noxious concoction called "tea," which I believe is prepared by running hot water through someone's used socks, instead of coffee. I believe we fought a war with them so we wouldn't have to drink that stuff any more. They have great beer, though. Bishop Ale can't be beat.

Reply #142. Nov 05 08, 10:24 PM
julicat star

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Daver glad you like the steak and kidney pies ! Now if you ever go to London have Pie and Mash at the many pie and mash shops mainly in the east end of london , pie mash and liquer is a delight and jellied eels if you want !
Authentic london food , google it and it will tell you more !

Reply #143. Nov 07 08, 3:30 PM
The English do a bluddy good breakfast!


Reply #144. Nov 11 08, 3:00 AM
Ahh, the delights of 'The Full Monty'. A heart attack on a plate. Sausage, bacon, fried tomatoes, baked beans, fried egg, fried bread, black pudding (optional) and saute potatoes. All accompanied by toast and plenty of hot steaming tea, followed by a three hour lie down to get over it.

Reply #145. Nov 11 08, 3:21 AM
julicat star

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Making me hungry now , but dont forget the mushrooms!

Reply #146. Nov 11 08, 12:19 PM
There wasn't 'mushroom' left on the plate.

Reply #147. Nov 11 08, 10:19 PM
cag1970 star

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If haggis is anything like chitlins (or, more properly, chitterlings) or tripe, I'll pass. Don't even need to taste it to know it's straight up nasty.

Reply #148. Dec 21 08, 4:56 PM
mjws1968 star

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Depends what you serve it with, had slices of haggis with a whiskey sauce combined with the traditional "neeps and tatties" (swede/turnip and potatoes), the whisky sauce disguised the taste and made you leave the restaurant with a warm glowing feeling. On its own, it is like a less tasty version of a faggot.

Reply #149. Dec 24 08, 4:05 PM
Cymruambyth star

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Ah yes, the British breakfast! Yum. I have fond memories of groaning sideboards covered with dishes of home-cured ham and eggs, fied kidneys (which I loathe but which everyone else in my family seemed to enjoy), mushrooms, and tomatoes, along with the porridge, toast and marmalade, and the ever-present tea pot.

Beats the heck out of the North American idea of breakfast - cold cereal and a glass of reconstituted orange juice! Aargh!

daver, if you're looking for a really good cup of coffee, head north and visit any Tim Horton's in Canada. Their coffee beats Starbucks' six way from Sunday and costs a whole lot less, too.

Reply #150. Dec 31 08, 6:07 PM
Schoonie101 star

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What kind of breakfast is THAT, Cymru?!

Denver omelet with a bloody mary, now that is the breakfast of champions! :)

Can't say I've had much in the way of British food (closest, I suppose, is food in Australia), but fish/octopus & chips and meat pies, they're not bad. Not sure there is much beyond that, though... must be why Indian food takes over around there.

Reply #151. Dec 31 08, 11:11 PM
Schoonie101 star

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I was referring to the North American breakfast BTW, not the British breakfast. Aside from the kidneys, that sounded pretty good! :)

Reply #152. Dec 31 08, 11:12 PM
mjws1968 star

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Kidneys have really gone out of fashion here in the UK, and we seem to have adopted hash browns instead, which is fine by me. Now a traditional welsh breakfast, glamorgan sausages, cured bacon, fried eggs, fried bread and laverbread (seaweed concoction fried in bacon fat) is a nice way to start the day, tomatoes or beans are optional, and a nice cup of tea, as much toast as you can eat, who said british food was bad? That would be my arteries lol.

Reply #153. Jan 01 09, 11:03 PM
"Can't say I've had much in the way of British food (closest, I suppose, is food in Australia)"

-> ROFL!
Considering Aussie wants to break away from the Commonwealth and become a've just added fuel to the fire there schoonie:-)

Reply #154. Jan 07 09, 5:15 AM
demurechicky star
Well Schoonie, Kidneys aren't a breakfast food here In Yorkshire, more black pudding, which I hasten to add I do not eat, the thought of it makes me feel all vomitatious as does the thought of

I think that kidneys being served is a thing of the past, unless it's specific to certain areas.

Reply #155. Jan 07 09, 12:18 PM
supersal1 star
OK, I am weird, I like both black pudding and kidneys. Not necessarily together, though I could manage if pushed.

I've just investigated 'Denver Omelette', sounds good but directly underneath is a description of an egg white omelette and, as with non-alcoholic wine or decaffinated coffee, I can only wonder what the point is.

Reply #156. Jan 07 09, 2:55 PM
lesley153 star
I'm still wondering where Schoonie found octopus & chips here!

Reply #157. Jan 07 09, 6:53 PM
mjws1968 star

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Possibly one of Rick Stein's establishments in Padstow, if it moves underwater, he will catch it, kill it, batter it, deep fry it and serve it with doorstop chips.

Reply #158. Jan 07 09, 8:33 PM
Schoonie101 star

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Never been to England outside Heathrow airport but had Octopus & Chips at Bondi in Australia.

Not sure a Denver Omelet is just eggwhite? Usually 2-3 full eggs.

Now a Denver Belut Omelet, that would be something interesting... :)

However, thinking of worst foods, well, America is the origination of McDonalds. So sorry about that and the resulting plague of them that crossed the world. I think the true question is: What really constitutes a McRib? It's definitely not beef or pork. My guess is highly processed millipede and/or cockroach stamped in the shape of a "rib". But am all ears to any alternative theories: Dung beetle? Seagull? Gopher? Catfish excrement?

Reply #159. Jan 10 09, 11:07 PM
supersal1 star
Egg white omelette was listed as a separate item to the Denver omelette.

Have never been remotely tempted by a McRib or anything like it. I did try eating a McDonalds burger without the bun trimmings once. I've never chewed cardboard but I imagine it's a similar sensation.

Reply #160. Jan 11 09, 12:02 AM

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