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Subject: Is British food the worst?

Posted by: romeomikegolf
Date: Jan 04 08

Posted by: Les_Johnson

Subject: Is British food the worst?
Date: Jan 04 08

Of all the major countries in the world, is British cuisine the worst? I'd have to say yes. I suppose one could make a case for Korea, but at least Korean cuisine has flavor. The only good British dish I've ever had is Beef Wellington, and against that must be offset truly revolting dishes like "haggis." What's your opinion? Les

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This probably belongs in "Hobbies"

Reply #1. Jan 04 08, 9:11 AM Delete - Edit

I don't like British food in all honesty, and ye this will be moved to hobbies.

I like fish and chips and can tolerate Sunday roast dinners if they are infrequent. Much else is pushing it.

Reply #2. Jan 04 08, 9:19 AM Delete - Edit


Not because of the idea of learning more about british food, but the manner in which the subject is approached does not lead to good discussion on the subject.

Reply #3. Jan 04 08, 9:22 AM Delete - Edit

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jonnowales star

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Then, when I brush up on my French (amazing how much I have forgotten from my A level already) I will make a point of visiting Toulouse :P - yes, just for the Thai restaurants :P

Reply #61. Jan 04 08, 8:12 PM
McDonald's is the best place for me
but I too enjoy a good Thai restaurant.

Reply #62. Jan 04 08, 9:56 PM
I would not have much variety in my diet on the 100 mile thing. There are some cattle ranches, a few small corn fields, a lettuce crop every few years, pecans, and grapes grown for the local winery. The majority of the land goes to cotton, which, last time I checked, is not a food.

The best thing about living in Texas though is that I do get good steaks. The worst is that I can not handle heavily spiced foods much, which seems to be what everyone cooks. I was in England when I was still in middle school (about 17 years ago), and do not remember hating the food. The only thing I did not care for was what seemed like a never ending serving of boiled tomatos, since I am not a fan of tomatos. I did have the best porridge/oatmeal when I was there, even going as far as eating as much in two days at a bed and breakfast as the rest of the patrons combined. I am not against trying new foods, as long as no onion is used since I am midly allergic to them.

Reply #63. Jan 04 08, 11:07 PM
deadlydalton star
What about "The Fry Up".(only 1 zillion calories)

Sheeps heid soup.

Cod roe.

To answer the question;

"Is British food the worst?"


There's good and bad in every country.

If easily offended, don't click on this link.

If NOT easily offended, here's monkey brains, scorpion soup, roasted spider etc etc etc. World wide.

I did go through this site, no mention of Great Britain at all. Or Haggis. USA gets a mention though.


Reply #64. Jan 05 08, 12:35 AM
Every country has its own little oddities. One of my favorites is a mexican dish called menudo. Not unusual to me because I've had it all my life, but I'm sure to someone who's never had it, it sounds as unusual as haggis does to me. I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's all a matter of perspective.

Cymruambyth, I have a question for you. You brought up something called spotted dick. You said that you like it with golden syrup. I assume then that it's a dessert but even though I've heard of it for years, I don't quite know what it is. Would you please enlighten me? Also, if you don't mind, what is bubble and squeak?

Reply #65. Jan 05 08, 2:02 AM
Sorry, I just noticed that my son was logged in instead of me. Sardonyx didn't ask that question, I did.

Reply #66. Jan 05 08, 2:05 AM
Shardar, spotted dick is a steamed pudding made with dried fruit
and bubble and squeak is a concoction of mashed potato and left over cabbage or brussel sprouts mixed with a little onion and fried.

Reply #67. Jan 05 08, 2:13 AM
deadlydalton star
Here you go Les,

A few quizzes on British food.

Go on, break your duck. Not one quiz have you played yet.

There's one here by R.M.G to.

I played it, can't remember how I did.


Reply #68. Jan 05 08, 3:29 AM
deadlydalton star

Only for post to be accepted.


Reply #69. Jan 05 08, 3:31 AM
zonko star
cant go wrong with a vindaloo :-)

Reply #70. Jan 05 08, 5:04 AM
trojan11 star

player avatar

And you certainly can't go too far after having one.

Reply #71. Jan 05 08, 6:22 AM
zonko star
but thats the point . if the other half wants to go shopping and you dont want to have a vindaloo the night before . even the crazy can have a moment of clarity :-)

Reply #72. Jan 05 08, 7:31 AM

player avatar
kllrwolf, I know what you mean about heavily spiced food. A good friend of mine comes from Texas and every year he cooks up a batch of Texas chili and we all have to eat it. It burns going in and it burns coming out three days later. Whew! I learned from him that real Texas chili is made with cubed beef and it doesn't contain beans (but there doesn't seem to be a limit on the number of jalapeno peppers in it!) Makes my eyes water just thinking about it.

There have been several references to Mexican food on this thread, and I hope you're not thinking that Taco Bell and other fast food joints serve anything like the real Mexican food. 'Tain't so!

Jon, if you like Thai food, I'm sure you enjoy lemon grass soup. Ahhh! Fragrantly spiced, sheer heaven on the throat and the digestive system.

Reply #73. Jan 05 08, 9:08 AM
I'd just like to say that fast food TexMex food is badly underrated Taco Bell, Taco Cabana, Chi Chi's ... ummm good! Les

Reply #74. Jan 05 08, 9:19 AM
honeybee4 star
Les, you made me hungry, think I'll go make some enchiladas.

Reply #75. Jan 05 08, 9:25 AM
Les, if mass produced Tex/Mex fast food is your idea of a good meal, then I have to say that your gastronomical education is sadly lacking. Since Christmas, my wife and I have eaten French, Italian, Spanish and Mexican. Tonight we are having Indian, all of which I have cooked myself.
I have not visited your country, but my wife has, on several occasions. And her opinion of 'typical' American food isn't suitable for a family site.

Reply #76. Jan 05 08, 10:17 AM
fontenilles star
There is no substitute for home cooked food is there RMG?

But I've never been very successful with curry - Shame cos we love it.

Reply #77. Jan 05 08, 10:29 AM
Robin, I was taught to cook Indian food by the mother of my mum's best friend. She was Anglo-Indian and was brought up in India during the last years of the Raj. Coming, originally, from Leicester, if you can't cook a decent curry, you can't cook at all.

PS. If you want a recipe, send me a message telling me what sort of curry you like, and the meat you want to use.

Reply #78. Jan 05 08, 10:42 AM
zonko star
cant beat a good curry chicken tikka madras pilau rice and a huge naan bread . starting to feel peckish :-) but since i'm to busy in FT world where's me phone

Reply #79. Jan 05 08, 10:52 AM
zonko star
since i cant find me phone its looking like Tuna and cheese on toast covered in black pepper with ketchup

Reply #80. Jan 05 08, 10:53 AM

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