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Subject: Vegemite sandwich

Posted by: xbunny
Date: Jan 26 10

have you ever tried Vegemite?Well I find its bitter,but does it get better?Is it good for you?
it still seems to be pretty popular,I had to rty it on my trip to Australia and brought some back but no one is liking it

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psb1969 star
Its better on toast. I also like it with hot salami on a sandwich, Yum.

Reply #1. Jan 26 10, 5:31 AM
tezza1551 star

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On toast is good.. especially with cheese !

Reply #2. Jan 26 10, 6:30 AM
I don't think I have ever tried Vegemite but if it tastes anything like Marmite I'd love it.

Reply #3. Jan 26 10, 11:15 AM
jonnowales star

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Both vegemite and marmite are lovely - and yep, much better on toast.

Reply #4. Jan 26 10, 11:51 AM
Schoonie101 star

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I think vegemite is an Australian conspiracy to haze Americans when they visit. Their revenge for America exporting Taco Bell but not any of the correct ingredients? Hmm. Could be. Thank God/Allah/Buddha/whoever for Lebanon and kebabs, huh? :)

I've had vegemite a few times and this is the Seppo's review. It's OK in small quantities, a little salty, probably wouldn't put it on pastrami, am sure it's pretty healthy but it really does have an odd odor and looks like axle grease.

Reply #5. Jan 26 10, 12:11 PM
trojan11 star

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Vegemite. Origin: Found clinging (sometimes crawling) to the walls of ancient Indus Valley sewer systems and originally used to poisons rats and cockroachs. Later used to smear on the backs of flogged service personel to induce scabby putrescence.
Current use. Eaten by Australians who export lot's of it to the US.

Reply #6. Jan 26 10, 1:16 PM
psb1969 star
When i was at school we used to buy two vegemite bun halves and place a sausage roll with tomato sauce in between them. I still do that occasionally, Yum. But i think it tasted better when i was younger.

Reply #7. Jan 27 10, 1:19 AM
Cymruambyth star

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We don't have access to Vegemite here, but I'm very fond of Marmite and the Australians who have settled in the Great White North seem to agree that Marmite is a decent substitute for Vegemite.

I use Marmite in cooking - stews, soups, etc., as well as on sandwiches.

Reply #8. Feb 02 10, 10:33 PM
I MUST have vegemite on my toast.

I don't really like plain sandwhiches, they have to be toasted or something like that.

Reply #9. Feb 03 10, 2:22 AM
spambo5 star
Lettuce (must be iceberg) and vegemite sandwiches (must be white bread) - yum yum.

Reply #10. Feb 09 10, 2:24 AM
redwaldo star

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The Aussie breakfast-Vegemite on toast,coffee

Reply #11. Feb 09 10, 2:35 AM
I always have my break Multigrain. I just think it tastes better.

Reply #12. Feb 09 10, 4:44 AM
channe star

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It's best with butter, real cow's milk butter, on fresh, unsliced, white bread. Margarine is okay, but butter is Homer Simpson "mmmm' territory.

Reply #13. Feb 09 10, 5:06 AM
Marmite, so presumably Vegemite, makes a plain cheese sandwich taste really good.

Reply #14. Feb 09 10, 11:47 AM
I have never tried it but it doesn't sound like my thing.

Reply #15. Feb 18 10, 11:44 AM
NCW75 star

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Love vegemite. When I was at high school, whenever we had exchange students it would always be a game to offer them a slice of toast with vegemite spread on it. Some of them didn't mind the taste too much. (Lol).

Hint to anyone who hasn't had it: ***don't*** spread vegemite on thickly. Thin and even is best.

A lovely way to have it in winter is on an open bread roll, with sliced tomato and grated cheese on top then cook in the oven until the cheese is melted. Yummy!

There are a few variations but I'll take vegemite over any of the others.

Reply #16. Feb 21 10, 9:07 AM

vegemite and lettuce sammies or vegemite and cheese sammies are yum; i like marmite also but find it kinda sweet, i love hot vogel bread toasted and spread with melted butter and vegemite (not something you should do everyday :) ).

and i agree with spambo5, if you do lettuce, must be iceberg and if you do sammies must be white bread :)

Reply #17. Feb 22 10, 12:05 AM
tezza1551 star

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My youngest son, now 32, used to make a sandwich thus:
a slice of thickly buttered bread
a slice of cheese
another slice of buttered bread
more vegemite
more cheese
more bread
a gingernut biscuit...

it used to be about 2" thick, and he'd eat them two or three at a time.

Reply #18. Feb 22 10, 1:07 AM
I think I'll stick to a peanut-butter-banana-honey sandwich when I want something to spread on bread.

What does vegemite contain? And why do people eat it if it's not all that tasty?

Reply #19. Feb 22 10, 2:47 AM
I meant "peanut butter" and not "peanut and butter," of course.

Reply #20. Feb 22 10, 2:49 AM

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