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Subject: Vegemite sandwich

Posted by: xbunny
Date: Jan 26 10

have you ever tried Vegemite?Well I find its bitter,but does it get better?Is it good for you?
it still seems to be pretty popular,I had to rty it on my trip to Australia and brought some back but no one is liking it

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bubbatom1 star

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Vegemite contains yeast and is one the greatest tasting spreads ever. For those of you with a Lenards chicken shop near you, they sell sausages with vegemite and cheese, and other chicken thingees with vegemite in them. They are delicious. Who would have thought to put chicken and vegemite together? Some genious!

I was in the US a couple of years ago and found vegemite for sale in the Scottish Heritage Shop on the Queen Mary. I love vegemite so much that I paid $15.00 Australian, for a 115 gram jar. The same jar in Australia would cost about $2. But it is ever so scrumptious and yummy.

But here's the question? Do you keep it in the fridge or the cupboard. We're fridge people.

Reply #21. Feb 22 10, 2:55 AM
psb1969 star
I keep my vegemite in the fridge.

Reply #22. Feb 22 10, 3:14 AM
NCW75 star

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Fridge definitely.

Why do people eat it? Because it's delicious. (But definitely an acquired taste). It's also good for you (as it has Vitamin B and folate).

If you spread it on really thickly and you are not used to the taste, you may not like it ... just spread it on thinly. (Some people spread it on thickly as they might peanut butter or marmalade - only do this if you are used to it!)

Freshly cooked toast with butter melted over it topped off with vegemite ... brilliant. (Also good in a sambo with iceberg lettuce, as previously stated).

Reply #23. Feb 23 10, 10:13 AM
tezza1551 star

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Our local bakery makes vegemite and cheese scrolls... yummmm. The vegemite & cheese is put onto the dough which is then rolled up and baked...

Reply #24. Feb 23 10, 4:36 PM
spambo5 star
a yummy (and healthy) snack. Use any thin bread (burritos, pita, sandwich) cut into triangles spread with marmite and sprinkle a little cheese. Bake for 15-20 minutes until browned and keep in an airtight container (if you can leave them aone!)

Reply #25. Mar 01 10, 2:35 AM
I keep it in the fridge.

I have vegemite and cheese toasted sandwitches pretty often.

Reply #26. Mar 01 10, 5:59 AM
I'd love to try this but they don't have anything like it here in Oklahoma. We're lucky we have Nutella LOL.

Reply #27. Mar 17 10, 11:54 PM
redwaldo star

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" I said do you speaka my language, he just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich".

Reply #28. Mar 18 10, 12:02 AM
and he said"I come from a land down under"

Reply #29. Mar 18 10, 11:09 AM
Rob3 star
I love Vegemite - it's a lot like Marmite. Try making some toast then spread some Vegemite on top - then add peanut butter - magic!

Reply #30. Mar 19 10, 11:41 AM
cazza2902 star

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I will just stick with butter and vegemite on lightly cooked toast :) Delicious.

When I was a kid we used to make vegemite worms with ryvita biscuits - ie the biscuits had little holes in them so when you squished two together the vegemite would come out - sound gross and it was

Reply #31. Mar 19 10, 12:26 PM
"Vegemite - it's a lot like Marmite"

Isn't Vegemite just Marmite plus caramel?

Marmite is good with peanut butter, improves sunflower seed butter, and is very good with cheese. I had a friend who spread Marmite on buttered toast, covered it with baked beans, and put grated Cheddar cheese on top. I haven't tried it but he said it was his favourite snack.

Reply #32. Mar 19 10, 1:25 PM
jolana star

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Marmite is also very tasty when spread on twigs as I know from watching British TV series :-)

Reply #33. Mar 19 10, 2:27 PM
Yes, I'd forgotten about twigs. :)

Reply #34. Mar 19 10, 3:10 PM
its put on twigs?

Reply #35. Mar 19 10, 11:27 PM
Rob3 star
Ah Twiglets - I'd forgotten about those - I must addthem to my shopping list.

Reply #36. Mar 21 10, 6:05 AM
Cymruambyth star

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What's this I hear about Kraft planning to put out a new Vegemite product (after allaying all fears that they're not going to change the original product)? I understand that a combination of Vegemite and cream cheese will soon hit the market. Simon Talbot, head of Kraft Australia, has sworn on a stack of Akuba hats that nothing will change with the original product that Antipodeans have been enjoying for 85 years, but he adds that the new product will be milder and that Aussies and Kiwis were polled to find out how they use Vegemite and this new V/cream cheese mix will fill a market niche.

Okay, Vegemite purists, what's your take on this? Will it fly?

Reply #37. Mar 31 10, 1:47 AM
tezza1551 star

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Cym, it's out.. I tried it and will not try again.. I do like Vegemite and cream cheese together on toast.. but I'll mix my own thanks !

Reply #38. Mar 31 10, 9:39 PM
MarchHare007 star

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I didn't bother tezza - it was bad enough they tried to change the name! (huff!)
And I'm not a fan of Any cheese that doesn't need refrigeration.

I don't know about a niche market though - the New jars are not moving as fast as the Original.
My daughter thinks this was to gain more overseas markets like the US.

Reply #39. Mar 31 10, 10:21 PM
twiglets= a wheat snack food shaped like twigs,hmm a must try,I also missed tim tams,but I found a little store here that imports them yum,I love them

Reply #40. Apr 01 10, 12:19 AM

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