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Subject: Children in Restaurants

Posted by: Cymruambyth
Date: Jul 13 11

A restaurant in Pennsylvania has banned children under the age of six as guests. As one who has often had a quiet meal with friends interrupted by toddlers running around and screaming babies making their displeasure known, I'm in favour of more restaurants enacting a similar ban. I'd set the bar at higher than six - say, 10 or 12.

There are more than enough kid-friendly restaurants around (admittedly not of the white tablecloth variety) catering to small humans who have no manners, and that's where parents should take their children until they have reached the age at which they can dine out without disturbing everyone else in the restaurant.

What are your views?

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Saints2668 star
I just simply don't understand what is wrong with people having a choice.

Reply #41. Jul 15 11, 8:23 AM

player avatar
There is a restaurant in Wales that my wife and I have visited (and will do so again, should we return), on the door of which is a sign, "NO CHILDREN, DOGS WELCOME".
When we naturally remarked on this, the owner said that he had never had any trouble from dogs running amok, but the same could not be said for children.

I like that man!

Reply #42. Jul 15 11, 8:45 AM

player avatar

Yes,there was a pub/restaurant in a small Leicestershire village with the same sign. It went bust.

Reply #43. Jul 15 11, 9:11 AM
honeybee4 star
At the same time, this is one restaurant of many. A choice is good.

Reply #44. Jul 15 11, 9:45 AM

player avatar

Absolutely - a choice is good. But if certain people are not welcome,it should be clearly stated.

"Love me,love my dog". Or,if you want my money,I might bring the rest of my family. Just because some parents are not able/do not wish to control their offspring,doesn't mean everyone is the same. Just as not everyone over the age of 50 is paedophobic.

Reply #45. Jul 15 11, 10:13 AM
A sign should not be needed. As already mentioned, there are many child-friendly restaurants.
To take a child into a fine-dining or relaxed fine-dining establishment is ridiculous. It is against a child's nature to sit quietly for an hour.

Reply #46. Jul 15 11, 11:01 AM

player avatar

I don't believe the OP mentions 'fine dining' or 'fine dining establishments'. Just 'a restaurant in Pennsylvania'.

What I find faintly ridiculous is the notion that young people will automatically behave with impeccable manners and consideration upon reaching a certain age,without being exposed to all sorts of different social situations. Some people live to a ripe old age without ever learning decent manners.

Thankfully,my parents (my Mother in particular) valued good manners and consideration for others,without prejudice,very highly. My siblings and I were taught from an early age,and I have passed that on to my children. All of them.

As for putting up a notice,or making potential clients aware that some people are not welcome,I don't see the problem. Unless,of course,the management or proprietors are ashamed? Surely,this would help them attract the clientele they are looking for? And divert away those that they are not? Only seems like Good Manners to me.

Reply #47. Jul 15 11, 11:46 AM
supersal1 star
I steadfastly refuse to patronise a certain restaurant in Southend High Street. It's certainly not 'fine dining', more of a slightly posh cafe and does most of its trade during the day. They banned pushchairs some years ago. If they didn't welcome my custom when my daughters were small, they're not getting it now. I stick with the places that were OK with little folk, of which there are plenty in Southend.

Reply #48. Jul 15 11, 11:55 AM
Posts 36 & 37.

Oh dear me, callie_ross, but you do whine on. Very well, then.

"I can see through you and your posts like a lace curtain."

Doubtful, the only things that you are ever likely to look through are the windows of your local fast food outlet.

"I was referring to 'crap' as the way that you have treated me in the past."

Stunning obeservation bearing in mind that you are merely a cyber and mean nothing at all to me. I am barely aware of you. But, as you insist that I treat you like crap, I shall now do so and wipe you from the sole of my shoe. I and others have seen you pull this act before. Do at least make some attempt at maturity. And no, I have no other accounts, so do please names names rather than post your usual cowardly and accusatory drivel.

Hardly surprising, really, that even your neighbours pull up sticks and leave just to get away from you.

Please note that I am wiping the obscene mess from my shoe.

Happy now, Callie? You should be 'cos now you've got a whole lot to blather on about haven't you dear?
Try not to bust a gut (but not too hard).

Reply #49. Jul 15 11, 12:41 PM
honeybee4 star
Here is an artical about the place. It is connected to a driving range and has never had a childs plate on the menu.


Reply #50. Jul 15 11, 1:41 PM
bloodandsand star

player avatar
Do these vitriolic comments have anything to do with the subject in hand?

Reply #51. Jul 15 11, 2:49 PM
Regretable as it may seem, there are times when vicious and unwarranted attacks require an adequate response to deter the bully that began them. My aplogies to those that have been sampling this thread and been active during its run. unjust accusation/s had to be answered in the only way that that particular player understands.

Reply #52. Jul 15 11, 3:27 PM
cydonia325 star
Please cease and desist with the personal attacks - the Chat Boards are not the place for a slanging match. People should not derail a thread and use it as the place to air their personal grievances.

Thank you in advance for refraining from any more vitriolic comments.

Reply #53. Jul 15 11, 3:41 PM
Saints2668 star
Yeah, just send the messages to each others personal mailboxes! You two can get away with much nastier comments and the rest of us do not have to read them. Thanks!

Reply #54. Jul 15 11, 4:21 PM
"...personal mailboxes ... can get away with much nastier comments..."

Reply #55. Jul 15 11, 4:39 PM
"Some people live to a ripe old age without ever learning decent manners."

Don't they just. :)

Reply #56. Jul 15 11, 4:39 PM
But only just. :))

Reply #57. Jul 15 11, 6:57 PM
I am going to be the adult here & just ignore a certain "person". I did nothing wrong but make a comment & that comment got mocked, which was uncalled for. This started the whole mess, it sure wasn't me! Anyway, sorry for this whole affair & I'm just going to let it go now. I'm sure there will be other threads where this sort of thing will take place again because it has happened before with this "person", but I will try to just overlook it from now on & "consider the source" as my dear Mother used to say! Have a good night, all! :)

Reply #58. Jul 15 11, 7:21 PM
Night all!

Reply #59. Jul 15 11, 7:27 PM
daymare star
Thanks for the music, Lesley. Until tomorrow....

Reply #60. Jul 15 11, 8:08 PM
This thread has been closed to new replies.

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