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Subject: Gardens?

Posted by: houston1127
Date: Jun 17 12

Anybody growing anything this year? I'm growing varous peppers, an array of tomatoes, sweet potatoes, irish potatoes, radishes, carrots, kohlrabi, spinach, swiss chard, bush beans, beets, onions, and different herbs. What are you growing this year?

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Mixamatosis star

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My cactus is flowering in the middle of Winter. It's the best cactus I've ever had for flowering. I'm not sure what it's called but it's green with red tipped leaves and the flowers are a cerise colour and shaped like a crab's claw. It produces one flower at a time with another in bud, but the flowers don't last long.

Reply #41. Jan 20 17, 10:41 AM
MiraJane star

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It sounds like what I know as a Christmas cactus.

Reply #42. Jan 20 17, 12:11 PM
rayven80 star

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We haven't picked our fun and different item for the year yet, but we're going to try growing pickling cucumbers in planters, with a tomato cage for them to climb. That will give us more space for the squash. I think if we put tomato cages around the potatoes too, it will make weeding much easier. More carrots and onions than last year. We still need to do freezer inventory to see if we need more or less tomatoes and zucchini.
I'm so excited for the garden!

Reply #43. Jan 20 17, 2:40 PM
Mixamatosis star

player avatar
Thank you Mira Jane. I think you are right. Mine is in a little pot, so not as big as that but it looks the same.

Good luck with your cultivation, Rayven

Reply #44. Jan 22 17, 3:12 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Snowdrops are flowering. I wish I'd bought bigger ones but I didn't know what size the flowers would be when I bought them. Some snowdrops that are sought after are very expensive. Some people get obsessed with them - not me though.

Potatoes for planting in March are happily chitting by the window.

Reply #45. Feb 16 17, 11:06 AM
Mixamatosis star

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My first visit to the allotment in weeks. Everything looking o.k. Ready for planting soon when we get some drier, warmer weather. Onions and garlic planted over Winter are thriving and daffodils I planted around the rose bush are coming up.

Reply #46. Mar 07 17, 1:38 PM
Mixamatosis star

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Went to the allotment yesterday. The rose bush looks very pretty surrounded by a circle of daffodils. No roses yet. It's too early. Did some weeding and husband planted some potatoes. Onions, garlic and rhubarb are already growing. Saw a fox visiting the allotments.

Bought another rose bush for the allotment today - a red rose with reddish coloured leaves, said to be "very fragrant" and "good for bees".

Saw a greater spotted woodpecker fly across the garden today into a neighbour's tree and some tits (great tits or coal tits), have been visiting my new bird table.

Reply #47. Mar 22 17, 1:04 PM
Since I have Chihuahuas, and don't care for grass, being somewhat "green",I have Sunshine Mimosa, a low growing ground cover in my back yard. There is a wall at the back. Imagine my delight to find a volunteer Begonia growing there. Guess it likes the shade.

Reply #48. Apr 16 17, 10:37 AM
Mixamatosis star

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The Foxgloves I planted from seed a couple of years ago are all flowering and looking lovely in my front garden. They are expensive to buy as plants so I'm really chuffed.

I've forgotten the name of a rose plant I bought around Spring 2016 I think. I'm sure I mentioned the name on a thread on funtrivia and I'm looking for it but haven't found it so far. It's not" Janeen" or"Margaret Merrill" It's another one - a sort of salmon red colour. Anyway the roses are all flowering more than I've seen in previous years and it's not even June yet.

Reply #49. May 24 17, 10:39 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Ah! I've just found the name. It's "Boscobel". I knew it was an odd one - hard to remember.

Reply #50. May 24 17, 10:42 AM
Anyone growing the Miracle Berry? K

Reply #51. Jun 15 17, 7:55 AM
13LuckyLady star

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Foxgloves are beautiful, Mix. The color variations amazing.


Reply #52. Jun 15 17, 9:17 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Lucky Lady. Sadly they did go off during the season. They got some sort of rust spot.

My pressing concern now is the cold snap of whether that is coming in the next week. The weather has been unusually mild for winter, until now. As a result all the spring plants have been shooting early and I fear they will be killed off by the coming freeze.

Reply #53. Feb 24 18, 2:53 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Aargh! Can't believe I said "whether" instead of "weather".

Reply #54. Feb 24 18, 5:03 AM
Hey! We all make mitsakes (haha).

Reply #55. Feb 27 18, 10:09 AM
I got my sister this thing I saw on Shark Tank where you get this mat with seeds in it. It's circle and fits into a pot, so we put soil in it and she watered it last year to grow the start of a caprese salad: tomatoes and basil. She might buy another set, as she loves fresh herbs and is much more of a gardener than I am.

Reply #56. Feb 27 18, 10:11 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Sounds a great idea. I've never been good at growing basil from seed. Well it germinates, but then soon dies or is eaten by creatures (slugs with good taste I expect)

Reply #57. Feb 28 18, 7:47 AM
SLUGS? Remind me to never ever go near that pot... I admit I don't do slugs...

Reply #58. Feb 28 18, 9:20 AM
Mixamatosis star

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Garden now full of Spring flowers topped with snow.

Reply #59. Mar 18 18, 2:40 AM
Mixamatosis star

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I was impressed with the unusual type of daffodils in my brother's and sister in law's garden last Spring, and decided to plant some myself last Autumn for Spring this year. They have just opened up now. Sadly my brother died in February this year and no one, not even he, knew he was ill last Spring.

Reply #60. Apr 04 18, 4:06 AM

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