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Subject: Food heaven and food hell

Posted by: romeomikegolf
Date: Jan 01 14

Taken from an item on a UK cooking show, what would be your food heaven and your food hell?

53 replies. On page 2 of 3 pages. 1 2 3
Heaven would be a nice thin crust pizza with pepperoni. The opposite would have to be liver. I agree with Callie on this, I also wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole, and neither would the pole!!

Reply #21. Mar 24 14, 9:24 PM
Mommakat star

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My food heaven is anything Chinese - just love it. Hell - Liver--Yuck!

Reply #22. Mar 25 14, 1:23 AM
Rockinsteve: I think I'd rather eat dirt than liver! BLECH! *PUKES*

Reply #23. Mar 25 14, 9:55 AM
daver852 star

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In ancient times, liver was reserved for kings and the nobility. Sauteed calf's liver: paradise on a plate!

Reply #24. Mar 25 14, 2:32 PM
Mommakat star

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Thank God we live in civilized (?) times. Eating blood products is revolting.

Reply #25. Mar 25 14, 7:14 PM
Liver's delicious. (Not if it's over-cooked, obviously.)

I know calf's liver is prized, but I find it a bit too sweet. Anyone else, or just me again?

My mother made chopped liver as a weekend treat - roughly equal amounts of cooked liver, fried onions and hard-boiled eggs, chopped together. Mouthwatering.

Reply #26. Mar 25 14, 7:52 PM
MarchHare007 star

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Liver/lamb's fry - floured and lightly fried along with bacon.
Added to a slow cooker with the pan deglazed for a scrumptious gravy and added soft dumplings. *bliss*

But I'll eat anything beside tripe and brains. *blech*

It's all yummie goodness.

Reply #27. Mar 25 14, 8:18 PM
MarchHare007 star

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I haven't had calf's liver, Lesley.
I should try some.

Reply #28. Mar 25 14, 8:19 PM
daver852 star

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Another item from Food Hell is pickled beets. When I went to elementary school, they had a rule that you could not go outside and play at lunch until you cleaned your plate (would probably get sued for civil rights violations if they tried that today). I don't know if the cook was a sadist, or if she just served them because they were inexpensive, but pickled beets were a frequent menu offering. I spent many lonely hours sitting in the cafeteria by myself, because I simply could not eat those nasty things. I tried holding my nose and swallowing them whole, but that didn't help. If I were flush, I'd pay another kid a quarter to eat them for me.

Reply #29. Mar 26 14, 7:15 AM
SisterSeagull star

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Black pudding/Blutwurst not your thing then MommaKat?

Reply #30. Mar 26 14, 10:58 AM
Daver852: Beets of any kind are nasty! I've always hated them & my mom used to make me eat those, too! BLECH! :P

Reply #31. Mar 26 14, 2:18 PM
Why DO people like that nasty red vegetable that's used in borscht? BEETS me!!

Reply #32. Mar 26 14, 2:38 PM
SisterSeagull star

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Doorsteps of thick fresh bread, a good slice of mature Cheddar (the proper stuff, not that imported garbage), lashings of Branston pickle and big slices of pickled beetroot... Sandwiches don't get much better than that!

Reply #33. Mar 26 14, 2:51 PM
Mommakat star

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No, Sister S, they definitely don't get on my menu. I couldn't think of anything more revolting. But I do have a mouth water at your sandwich. Pickled Beets, or Beetroot as we call it are always a must around here.

Reply #34. Mar 26 14, 6:07 PM
Mommakat star

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While we are on the subject of likes and dislikes, I always recall that my late first husband hated pumpkin in any form. He commented that it tasted like shoe polish. But I often wondered at the comparison and when and if he had eaten shoe polish....LOL

Reply #35. Mar 26 14, 6:09 PM
Beetroots were the red slices you fished out of a jar of red vinegar. I must have been twenty before I discovered that the beetroot is a real vegetable that tastes like mud.

Oddly, I like borscht. Hot with a spoonful of thick cream, or chilled with a hot boiled potato, delicious.

Reply #36. Mar 26 14, 7:58 PM
Mommakat star

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There is more than one way to prepare beetroot and we enjoy them as a vegetable often. You just need a little imagination. My Dutch Mother in law taught me to cook Hache a regular Dutch meal and beetroots were a very big part of it - absolutely delicious

Reply #37. Mar 27 14, 1:45 AM
Mixamatosis star

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I don't like turnips. They seem to me to have no taste at all but something about them makes me almost gag when eating them.

I love potatoes,such a lovely flavour and so many ways to prepare and eat them. Sadly I'm on a no carb diet at the moment on doctors instructions so I can't eat my favourite vegetable. Sob :-(

Reply #38. Jul 20 16, 1:51 PM
Mixamatosis star

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P.S. On the liver controversy .... I like the taste of liver and the best liver pate I ever tasted was homemade in a restaurant in Tenby (a lovely place to visit in Wales). You probably should not eat liver too often through. The author Graham Greene ate it every lunchtime when he lived in France and he died there of an unusual blood disease.

Reply #39. Jul 20 16, 1:54 PM
Food Heaven: Sushi

Food Hell: Anything "Alfredo."

I actually do like liver and onions with bacon.

Reply #40. Jul 20 16, 3:15 PM

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