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Subject: Rap or Metal?

Posted by: blazerfan004
Date: Jul 23 09

Which is better?

128 replies. On page 7 of 7 pages. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7PinKy7 star
There are bad Metal songs and groups, but I think there are more bad rappers out their.
I do like when some rap songs throw in a little metal.
Metal top 5
White Zombie

Rap top 5
Cypress Hill
I don't have a fifth. I do like a lot of rap songs but not anymore people or groups.

Reply #121. Nov 23 10, 1:00 AM
I like mostly metal, but I like Eminem too.

Reply #122. Apr 22 11, 11:59 PM
I think that they are both HORRIBLE!

Reply #123. May 21 11, 6:11 PM
JonPunk star

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Metal rap music ?

Reply #124. Mar 31 17, 9:24 AM
sadwings star

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Actually, rap is the most inspirational form of music ever invented. I mean, with rap, anyone looking to make it in the music biz can not only make it but make it BIG and have absolutely no musical talent whatsoever.

Want to make it big with the same fame and fortune in a metal band? Rob Halford summed that up very nicely in a song when he said "Everyone who makes it in the great escape leaves a thousand more who suffer in their wake." All hail the Priest Beast!

With me it's metal or death, but with 99% of the rest of the world? Please. Musically speaking, the world spins on "simple" and "monotonous" rhythms. "Give us stuff we can dance to!" cries the world. Hence, global rapfest central.

Reply #125. Apr 01 17, 11:07 PM
varnish star

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Anthrax. "I'm the Man".
Rap or Metal?

Reply #126. Apr 08 17, 9:31 AM
Why chose? Both have incredible, groundbreaking artists with huge amounts of talent. There are awesome metal bands around right now (Mastodon, Deafheaven, Oathbreaker, Deftones, King Woman, Panopticon, Ghost, the list goes on...), just as there are awesome rap artists (Kendrick Lamar, Chance the Rapper, Vince Staples, Run the Jewels, Koi Child, Noname, ScHoolboy Q...).

In fact, I think rap is offering some of the most refreshing and original sounds of any genre right now. Take "To Pimp a Butterfly" by Kendrick Lamar, for instance, which was practically canonised as culturally and musically significant the instant it was released; so much so that it's been archived by Harvard Library just under two years after its release. Now tell me that rap music is just full of untalented thugs trying to make easy money by appealing to the lowest common denominator.

Metal, on the other hand, has been seemingly stagnant for a while now, just like "rock n roll" (9/10 times, any band that is hailed as "rock's saviour" by the press is actually pretty formulaic and will probably be forgotten in 5 years, anyone remember The Vines?), or at least "Metal" as is commonly understood. Again, this is not to say that there haven't been groundbreaking metal releases in recent years- for one, "Sunbather" by Deafheaven was critically lauded, is singularly responsible for exposing metal to a whole range of otherwise indifferent listeners AND has inspired tons of impersonators despite facing backlash for being too hipster/pretty by metal's "gatekeepers". Mastodon are another group bringing new sounds to metal, or at least giving new approaches to old ones, and then of course there are your Metallicas and Tools of the world. This is also not to say anything that IS formulaic/unoriginal is without merit, it's all down to the listener's discretion after all.

If you don't enjoy a particular style of music, that's fine, but it's nobody's place to dismiss entire genres when there is so much to offer. Besides, why work in dichotomies when they aren't needed? I am a fan of both rap and metal (though VERY rarely the two combined except RATM), and any other genre where there is good music to be found (read: all of them).

Reply #127. Apr 10 17, 7:51 AM
sadwings star

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There is much wisdom in the words you speak, my friend. I will admit that there have been a few rap artists that have impressed me since rap began. Namely M & M and Bone Thugs.

There is a lot of good and bad in just about every genre, but it wasn't always that way, not in rock music. There was no such thing as stuff that su***d in rock until the 70's happened, which is very ironic and fascinating to me because the 70's was the most creative decade for rock music by far. A lot of very talented artists have emerged since then, and are still emerging, sure, but take a moment to stop and reflect on this. Ever since the 80's were over with, everything that could ever be done in rock music had already been done. New names, different styles being mixed, different approaches, but it's all the same thing being done in a different way.

That's why I love 50's and 60's rock. There was just simply no such thing as stuff that su***d back then. As for blues and soul, those have remained untainted by stuff that su**s to this very day. Motown was what actually started my fascination with music as a kid, which lives on today in soul music.

Reply #128. Apr 28 17, 2:10 AM

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