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Last Hour's Results: Division 2

Games: Who's the Smartest?

Last Scores in: [ Division 1 ] [ Division 2 ] [ Division 3 ] [ Division 4 ] [ Division 5 ] [ Division 6 ]

Top scores over all divisions last hour:

1. Wordpie [D5] (948 pts)   2. donkeehote [D5] (918 pts)   3. Kabdanis [D4] (918 pts)  

Player LevelTeamCorrectTimeScore
1.  nycdmc70 162 The Devious Demons 10 73 854
2.  Mazee1 131 THE CONSERVATIVES 10 88 824
3.  Joekirby 58 --- 9 67 766
4.  Changeling_de 145 The Devil's Advocates 10 130 740
5.  Pawsawhile 109 The Devil's Advocates 9 82 736
6.  Erb1960 105 Vixens 8 64 672
7.  dmaxst 162 --- 9 124 652
8.  skatersarehott 160 Midwest USA Players 6 27 546
9.  ClaudiaCat 188 Kilted Kangas 7 83 534
10.  Donald67 125 Hakuna Matata 7 96 508
11.  kilopr12 89 Trivia Geeks 7 150 400