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Last Hour's Results: Division 2

Games: Piece of Cake

Last Scores in: [ Division 1 ] [ Division 2 ] [ Division 3 ] [ Division 4 ] [ Division 5 ] [ Division 6 ]

Top scores over all divisions last hour:

1. rahul0 [D5] (983 pts)   2. Indonesia129 [D6] (982 pts)   3. Lodger_Moore [D5] (979 pts)  

Player LevelTeamCorrectTimeScore
1.  Boomboom12 87 Faithful and True 10 30.98 969
2.  Keyili 68 The British 10 32.6 967
3.  Gruntasan 119 The Calculators 10 33.48 967
4.  icequeen3 82 --- 10 42.16 958
5.  verbatimsa 111 The Calculators 10 42.21 958
6.  Desimac 117 The Misplaced 10 42.3 958
7.  duranhos 102 --- 10 47.8 952
8.  Larrybus 120 Sploofers 10 49.69 950
9.  babsr 100 Children of Terra 10 51.4 949
10.  jfarrell005 57 European Players 10 52.28 948
11.  wayne8351 149 TV Watchers Anonymous 10 53.94 946
12.  PolyanaK 65 --- 10 54.7 945
13.  dmaxst 162 --- 10 55.58 944
14.  Eagle2243 109 Canadian Players 10 55.76 944
15.  njbruce 117 Old Farts 10 57.82 942
16.  WolfInSnow 59 Canadian Players 10 58.22 942
17.  KingLouie6 82 The Meek Shall Inherit 10 62.33 938
18.  Blackjack100 43 --- 10 62.49 938
19.  1MeanRick 136 Canadian Players 10 64.13 936
20.  elvislennon 126 Kilted Kangas 10 73.56 926
21.  dschettgen 84 --- 10 74.67 925
22.  ziggythepooh 115 the banana splits 10 75.49 925
23.  Oldbird 111 CLIQUE-KICKERS 10 84.96 915
24.  TinyDetail 117 THE CONSERVATIVES 10 86.2 914
25.  imaguessin 83 The Mustard Seeds 9 73.09 827